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Saturday's Tweets

09:15 Okay, the lights are in position and dialed in. Now all I need is a model.
09:21 @alwayscoffee You are, are you? How quickly can you get here? {:->
18:55 Spent the day with model Krystal from Canada. Shot in the morning, played Vegas tourists all afternoon. A good time was had by both.
20:51 As I'm leaving MGM to meet my model friend for dinner, I see a stunning blonde coming in. T'was my friend, who forgot where we're meeting.


Friday's Tweets

09:04 I got 13 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:21 This morning: write presentation for work. This afternoon: fly to Vegas for photo fun. Guess which one I'm happier about.
11:30 Front runner in Repug Chairman 1st round vote is Reince Priebus. Guessing it wasn't a write-in ballot.
13:20 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Today everything changed: used to believe that astrology was hooey, now I know that it is, in fact, bullshit. [Bold!]
13:21 Getting through SJC security took twice as long as usual, and that's not all that fast. Glad I gave myself *lots* of time.
14:26 Full plane. Guess I'm not the only one who thought Vegas was a good idea.
17:05 Free WiFi at MGM Grand in Las Vegas? How very civilized.
17:08 @InsuranceKeith Not yet. Heck, I just got here!
18:36 The horror! Rum Jungle is no more! Instead, I'll drown my sorrows at Shanghai Lilly. *snif*
19:34 Still sad about the loss of Rum Jungle. But Shanghai Lilly was pretty darn good. Now if the slots would be a little kinder...


Thursday's Tweets

09:06 I got 28 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:19 @scapersuse Oh, I'm so sorry.
09:21 I nominate @MythBusters for a Shorty Award in #science because everything makes more sense with 'splosions. http://bit.ly/shorty
09:22 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because it's a new day and they still deserve it. http://bit.ly/shorty
10:41 @JackieKessler Biggest surprise was knowing everything about the case (except verdict) just from observing jury selection. Not like on TV.
12:01 Rush Limbaugh billboard features bullet holes. In Tucson. That's not in bad taste at all. http://gaw.kr/hb2JW4


Wednesday's Tweets

00:03 A model I shot over a year ago wants me to delete her photos. Nothing remotely risqué in them. Am I wrong in wanting to say no?
00:21 @Thanaz She's afraid she's lose a job she's up for if they find out. I do have a release. As for her bad mouthing me, I can live with it.
11:58 More, more, more! (NSFW) http://www.bluntcard.com/randomizer.html via @VictoriaDahl
12:55 Could the paranoid rhetoric of the Right be influencing our crazies to violence? http://wapo.st/g0paj9
13:33 Today's lesson in dealing with meeting invites: assume date & time have changed since the invite was created. In other words, invites lie.
23:51 Back from gorging on prime rib at the House Of in SF. Great conversation with five photographer friends. Need to do it more often.


Tuesday's Tweets

05:55 @scapersuse I hope so too! You deserve good news.
06:05 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because we can all afford to lose some of our bloat. http://bit.ly/shorty
06:36 @JackieKessler Makes me wonder: how many citizens have died of boredom in jury rooms?
09:01 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:25 @paulandstorm [P] Which way does he lean it? Left? Right?
10:03 Just made a donation to Queensland flood relief. http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html
10:56 Via @wilw, Pixar had/has the kinds of management we all dream about. http://bit.ly/f25QGL
11:15 Saudis to release Israeli-tagged vulture, Saudi journalists look like idiots for calling it a Zionist plot. http://tpm.ly/fjtkBi
15:08 Google Chrome dumps H.264 video as not open enough, but keeps Flash around. Huh? http://engt.co/eCnFk8
15:46 iPhone on Verizon to ship without crapware; will V.users be able to cope? http://t.co/DERGCoO
15:51 Threatened royalty cut at @iStock goes through; my share drops by 20%. Bastards. http://plixi.com/p/69381259
17:17 How unusual is this? Snowing today in 49 states; only Florida is immune. http://bit.ly/gwnSsM
17:40 @irisheyes It's in the article. Florida is the only state without new snow today.
18:20 At Adobe HQ to experience the amazing Russell Brown.
23:39 Crazy night. Watched an expert Photoshop demoer melt down, & then missed the last train back to my car. Glad most days aren't like this.
23:58 @counternotions You mean the way MSFT didn't sue everybody in sight over names like Bookshelf and Money and Windows?


