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Wednesday's Tweets

09:52 Autoadjusting clock was way off this morning, so I've been up since 4. Power failure, luckily as I finished getting dressed. A good day.
11:14 You know what's amazing? The power failure at home was the *high* point of my morning.
15:45 RT @BonesMcCoy: I'm offering free lobotomies to anyone who needs it after seeing this video - http://t.co/jq4pIVZ [An icepick to the brain.]
15:56 Huh. Did Google sneak Android's Linux underpinnings out from under the GPL? http://huff.to/eow6LK
21:42 I bet he's heard all the jokes. http://bit.ly/hsGlxA


Tuesday's Tweets

09:05 I got 10 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Monday's Tweets

09:06 I got 16 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:10 Good news: my employer matches charity donations. Bad news: Planned Parenthood isn't on their recipient list. But Japan relief orgs are.
17:35 The Japanese find Gilbert Gottfried in poor taste? Jeeze, what took them so long?
21:20 A Child's Christmas in Whales #HigherStakesChildrensBooks


Sunday's Tweets

07:11 Up way too early. Darn you, DST! Today will be learning with @TheFlashBus & lots of photo friends.
07:33 Downloading GarageBand to my iPad. It's taking its time; I wonder if Apple's servers are feeling the pain of iPad 2 fever.
08:49 Gonna be a good day. http://plixi.com/p/83744273
09:04 I got 17 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:28 Enjoying the heck out of @TheFlashBus tour. Sad for you if you miss it.
13:47 RT @TheFlashBus: David Hobby: "In this situation, your lighting isnt significant unless you can talk her into the shower." [Context is all.]


Saturday's Tweets

06:52 Two years ago a friend insisted that any concern about nuclear power was overblown & unjustified. Wonder if he still thinks so. #Fukushima
06:55 @fraggletastic Really? Explosion at the site? A year's worth of radiation every hour? Suggestions that the water supply is unsafe?
06:58 @fraggletastic We clearly have different definitions of "proof". And this isn't over by a long shot. Come back to me in a month or two.
07:02 @fraggletastic Doesn't sound like either one to me: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/03/11/earthquake-japan-nuclear-reactor.html
07:55 One drag about my new iPad: iTunes loaded all the apps I have on my phone, but not all the folder info. Gonna have to recreate all that.
08:09 @MsCaliLogan If it's bad today, it was 10x worse last night. I was in line almost 4 hours at my local mall.
09:04 I got 37 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:47 Sitting on the patio at Domaine Carneros. Time for a little wine before our photo Meetup.
14:25 Photographers in the wild. http://plixi.com/p/83552984
20:25 Why am I surprised to discover that Michele Bachmann doesn't know anything about American history?
21:33 CNBC's Larry Kudlow is a ghoul, is okay with carnage in Japan if their economy isn't similarly wiped out. http://bit.ly/fMbwr4


Friday's Tweets

08:14 RT @GeorgeTakei: Today we are all Japanese. Give $10 to help. Text REDCROSS to 90999, or click http://ow.ly/4ctzx Pls RT! [Just donated.]
10:03 RT @MythBusters: RT @tomhanks: The Lennon/McCartney of Mythbusters. http://say.ly/eMEbpk [Tom Hanks is now officially nerd cool.]
13:22 Sounds like the lines at Apple Stores are crazy, with hours to go before iPad goes on sale on the Left Coast. What to do, what to do?
13:27 Glad to see Facebook is on top of their tech. My tweets are appearing on FB again after a month of brokenness.
14:25 Came within one click of ordering my iPad 2 instead of waiting in line. But I just couldn't do it. Guess I know where I'll be tonight...
15:41 On line at Valley Fair. 1:20 before they start selling, and at least 2 more hours of line in front of me.
18:25 I can see the entrance to the mall. Won't be long now. #iPad
18:42 I'm in the mall! And I have my ticket, so I know I'll get the one I want! #iPad
20:13 Home with my iPad. I got on line almost 2 hours before sales began, and they were already out of AT&T models when I reached the store.
20:14 Lucky I wanted the WiFi-only iPad. So why am I talking to you instead of playing with it?
22:30 AppleTV is really kind of amazing. Need to play with it a lot more.


