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Monday's Tweets

06:24 Note to journalists: calling a lie a lie is not expressing an opinion. It's called doing your job. http://is.gd/NswGTs
08:02 Funny. When I wasn't working, I used to look forward to Mondays, since that's when my online activity picked up. Now, not so much.
08:04 @paul_henman Coming all the way from the Left Coast! #torontoworkshop2011http://tfttf.com/toronto2011
08:08 @alwayscoffee Happy Mandatory Chocolate & Greeting Card Day to you too, Ali!
08:11 Media whore claims violent games trigger rape, admits she has no evidence, can't name a single relevant game. http://bit.ly/hX7bz3
09:08 I got 15 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:27 @paul_henman I've been to Toronto many times, although not recently. College in Rochester, plus lots of business trips. Gonna be fun!
11:36 RT @meatflag: Fighting negativity today. [Really? I'm embracing mine.]


Sunday's Tweets

07:08 RT @KatWithSword: Science fiction double feature: http://bit.ly/dEH7j3 (via everybody, which is why I love my friends so) [Creepy & cool.]
09:02 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Saturday's Tweets

08:32 Watching Walter Matthau in Hopscotch on Netflix Instant while I prepare for today's shoot. Dammit, it's the censored version. I hate that!
11:14 “They’re a propaganda outfit but they call themselves news.” Fair & balanced my ass. http://bit.ly/fwhTm0


Friday's Tweets

08:12 Sad state of affairs when military running your country a step up. But well done, Egypt. Hope it works out for you all. http://cot.ag/h4x479
08:34 RT @darthvader: Dear Egypt: Impressive, but I personally would have gone with the reactor shaft. #egypt [Naw, too showy.]
08:35 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Imagine that: regime change for less than 3 trillion dollars. [Like a Dollar Menu for revolution.]
09:33 Dead TV saga is at an end. Old set gone, new set up and running. Two connections (one for power) and done; I'm liking this future.
18:22 I wondered why my tweets weren't getting the usual Facebook love. It's not me, it's them. http://on.fb.me/fK9D7Q
18:49 Tonight's discovery: Dr. Horrible looks and sounds amazing on Blu-Ray. The 40" HD doesn't hurt either.
19:25 @cabri It's pretty cool. Still, I'd be right there with you if my old set hadn't given up the ghost.
21:51 Am I missing something, or does Netflix Streaming not have much I'd want to watch? Gone through hundreds of titles without much luck.


Thursday's Tweets

06:59 39F this morning. Seriously?
08:34 New Repug Congresscritter warns of the dangers of the Internet, fails to heed own advice. *sigh* http://bit.ly/f8g9ca
13:08 Is there a bigger ripoff than HDMI cables?
14:05 I almost had my first lunch with coworkers after three months on the job. Almost but not quite.
15:20 @filmspotting My vote is no. Enough with the Oscar fixation!
18:35 Some time between 10 and 12 tomorrow morning my old beast of a TV goes bye bye and I will begin to enjoy HD goodness.
18:55 @filmspotting San Francisco Bay Area would be a most excellent place for your most excellent podcast.
19:46 Via @ebertchicago, an amazing article on Conan's move from old media failure to new media star. http://bit.ly/fXvIh7
21:38 Watching an old Trek episode on CBS.com. God, how did I not notice how awful it was. The dialog, acting, fight scenes, the sets. All awful.


Wednesday's Tweets

09:35 Scientific proof that beer is better for batter frying. As if there was any doubt. http://bit.ly/i6MJmz
11:37 Old School vs. New School Journalism: HuffPo & NY Times compete. http://bit.ly/dM3T2y
12:41 Just walked into the Apple Store to ask for a small screw. There is no way that's not funny.
17:08 New TV purchased, will be delivered some time Friday. Finally inching my way into the 21st century.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:24 How could the critics call the Spider-Man musical the worst ever? Glenn Beck thinks it's brilliant! http://gaw.kr/fuST4d
16:45 RT @funnyordie: Hey, iPhone! Stop auto-correcting every swear word. That shut is annoying. [Hee!]
20:45 ZDNet's @jkendrick: My article about iPhone app incompatibility between AT&T & Verizon was accurate, & completely wrong. http://t.co/rZ4ZL9h
21:12 Good news/bad news. Bad: TV picture just went wonky, and is now gone completely. Good: I'm long overdue for something HD.
22:17 TV's picture gone, I finished watching tonight's NCIS online. Guess I'll go shopping at lunch tomorrow.