Monday's Tweets

07:15 Supreme Court chooses sanity in an insane situation, tells Orly Taitz to take a hike. http://bit.ly/fKqAOr
09:03 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:51 @sara_the_geek Despite media efforts to blame both sides, I guess folk on the Right know who's making with the violent talk. @simonhelberg
12:54 Delay sentenced without delay, gets three years in the pokey.
13:01 With hindsight, wouldn't we all call "Don't retreat... reload!" ill advised?
17:21 I nominate @jawboneradio for a Shorty Award in #art because nobody captures true nerditry better. http://bit.ly/shorty
17:23 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because it's the least I can do. The very least. http://bit.ly/shorty


Sunday's Tweets

09:02 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
17:35 Sarah Palin's staff has a peculiar idea of what deserves to be censored. http://bit.ly/gZzNIU
21:08 Just watched Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) at a coffee shop in Fremont. Charles Laughton had the most enormous head I've ever seen.


Saturday's Tweets

08:39 Hey, everybody who said batteries in hybrids would be dead in no time, here's a test after 8 years & 206k miles: http://engt.co/gfWEeb
08:48 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because they bring the reductio to the ad absurdum. http://bit.ly/shorty
09:02 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:08 Can we start rounding up the Tea Party murderers now? They've been threatening for months.
16:52 Is it a bigger leap from suggesting to threatening violence, or from threatening to committing violence?


Friday's Tweets

09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:34 RT @joshtpm: Rep. Steve King (R) lauds Boehner's 'mendacity', says its beyond reproach http://tpm.ly/eFhITK ["You keep using that word..."]
14:16 Oh, @thinkgeek, you know exactly what I want. http://j.mp/fNQNgu
18:51 Bill O'Reilly, as translated by Stephen Colbert: "There must be a God, because I don't know how things work."


Thursday's Tweets

08:55 @JustaSunGod $400? Mine were twice that!
08:59 Trying a light rail commute. Well, a hybrid car/light rail one. Much slower, but I do feel like a good citizen.
09:04 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:51 @macosken All's well with 10.6.6 here. Looks like it's just the App Store, which is working fine for me.
11:43 RT @simonhelberg: 100% funded! Holy moly! You guys made this possible. This is a dream come true. We are on our way! [And I helped!]
13:36 Had to happen, I guess. Southwest, the airline that sucks less than the others, changes their frequent flyer program to suck a lot more.
13:37 Know what I hate? Showing up to a meeting only to find it's been moved to another day and nobody notified me. Happened again today.
17:01 Check out @PocketChris Basic (free) & Advanced ($2) for iPhone. Great photography education from the host of Tips From The Top Floor.
18:55 Unbelievable. Repugs in Congress fuck up on their first day! For gods' sake, pace yourselves! http://bit.ly/gOadnr
21:10 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because everyone else uses way too many words. http://bit.ly/shorty
21:11 I nominate @mariancall for a Shorty Award in #music because only she can make music and typos at the same time. http://bit.ly/shorty


Wednesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:29 Brought my car in for its 95k service. Bad news: time for new tires. Good news: they gave me a free loaner for the day.
10:42 @CaliLewis You mean LG as in Lucky Goldstar?
15:44 RT @reduced: I didn't vote for him but I support new Speaker of the House John Boehner. http://yfrog.com/h8xiup [Thought he'd be taller.]
20:16 I nominate @reduced for a Shorty Award in #culturalinstitution because who knows more about brevity than these guys? http://bit.ly/shorty