Thursday's Tweets

07:57 @paulandstorm [P] Happy Birthday, Paul. You don't look a day over... How old are you, anyway?
09:01 @iPhoneAlley I will, if the lines aren't too bad.
09:03 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:17 @reduced And let's not forget Stormeo & Pauliet! #BetterWithPaul #ForgetNotStorm
09:34 Having one of those "shoes for the shoemaker's children" moments at work. Hard being a tech company when the tech doesn't work.
12:36 RT @kellyoxford: Julianne Moore probably took the role of Sarah Palin because actors win awards for playing handicapped people. [Snicker!]
14:19 To the New McCarthyites, Muslims are the new Jews.
19:22 Watching TiMER with Emma Caulfield. Forgot how much I loved Anya. (Xander was a dope.)


Wednesday's Tweets

09:04 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:22 Credit card processor VeriFone uses Microsoftian FUD tactics against small rival Square. http://bit.ly/gQyAeA
13:29 This is why I love the Internet. Make sure you read to the end. http://thebloggess.com/2011/03/dear-wil-wheaton/
13:32 So Rep. Peter King is fine with terrorists, even those who kill Americans, just as long as they're Irish terrorists. http://gaw.kr/hnKrUt
19:11 RT @wilw: I stand with the unions in Wisconsin, and wherever unions & their members are under attack by the Koch Bros and their GOP toadies.
19:36 Walker and the Wisconsin Repugs have lit the fuse. I hope it doesn't blow them all straight to hell.


Tuesday's Tweets

13:48 @VictoriaDahl Easier, maybe. But so much less entertaining.
13:51 Fox News' Steve Doocy: "The problem with this (TSA) program is it would be really easy to fake. Just put somebody else's DNA in your mouth."
14:52 I think I'm on the mend. Must be those massive doses of orange juice and chicken soup. It's a comfort food thing.
19:22 @meatflag Sadly, it's not true: http://www.snopes.com/crime/clever/carpark.asp
20:22 RT @tawnafenske: Love this. RT @ScrewyDecimal: WI public librarian refuses to be a scapegoat. Powerful read: http://bit.ly/ftIDic [Me too.]


Monday's Tweets

08:42 A clueless Repuglican? Who knew? (John McCain thinks iPads are made in America.) http://tpm.ly/fCoVL1
09:08 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:08 Fox News is right on top of alleged voter fraud. Real fraud? Not so much, at least when the fraudster's a Repug. http://bit.ly/h8NAV1
10:26 RT @JustaSunGod: What would you take for a "three-hour tour?" #GoingGilligan [Mary Ann, and not just for her coconut cream pies.]
15:45 If I were sick (and I am), this might make me feel better: http://j.mp/hf08Rb #tbbt
20:19 Fart jokes in Dennis the Menace. What's next, bestiality in Family Circus? http://wapo.st/i7AsgP


Sunday's Tweets

09:02 I got 3 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:11 A quick burrito before my second photo shoot of the weekend.
18:22 @paulandstorm [P] Carol Burnett talks about making the movie in her book, This Time Together. She would not disagree with your assessment.
19:46 Watching 2010 on Blu-Ray. I accept that 2001 is the far greater achievement, and yet it leaves me cold.


Saturday's Tweets

11:31 In SF for a shoot. Tall Eastern European blonde. Pity me.
20:11 Those articulate & passionate callers into Right Wing Radio? As phony as the hosts. Another find Clear Channel product. http://t.co/DmBVwqh


Friday's Tweets

07:41 TGIPF! Not just a Friday, but a payday Friday!
09:29 Great Coco rip on iPad 2: http://video.teamcoco.com/video/conan.jsp?oid=245467
14:49 I knew about In-N-Out's Secret Menu, but there's an even more secret Super Secret one! Wish I hadn't just had lunch. http://bit.ly/hNqOsU
14:54 See? Even Hitler thinks Gov. Walker's a dipshit. Downfall strikes again! http://bit.ly/eAwOhX