Monday's Tweets

09:07 I got 10 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:21 Success! Just opened my MacBook Pro and installed 8GB. My response to the RAM hogs that are Safari & Photoshop, to say nothing of VMware.
09:24 @JustaSunGod Trivial. The hardest part was finding a small Philips screwdriver. And the bottom plate fought me. Didn't want to force it.
09:28 @JustaSunGod The upgrade was seriously cheap. Now we'll see how much faster things run.
16:27 News flash: Chinese remake of crappy American movie is a crappy Chinese movie. http://on.io9.com/ieyvHB


Sunday's Tweets

10:08 Jeeze, even Diane Chambers knows more about football than I do. http://bit.ly/e0Lryc via @KenLevine
10:42 So I'm going to be watching the Superbowl with friends. Need to understand the game. Is the ball made from a foot, or just shaped like one?
14:54 When she asked if I wanted a large beer, I had no idea... http://plixi.com/p/75369503


Saturday's Tweets

12:57 Spent the morning hiking and shooting in Uvas Canyon. Afternoon will be much lazier.
18:32 @deannaraybourn Where does that leave "all o' y'all", which I have heard my authentic Southern relatives use?


Friday's Tweets

08:30 RT @ThePlumLineGS: RT @EricBoehlert "The Persecution Of Rush Limbaugh": http://bit.ly/hpsDLU [If only it were *prosecution*.]
09:00 @alwayscoffee What a coincidence! I'm starting to think California needs you to move here.
10:30 Someone emails a huge group, others reply "me too", complaints re Reply All start, then someone goes meta & asks about longest chain. Sigh.
10:52 Hotlink by antigay site is turned into message of tolerance. Bet they're pissed! http://bit.ly/dIv9ru
10:56 Dos Equis's Most Interesting Man In The World is actually pretty interesting. http://bit.ly/h3TNwJ
14:20 A boring book of 18th century poetry stayed in print for 100 years. Here's why: it had a hidden cache of porn! http://on.io9.com/gMLplL
14:26 GOP nimrod Michele Bachmann decides cutting $4.5 billion from vet benefits is maybe not such a hot idea after all. http://bit.ly/fIxKkI


Thursday's Tweets

07:58 So now we know. iPhone on Verizon: better phone. iPhone on AT&T: better everything else. Pricing: no difference. I'll be staying with AT&T.
16:12 Would I buy an iPad newspaper? Yes, if it included local news/events. No, if it has anything to do with Rupert.
18:08 RT @paulandstorm: @mariancall [P] http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yoda's_species [The Internet really does know all.]


Wednesday's Tweets

06:18 I miss Zombo.com. Guess I'm not the only one. http://xkcd.com/855/
06:26 Most every movie is a remake. Here's the evidence: http://www.everythingisaremix.info/?p=58
06:47 The folks at @Decoder_Ring want me to bug you about their amazing dramatic podcasts. I won't do it. I won't! http://bit.ly/ePIkWs (Oops!)
09:09 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:33 "Bill O’Reilly is a far-right ideologue who couldn’t grasp reality with 100 meters of velcro and a ton of Crazy glue." http://bit.ly/f4cfE5
14:46 RT @MoveOn: Stop the GOP attempt to redefine rape and set women's rights back by decades. Sign the petition: http://bit.ly/i1aZ04 #dearjohn
16:18 Think universal health care is wrong? Think the US has the best care in the world? Then I guess you think this is okay: http://bit.ly/fr93bR
16:27 Bohemian Rhapsody on the ukulele. Epic. And awesome. Epically awesome. And awesomely epic. http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/1063
16:39 Somebody else in my building at Cisco has a gray Camry hybrid. He must be tired of me trying to get into his car.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
19:33 Just watched my first episode of Archer. How did I miss this series for so long?
20:14 Got a LinkedIn request from a former coworker. Well, I worked; he just scammed. I didn't want to know him then; why would I want to now?