Tuesday's Tweets

08:05 Hoping today improves. Started off with no hot water at home. Lucky there are showers at work, and theirs had hot water.
09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:01 News Flash: Republicans in Congress are total hypocrites. Yeah, I'm shocked too. http://bit.ly/gn31JR
13:53 Scalia declares that the equal protection clause doesn't apply to women or gays. I guess Justice is just a title. http://bit.ly/dVdmg1
19:03 Beat that, Android! http://bit.ly/hqjLgK
20:35 @VictoriaDahl Very sweet. And very clever, in a stalkerish kind of way.
21:52 One Of The Pretty Good Stories Ever Told #lessambitiousfilms


Monday's Tweets

06:48 Placebo bands: when nothing but the best nothing will do! http://skepticbros.com/store/
08:26 Back to work. 8am conference call from the couch. Now to head to the office and see if I can find where they moved me.
09:10 Found my new cube. Didn't take nearly as long as I feared. And unpacking was pretty painless, since I haven't collected much junk yet.
09:48 First problem in my new office: breakroom has a soda machine but no snack machine. Think they're trying to tell me something?
13:47 The new definition of chutzpah: Judith Miller attacking #WikiLeaks for passing along unverified information. http://tpm.ly/fGTG0i
14:37 RT @JustaSunGod: Beware of those who do not drink alcohol -> http://twitpic.com/3ms2nz [They are the true danger!]
20:35 @mariancall How much are the tickets? And would you take a donation from a fan? (I *love* Avenue Q.)
20:50 @mariancall Who says I can't do both? Sent an email to your mac.com address.


Sunday's Tweets

08:51 My old Mac Mini froze on me this morning. Starting to think it's time to replace it.
15:12 Shooting with Charlie and the gang. I've missed you guys. And especially Charlie, who is most definitely not a guy.


Saturday's Tweets

01:54 Back from a New Year party with friends. 2011 is starting out okay.
07:04 For the record, three hours sleep is not enough. Just as well I don't have anything to accomplish today.
08:37 If Kubrick & The Beatles had made Lord of the Rings. Wow. http://on.io9.com/emeBag
11:06 "I think we all went to see this stupid movie (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith) to get it over with." http://j.mp/fAgRMW
13:27 RT @marthaflynn: the same thing I resolve every year, Pinky - TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD [Poit! Narf!]
20:02 @Decoder_Ring A Black Jack Justice book? You write it, I'll buy it.


Friday's Tweets

07:12 Packed and just about ready to go. Home early this afternoon if nothing gets in my way.
09:01 I got 13 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:55 Six days in the car; feels a little strange to be home again.


Thursday's Tweets

07:13 Car covered in snow this morning. Gonna be an interesting drive out of Arizona and into California.
09:51 Last night I was attacked by a tumbleweed. This morning my gas filler door was frozen shut. Fun times.
09:52 Back in California. Lunch in Barstow, dinner in Tehachapi.
10:51 Brief stop at Amboy Crater. Will look it up on Wikipedia to find out what I just saw.
12:17 Hey! You know that hour I lost in Bullhead City? It was waiting for me in Laughlin. Funny it's always in the last place you look.
14:58 Just arrived in Tehachapi, where the streets are sheets of ice and the intersections are freezing rivers. But at least the sky's blue.
20:36 Walked 4 blocks each way in 27F, icy streets & wind to dinner. Why, you may ask. Maybe to remind myself why I don't live in the snow belt.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:55 Light snow in Prescott. Looks like I'm leaving just in time. Shouldn't be a problem at the lower elevations, or so I hope.
09:27 Snow! http://plixi.com/p/66436200
14:14 Back in Kingman, AZ after a rather wet drive along Route 66. Stopped at a microdistillery for a tasting of vodka & rum. A lucky find.
16:17 Destroy my illusions, why don'tcha? Model for Liesl never had a boyfriend at 16 going on 17, Nazi or otherwise. http://bit.ly/fufyK8
18:28 Trying an Italian restaurant tonight. Hoping the food's better than their vocalist. I fear it won't be.
19:06 @scapersuse I think it's the lack of distractions.
19:08 @scapersuse See, if I were there, I'd be busily trying to distract you!
19:36 Flipping channels in the hotel, I accidentally stopped for a moment on Sarah Palin's Alaska. Make the pain go away...