Thursday's Tweets

11:16 HolgaDirect: When you want thousands of dollars of modern photo gear to produce cheap plastic results: http://bit.ly/hRH1IE
11:25 #WIunion protesters want to make Fox News un-liars, bring in fake palm trees. http://yfrog.com/h08midoj
12:04 RT @JustaSunGod: Wow this rocks! Nice find man! RT @trypnotik: Charlie Sheen Lorem Ipsum Generator http://ow.ly/47ouM [Genius. Sick genius.]
12:12 "Xoom is trim, light & very pretty, but placed next to iPad 2, it looks designed & built by angry Soviet prison labor." http://bit.ly/iapSDD
12:33 This is great: http://whitewhine.com/ But where the heck's the RSS feed? (Now that's irony!)
12:39 Newt's exploratory committee website uses stock photos for supporters. Guess real ones cost too much. http://t.co/S1QM07t via @jazzcattrio
14:09 @joshtpm People constantly confuse amiable with nice. Huckabee is merely amiable. (I had a manager like that. He fooled folks for a while.)
15:08 @paulandstorm [P] I plan to get one with 3G, even though I won't turn it on. It gives me options for the future.
19:09 Brooklyn judge shows the kind of honor in Mets case that Clarence Thomas has yet to put into evidence. http://nydn.us/gsLoxO
21:17 By attacking Natalie Portman, Mike Huckabee becomes this generation's Dan Quayle. http://bit.ly/eBVhnj


Wednesday's Tweets

06:38 Via @TheMacalope, quite possibly the dumbest piece on Apple yet. Oh, CNN, what's wrong with you? http://bit.ly/eQna47
08:11 Listening to a web conference at work. Presenter is umm-ing and y'know-ing to beat the band. Gonna be a long hour.
08:57 United Airlines tries to get on the social network bandwagon, fails utterly. http://kottke.org/11/03/customer-service-on-twitter
09:00 When #2 has 4.4% market share, you know you have a monopoly. http://engt.co/gkxHKd
09:02 In Fox's universe, Wisconsin has palm trees. Really. http://bit.ly/gaAPyL
09:44 RT @thinkgeek: Web designers, there's a new tool for you--and it is made of 100% KITTENS: http://j.mp/eFPCPE [Too! Much! Cute!]
10:51 @joshtpm Good place for a PayPal Donate link? Dems to pay to keep Dems away.


Tuesday's Tweets

11:12 Fox reporter lied about being punched at union demonstration. Is there nothing left to believe in? http://su.pr/2KTypC (Apparently not.)
16:32 @VictoriaDahl And lips that are just crying out to be kissed. (Didn't know lips could cry, did you?)
16:52 @mariancall Sad you're not coming to the Bay Area this trip.
17:10 @VictoriaDahl Chapter One? How trite! A truly creative writer would start with Chapter Five, or maybe Chapter Minus Three.
21:15 Finally got around to my taxes. All the data's in; now I just need to look for typos.


Monday's Tweets

06:44 RT @ebertchicago: King wins, Oscar loses: My coverage of a baaaad Oscarcast. http://bit.ly/hj0mWk [Seems I didn't miss a thing.]
09:04 I got 3 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:45 @jennakimjones "Pretty & witty & bright is a devastating combination."
12:45 GOP budget plan will cost 700k jobs. Good thing mine's not among them. It isn't, right? http://bit.ly/fncPtz
15:53 Last night I was watching Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Today I see that Jane Russell has died. Somehow I feel responsible.


Sunday's Tweets

07:28 Amazing what some people can do with $50 in spare parts. http://plixi.com/p/80410987
16:46 @paulandstorm [S] No, Charlie Sheen is the biggest *wiener*.
19:06 Dave Elsey of #Farscape fame won an Oscar tonight. Does this mean the autograph he gave me in Sydney is now worth something? Just askin'.
19:54 Watching The Man Who Never Was & reading all the Oscar tweets. Bet you all envy me.
21:43 RT @DrewAtHitFix: Why I don't watch the Oscars or care who wins: http://tinyurl.com/4g433vn [Makes a good case. I just don't like boring.]