Monday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:10 John Barry's music defined those early Bond films. The world is a less harmonic place without him.
12:25 Turning the NYC subway into a musical instrument: http://www.mta.me/ (via Engadget at http://engt.co/e0WAUe)
16:10 I nominate @mariancall for a Shorty Award in #music because she's singlehandedly rescuing typewriters from obscurity. http://bit.ly/shorty
19:00 I'm starting to remember just why I walked out of Compaq after only two months on the job. Not a good sign.


Sunday's Tweets

10:19 Judging by the sounds outside my window, today's indoor/outdoor shoot is gonna be indoor/indoor. Fashion in the rain? Not my idea of fun.
14:17 Fashion shoot today. Interesting and challenging; I'm used to working with more lights.Looking forward to getting the photos into Photoshop.
21:23 You know what's worse than calling a meeting for 9pm Sunday to accommodate coworkers in India? Waiting on the call & having them not show.


Saturday's Tweets

06:31 Hawaii to make money from birther delusions. The sane among us shrug & maybe grin a little. http://huff.to/hc4C7w
06:36 Egypt reaches the boiling point. How do governments miss this level of unrest? How many more will die?
09:15 Off to Macworld. Will my credit card stand the strain?
11:44 Not much spending at Macworld. One iPhone app for .99, screen cleaner kit for $40. One item I wanted won't be out for a few more weeks.
11:46 Macworld's even smaller than last year. Walked the whole floor in under an hour. I miss the old days, for a whole bunch of reasons.
12:15 Sad part is I never looked better. #iPhone app #ZombieBooth App Store: http://bit.ly/9uX5DD Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/3ulqzr
14:43 An expat American writes about her life in Egypt and the revolution she knew was coming. http://huff.to/gZnqZG
14:45 Inevitable that @paulandstorm are the Geeks a Week: http://bit.ly/gQbgSO http://bit.ly/ffQjmH But is one week enough? Nay, I say.
23:55 Tonight was crab cioppino night. Which means I'll be smelling of it for at least 46 more hours.


Friday's Tweets

08:41 Line at post office sets new record for slow. Is time actually moving backward?
11:22 Ayn Rand a total hypocrite? Say it ain't so! (It's so.) http://bit.ly/giztjF
13:17 RT @reduced: If Best Picture posters told the truth. http://bit.ly/hk2IAA [Truth? From movie marketers?]


Thursday's Tweets

09:50 @JustaSunGod I used to think losing my hair made me look old. Now I know being old is what's making me look old. *snif*
10:45 @ebertchicago What a loss! Your Citizen Kane commentary was among the most interesting I've heard.
15:48 IL Supreme Court says Appellate Court got it horribly wrong, puts Rahm back on Mayoral ballot. Smacked down hard! http://tpm.ly/gPSRNK


Wednesday's Tweets

13:49 The "everything bagel" is a big round lie, and here are the tweets to prove it: http://kottke.org/11/01/the-hilarious-everything-bagel
18:10 @mariancall Just remember that The Internet is for Porn and you'll be fine.
19:31 Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor should come back from the dead and sue VW. Ghoulish and incompetent CGI. http://galenhooks.com/?p=449