Tuesday's Tweets

09:05 I got 6 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:11 Google Maps sent me on a wild goose chase through a state park. Fuck you very much, Google.
15:20 In case you're keeping track, I arrived in Prescott, AZ today after a wander along Route 66 from Kingman to Seligman. Time to turn for home.
18:32 Not my day. Car & Google agree on location of interesting restaurant. But it was nowhere to be found. Drowning my sorrows in a Bloody Mary.


Monday's Tweets

06:04 Proof @Molly23 is a genius, as if that were in question: Doctor Who matryoshka dolls: http://twitpic.com/3k3tdx Want. Want so much.
15:25 Calling Jon Stewart a comedian ignores his impact. There's a reason we take him more seriously than real newspeople. http://nyti.ms/gQgpAq
15:25 Seem to have lost an hour somewhere between California & Arizona. But if it has to happen, Bullhead City's a good place to lose it.
15:26 BTW, Baghdad Cafe is still on Route 66 and claims to be open. Just so you know. And you're welcome.
17:01 Beautiful light show as the sunset turned the desert hills pink. Sadly, by the time I found a good vantage point the show was over.
18:32 Trying a local Mexican restaurant. Waitress took my menu before taking my order. What, she thinks I can remember what I want?


Sunday's Tweets

09:42 Road trippin', across the universe... Today's destination: Palmdale, CA. Then I turn east.
14:44 Arrived in Palmdale. Weather & traffic cooperated, and there's an Original Tommy's near the hotel. Life is good. Just don't get downwind.
17:23 Silicon Valley Christmas: giving Flip Video, getting Lightroom & Photoshop. Oh, the joys of employee discounts.


Saturday's Tweets

08:14 Tennessee officials put ACLU on list of terrorist groups. What list do TN officials belong on? http://bit.ly/fz9tX3
11:03 RT @chrismarquardt: Erm.. the things you can develop film in ... *cough* http://tfttf.com/9g [Could've gone a lifetime not knowing that.]
11:44 @paulandstorm [P] Too! Much! Kitteh!
11:55 All packed for my road trip tomorrow. Wonder what I've forgotten...
14:02 Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas! http://bit.ly/hEYiH6 (Wil, you're one weird dude.)
21:48 Back from Christmas dinner. Good food, good wine, good company, good presents. Generally a good time.


Friday's Tweets

06:59 McDonald's register: Have a bagel. McDonald's menu: Sorry, we don't do those any more. McDonald's customer: Augghhh!
07:01 Found very good Thai food in Napa last night. Appetizer platter a little schizo: Thai mixed with Japanese, Vietnamese & Indian. But yummy!
08:10 Checked out of the hotel. Breakfast now, followed by a search for photogenic hills to shoot with my new wide angle lens.
08:12 BTW, I had no idea my car has heated mirrors Came in handy on this frosty Napa morning!
08:38 Hot air on a frosty Napa morning. http://plixi.com/p/65118660
12:02 Via @gruber, the best response to a customer complaint ever. Read the complaint, then the response. http://deadsp.in/gBOFRo
19:14 Back from Christmas Eve with friends. Nice to visit a house full of kids, and nice when they leave. So peaceful...
19:14 @JustaSunGod TMI, Lee. Much TMI.
20:29 @paulandstorm We minions are made of stronger stuff. You won't shed us that easily. Live-tweet away! (There are *other* versions?)
20:51 @paulandstorm [P] Don't you mean he plays young Jacob Marley? That's what IMDB says anyway.
20:59 Paul of @paulandstorm is live-tweeting Scrooge. Search #1951XmasCarol and enjoy the snark.
22:17 Do people really buy colorized $2 bills for $10? Are Americans really that stupid? Oh, forget I asked that.