Saturday's Tweets

12:43 Just checked out a 3d TV. Is it just me, or do they look more like layered flat dioramas than a real 3G space?
18:20 This is why I love the Internets. Charlie Sheen rants mixed with pictures of kittehs! http://bit.ly/g2Epxx
20:54 Old saying: most creative people in Hollywood are in Accounting. Harry Potter & Order of Phoenix still a net loss. http://bit.ly/aBgyOU


Friday's Tweets

09:19 Goldman Sachs report says GOP budget cuts will cut 2% from GDP, slow economy. http://huff.to/dPjkiX
09:43 Hearing loss tweeter is now following me. Funny that I didn't hear him sneaking up.
10:14 Some day they may build statues to Gov. Walker for revitalizing the union movement in America. http://is.gd/4Bm6LI #wiunion
11:40 @BonesMcCoy Hit the right angle and bounce off the atmosphere. Worked for Moya & #Farscape 1!
18:43 Just added http://foknewschannel.com/ to my RSS feed. Fine first essay on why unions matter. @KeithOlbermann is back, baby!
18:55 A developer writes an open letter to RIM about why Thinking Different than Apple or Google doesn't mean think worse. http://bit.ly/gumunS
19:44 Sun's ex-CEO admits that if they'd bought Apple, they'd have fucked it up. Gotta admire his honesty. http://bit.ly/hbRBvd


Thursday's Tweets

09:00 Good news: Samsung has iPhone app to control my new TV. Bad news: requires iPhone & TV on same access point. (TV wired, iPhone wireless.)
10:27 @VictoriaDahl Not a lot of tide pools in Utah?
18:10 Is the answer ever yes? http://www.isitsnowinginsfyet.com/
19:48 Vatican assassin warlocks? Really, Charlie Sheen? Unlike Mel Gibson, you're just too screwed up to hate. http://bit.ly/fON57x


Wednesday's Tweets

12:28 Indiana Dep AG commits what at Sun we called a Career Limiting Move. Guess suggesting live ammo against protesters not such a good idea.
19:39 Just watched De-Lovely with Kevin Kline & Ashley Judd. It was, and so were they. And now I'm all misty. Must be getting a cold.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:29 FYI, my birthday is September 7th. Never mind the year... http://ow.ly/417Xl
08:51 Oh, the pitfalls of getting USDA approval for zombie jerky. Made from zombies for zombies... http://aol.it/gykzGs
09:14 With Flash delayed, Motorola Xoom can't view its own website. How ironic! http://www.appleoutsider.com/2011/02/22/flash/
10:20 Oh @thinkgeek, you are such teases. You show me Star Trek bathrobes and then tell me they're not available? Fie, I say. http://bit.ly/hOXgcF
12:00 Soylent Green (Magazine) is People (Magazine)! http://bit.ly/hjArAK
12:07 TidBITS reports on free utility for controlling which graphics processor my MacBook Pro uses. Cool. http://db.tidbits.com/article/11982?rss
15:02 GOP Governors in Indiana & Florida show they're not as extreme as Walker of Wisconsin. The Cheesehead stands alone. http://bit.ly/hZbz13
18:42 @Molly23 Peaked? Not hardly, missy. Although it may take a while to reach the next grand moment.
19:34 RT @MayorEmanuel: If you have a giant pile of money and a bunch of dumb fucks running against you, DREAMS DO COME TRUE. [Words to live by.]
21:18 Will @Molly23 still sing for us little people, now that she got to sing about @stephenfry *to* @stephenfry? @paulandstorm


Monday's Tweets

06:04 @VictoriaDahl @arzai I did say that. You're as lively and outrageous in person as you are in Twitterdom.
08:03 Suddenly realized why traffic was so light this ayem. More enlightened employers don't make people work on President's Day. Or even show up.
08:35 @VictoriaDahl Of course it's good. Otherwise I'd unfollow! You're either an open book or really good at faking it. @arzai
09:09 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:31 @paulandstorm [P] I saw that! Don't pretend it didn't happen! Veep indeed...
09:48 @paulandstorm [P] *frowny face*
19:38 RT @mariancall: Please please please take a moment to give, and to RT: http://www.redcross.org.nz/donate #christchurchquake [Just did.]