Tuesday's Tweets

06:47 Man, does this take me back! http://www.secretgeometry.com/apps/cathode/
08:49 Via Anderson Cooper, I wish we lived in the America that Michelle Bachmann describes. We didn't and don't. http://bit.ly/emLWrj
09:01 Gen. MacArthur said old soldiers don't die, they just fade away. Rudy Giuliani won't take the hint. http://huff.to/hqkAmZ
09:08 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:46 Just signed up for @chrismarquardt photo workshop. In September. In Toronto. So is it autumn yet? No? How about now? http://bit.ly/gLDny1
09:49 Best headline ever: "Convicted Alaska Briber Bill Allen's Daughter Buys Fake JFK Ambulance" http://bit.ly/gnb1p4
10:43 Here's a surprise: chocolate covered bacon is more pleasantly chocolaty than chocolate bacon. Looks like crap, but tastes really good.
10:54 @macosken Oh yeah? How many airports do you know with Star Wars slots at the gates?
14:09 @JustaSunGod Reminds me of an old joke: why is drinking Coors Light like making love in a stream?
19:56 RT @lomara: These reactions are cracking me up http://flic.kr/p/9dcbU2 [What good is Michele Bachmann if not as an object of scorn?]
20:22 RT @joshtpm: Greatest Moment of Evening: Rep Ryan warns safety net could become a hammock [Sounds kind of nice to me!]
20:25 This may be some kind of record. Round trip San Francisco -> Toronto in Sept: $1300, or 25k miles + $60. Guess which one I chose.


Monday's Tweets

08:02 The false equivalence of Keith Olbermann & Glenn Beck et alia: http://huff.to/fkNZ9y
09:59 I nominate @paulandstorm for a Shorty Award in #humor because they are the Opening Band! http://bit.ly/shorty
15:56 Proof there are worse things in life than frozen plumbing: http://bit.ly/fXq9wg


Sunday's Tweets

14:00 In Inverness, shooting a beached fishing boat. Next stop: Point Reyes Lighthouse. Not going down those 300 steps this time.
23:04 Long day shooting in Point Reyes, followed by Czech dinner in Inverness. Home now and dawdling before I head to bed. Work tomorrow...


Saturday's Tweets

09:02 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:25 @paulandstorm [P] Loud & Have Stupid Hair is the name of my Flock of Seagulls cover band.
17:19 Watching Mamma Mia on TiVo. It was dopey fun on Broadway; somewhere during filming all the fun leeched away. Oy.
18:30 @Molly23 @paulandstorm EXPECTORATE! EXPECTORATE! #DalekDentist
18:45 @wilw @paulandstorm @molly23 INSEMINATE! INSEMINATE! #DalekAnimalHusbandry
19:06 @wilw @paulandstorm EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE! #DalekCosmetologist


Friday's Tweets

09:07 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:42 RT @jonathancoulton: @mariancall Just keep your furry snout out of my eggs, warm-blood. [Context is everything.]
10:03 @grantimahara @paulandstorm @jonathancoulton Billy Goats Gruff is the name of my JC/P&S cover band. That's going on my new tee shirt.
10:20 Feeling fried this morning. Thursday night concerts are not a good idea. But it was so much *fun!*
12:46 RT @hensoncompany: These Muppet cupcakes are so awesome, not sure I could bear to eat 'em! http://bit.ly/fMlltq [OMG! Mupcakes!]
15:01 A photo tour in southern Chile turns to crap. A cautionary tale & a question: why haven't we heard a word about it? http://bit.ly/e5wi4z
15:20 Dickhead artists claims ownership of all balloon dogs everywhere. SF art gallery's lawyers tell him to pound sand. http://bit.ly/h29Iam
17:33 "Google's Android violates Oracle's copyright!" "It does not!" "Does so!" http://engt.co/hJhzX1
18:11 Olbermann is done at MSNBC. Why is it that outrageous loudmouths are good business only if they're on the right? http://on.msnbc.com/dFDNhI


Thursday's Tweets

06:53 Another microstock agency hits us with a huge pay cut. Time to find another outlet for my alleged creativity.
09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:24 @counternotions Liev Schreiber. He has Eric's blank stare down perfectly.
16:18 About to brave traffic into San Francisco to see (& hear) @jonathancoulton & @paulandstorm. They better be worth it. (They will be.)
18:21 On line at the Great American Music Hall. Bring on the funny songs!
18:42 Newcastle Brown Ale at my side, burger on the way, @jonathancoulton & @paulandstorm to follow. Such a good night.
18:51 This rubber stamp is trying to tell me something. http://plixi.com/p/71347680
20:50 @grantimahara Great show, huh?
20:59 @paulandstorm Yes. Yes we are.
23:59 Back from @jonathancoulton & @paulandstorm concert. It was epic. Now to sleep so I can stay awake at work in the ayem.


Wednesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:15 "All in all, I'd rather be in Philadelphia." Certainly better than having to listen to Glenn Beck. http://bit.ly/fEOhKq


Tuesday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:56 New Alabama gov says we're not brothers 'cuz I'm not Christian. Actually, I'm fine with the brother I already have. http://bit.ly/hMDtqU
11:02 I nominate @MythBusters for a Shorty Award in #science because they prove learning and entertainment aren't in conflict http://bit.ly/shorty
16:02 Hey, @leeunkrich! If you miss @jonathancoulton/@paulandstorm, you'll regret it. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon & 4 rest of your life.
16:26 My mom used to say that figures don't lie, but boy, can liars figure. Mom, meet IDC & their breakdown of tablet PCs. http://t.co/mUCD9gG
19:59 @paulandstorm [P] I am. The best stories about theatre are as interesting as theatre itself.
21:52 @billprady Up The Down Staircase had a scene like that.


Monday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:11 I nominate @MythBusters for a Shorty Award in #science because they risk serious injury -- for science! http://bit.ly/shorty
10:13 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because they make everything entertaining. Even sports! http://bit.ly/shorty
11:06 Academic Advantage may or may not be a scam. But I do know that their lawyers just walked into a hornet's nest. http://bit.ly/fxlyv3
14:35 RT @bazecraze: I will judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their 140 characters. [MLK tweets!]
14:50 Why they don't recommend using wide angle lenses for portraiture: http://plixi.com/p/70699653
16:37 @paulandstorm @jonathancoulton Don't want to influence plans for next cruise, but Alaska's the only state I haven't visited. Just a thought.
17:33 @CarolynCrane The model I shot with on Saturday had never heard that line. Oh, to be so young and ignorant again!
17:36 @CarolynCrane I was playing Johnny Cash on Pandora while we shot. I sang along when that line came up. She'd never noticed it before!
19:02 RT @Veronica: This is the best thing I've seen in a long time: Dot Dot Dot http://t.co/V6Ccwtv (via @ryan) [HI-sterical!]


Sunday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:23 Was going to have breakfast at Mandalay Bay, but the tram didn't start running for another 20 minutes. So back to MGM instead.
09:25 Waiter brought me small Bloody Mary instead of large one I'd paid for. So I got both. Then he gave me a 2nd small one. Good bkfst glow.
13:29 Back at LAS, enjoying the free WiFi. AT&T was marginal at best on the Strip, so good WiFi's a must. (I'd call it a godsend, but you know.)
13:32 Star Wars slots at the gate. I have a Scaper friend who'd be kvelling right now if he were here.
13:45 Cross-platform apps are the mystery meat of the software world. Nobody likes mystery meat. http://bit.ly/herjGa
13:50 Salon finally admits repeated corrections to anti-vaccine piece not enough, deletes the bullshit article completely. http://bit.ly/eqeHQy
13:54 I nominate @BadAstronomer for a Shorty Award in #science because he can find the dirty in the cosmos. http://bit.ly/shorty
13:55 I nominate @MythBusters for a Shorty Award in #science because they make me proud to be a nerd. http://bit.ly/shorty
13:57 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because there's truth in them thar jests. http://bit.ly/shorty
16:57 Almost home. 3 minutes to my car.
20:35 @VictoriaDahl Some of us have day jobs and professional personae we'd like to keep unsullied a little longer. That's all it is.