Thursday's Tweets

12:54 Fog on the way to Wine Country, but blue skies on my arrival.
12:55 Extra points for Tra Vigne in St.Helena: classic rock instead of Christmas music. And the food's good too!
18:12 Back from Roederer Estates with a couple of bottles of bubbly. Now in my room at the cutest Best Western ever. And no, that's not sarcasm.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:16 Washington Post's for-profit university scams & screws its students. http://huff.to/fEZjdm
08:20 xkcd's etailer blackmail works on @ThinkGeek! http://j.mp/hs5VV1 Coupon code SUMMEROF1987 gets a discount. Life imitates art once again!
08:50 @KobeATL Sorry to hear that, Kobe. How bad's the news?
12:29 @meatflag I switched over to Echofon. Much better than Tweetie-that-was.
20:30 @mariancall Is it the penguins?


Tuesday's Tweets

08:22 Shocker: Senate Repugs obstructing START treaty works against them. Snatching defeat from jaws of victory yet again. http://wapo.st/gcChUu
09:08 I got 56 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:35 Haley Barbour calls Citizens Councils & segregation indefensible. Wait, wasn't he the one out there defending them? http://wapo.st/hmnX6O
12:56 There's something worse than Christmas music. That would be country Christmas music. Ick.
13:24 Okay, landscapes, you're on notice: I have a 10-24mm and I'm not afraid to use it! Well, maybe a little bit afraid.
13:39 Gotta love this: you can kill a Kindle by putting a leather case around it. Who'd a guessed? http://bit.ly/eSjhcD
14:04 RT @gruber: RSS feed scraper of the day: http://t.co/xrLhj93 [Gotta take care of your colons.]
14:35 The horror! The horror! (Happy Holidays on Vimeo) http://vimeo.com/17985665
20:48 One of the lost commandments was "Thou shalt worship no other beard than @wilw's". #LegendsOfWilsBeard


Monday's Tweets

08:21 Nobody does snark half as well as @ebertchicago. Nobody. http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2008/12/in_the_meadow_we_can_review_a.html
08:39 Dramatic overcast skies this morning to go with light traffic. It's all those Solstice holidaymakers talking off work, I guess.
08:44 Shocking! UK Researcher finds statistical correlation between cell towers & birth rate! http://bit.ly/gF48er
08:54 Whatever good John McCain may have done, he'll likely be remembered as a bigoted asshole like George Wallace. http://bit.ly/gkKe6P
09:03 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:38 @reduced I've always thought it more appropriate to step in a poodle.
10:42 See, Alanis? This is irony! http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/16000-diamondbacks-fans-killed-on-complimentary-ra,18061/
10:55 Help @microstockgroup donate to a good cause: http://www.charitywater.org Every retweet generates $1 donation. #tweetwater.
11:38 Sarah Palin defends our God-given right to fuck up our lives. http://huff.to/ejyu00
17:45 I’m a squint! There’s not a piece of bone that doesn’t spark my imagination. Are you a squint? Find out: http://bit.ly/arIyle #BONES


Sunday's Tweets

09:28 Earthquake!
09:37 Just a little one: 3.1. But very close: only 3 miles from me.
13:48 Yesterday's lesson: do not use SDHC+adapter in place of Compact Flash in your camera. Bad things can happen. Bad things *did* happen.
18:42 @billprady Don't be so sure. At a tango concert in Buenos Aires, guess what they performed! Complete with Evita wannabe!


Saturday's Tweets

10:35 Terrible traffic on 880. Might have had something to do with that 2 lane closure south of Oakland.
19:27 When @simonhelberg @jocelyntowne & @jasonritter make their movie, I'll be an associate producer. How about you? http://kck.st/edR7h3


Friday's Tweets

06:48 RT @joshtpm: New Study shows Fox News viewers the most uninformed in the country #noshit http://tpm.ly/eTW5lH [Bet they don't know this.]
09:06 I got 27 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:50 Word Lens may be the coolest iPhone app yet. Sure could have used this in my world traveler days. http://j.mp/i6ubgX
11:28 Oh, @ThinkGeek, how I love you. Even when you creep me out. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/hoodies/e5a1/
12:22 RT @thinkgeek: @disorderly *stares directly into your soul, creepily* [Now *that's* not creepy. Not at all.]