Sunday's Tweets

13:29 Southie in Oakland. Sensational crab roll, excellent slaw, not much of a website (yet). http://southieoakland.com/
15:50 An ex-Nokian explains why the elegance of the iPhone is beyond them. Suddenly my horrible E62 experience makes sense. http://bit.ly/i5fCAl
16:18 Complete World of Sports (Abridged) by @reduced is coming to @SJRep! Can't get tickets yet, though. What's that about?
16:44 Just signed up for Columbia Gorge photo workshop in May. Jim, it's all your fault.
17:29 WI Law Enforcement union repudiates endorsement of Gov Walker. http://tpm.ly/eGAPHb #WIunion
20:14 Can't believe I'd never seen Harvey. Then again, he *is* invisible. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0042546/
20:18 @mariancall If you can't find someone else to blame, you're just not trying hard enough.
20:35 @savvymavvy I assume you mean the Harvey whom John named after this one!
20:38 @devans00 Glad I finally caught up with Harvey. Very sweet & funny film.


Saturday's Tweets

10:22 RT @mgarth: 5 states w/no collective bargaining for teachers have 5 worst ACT/SAT scores in the nation. #wiunion [Just sayin'.]
10:41 OUTRAGE: House votes to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding. Speak out. http://www.ppaction.org/IStandWithPP #StandWithPP
13:13 So Glenn Beck was right about there being a puppet master, but had the wrong guy. Or make that guys: http://t.co/jZwHUBa #WIunion
14:19 I had all sorts of plans for today. But 40s & rain sucked the ambition right out of me. Quick trip to the cleaners and I'm done!
15:45 Glenn Beck's paranoid about the right thing. Well, what do they say about a broken clock? http://gaw.kr/fSzROq
16:34 Now that the House has voted to defund public broadcasting, will NPR stop trying to be fair to Repugs & call them the shitheels they are?
17:05 @Molly23 Unfreakingbelievable! And I mean that in the best sense of the word. Or words. Whichever.
17:23 I first saw The Monitors in 1973 in the RIT dorms on a distant Canadian TV station. Much clearer on Netflix Instant. http://imdb.to/foYHZo
17:41 @devans00 It's an odd SF comedy based on a Keith Laumer novel. Lots of 60s celebrity cameos, including a favorite comedian of the era.
17:45 @devans00 I meant SF as in Science Fiction. Actually, it was filmed in Chicago.
20:30 First The Monitors, then Anastasia with Ingrid Bergman. Becoming addicted to Netflix Instant. I really don't need another addiction.


Friday's Tweets

09:21 Nothing I like better than joke oneupmanship that goes too far: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huffbertnation/
09:49 RT @JustaSunGod: I HAVE to get me some of the new Apple Water! - "If Apple made water" - http://some.ly/fOJndJ #apple [Makes great Kool-Aid]
09:50 School pride? Not so much: http://www.someecards.com/2011/02/18/the-8-worst-named-schools-on-earth
17:21 Just made a $100 donation to Planned Parenthood. It's my way of saying fuck you to all those Repugs in Congress.


Thursday's Tweets

06:58 Can't wait to see this! So authentically incomprehensibly British! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGPr8kFStLs
09:04 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:52 @mariancall My vote would be for #1, although #3 is close behind.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:05 When (internal) marketing stunts go horribly, ludicrously wrong: http://engt.co/hojZwx
10:14 RT @thinkgeek: Oh, now we feel old. All Your Base video turns 10 years old today: http://j.mp/hHY9jy For great justice! [Make your time!]
15:56 It's like Kirk & the Kobiyashi Maru! SC legislator who wants state to have own currency owes state $67k in US bucks. http://tpm.ly/i8dSmJ
20:22 @TheDailyShow Will Mr. Williams provide helpful hints on selecting kitchen gear? #StillTheWrongWilliams


Tuesday's Tweets

15:33 Turns out Bush 43's source on Iraqi WMDs made the whole thing up! Nobody could have seen that coming, right? Right? http://gaw.kr/hKews9