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Saturday's Tweets

11:53 Doing battle setting up a new receiver. This shouldn't be that hard. But it is, not least because it's a little too tall for my shelf.
15:59 I have won out against my new receiver, aside from it not fitting into the cabinet (yet), and not bothering to connect cassette or VCR.
19:55 @jennakimjones I'll pretend to have missed you if you'll pretend to care, m'kay?
21:02 So Jesse Jackson rags on the iPad because of all those Barnes & Noble jobs we lose to China. Howl at the tides for all the good it'll do.


Friday's Tweets

07:28 I don't think they liked it. Reviewers give Atlas Shrugged a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score: 0% positive. http://huff.to/h5Rsjr
08:45 Stunning. Only 38% of Repugs would support an anti-birther. Polling places need to require a test for shitheadedness. http://bit.ly/hC0rHt
09:45 So proud of the Dems. By voting "present", they let House Repugs hoist themselves on their own petard. http://bit.ly/dW9SDK
10:11 Pat Buchanan says Trump's no racist, and what higher praise is there than that? http://tpm.ly/ekqy6m
19:05 This is the best review of Atlas Shrugged there could ever be. http://on.io9.com/gTi0tc


Thursday's Tweets

15:14 If cell phones cause cancer, why are rates of associated cancer decreasing as cell phone use increases? http://bit.ly/fBKOfY
15:15 @billprady So what have we learned? MobileMe is awful, and everything else is much worse.
15:46 "There are people who take Ayn Rand even more seriously than comic-book fans take 'Watchmen.'" - @ebertchicago http://bit.ly/hMsrB5
19:56 I guess Obama 2012 has really begun. Got my first fundraising call this evening.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:17 Damn MSFT. Told me to download 200MB update to Office 2008, which it now refuses to install. Points me to website, which has no answers.
09:08 I got 28 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:54 A bulletproof clipboard, for staff meetings that get seriously out of hand. http://j.mp/hMtReb
10:20 I know it's juvenile & wrong, but I can't help laughing. http://bit.ly/ejnHOd
10:58 Sitting in a staff meeting listening to torrential rain. Finally, something interesting.
12:11 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Politico headline: "GOP Not Sold On Obama Speech. In other news: "Dog Doesn't Want Bath". [Yeah, I'm shocked too.]
12:19 If you liked this: http://bit.ly/ejnHOd, how can you not enjoy this? http://on.io9.com/fzbTKr
13:34 @cartalk Even though auto mechanics everywhere claim instead to be ambulance-chasing lawyers every time we say it, #ThisIsNPR
13:42 I love my job. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement
14:15 I'm going to a Meetup with Palo Alto Champagne and Wine Meetup Group http://meetu.ps/RTLM
16:00 A CEO Asks ‘What Have Unions Ever Done For Us?’ | MoveOn.Org http://t.co/UZbgYOj via @AddThis
21:14 Watching @StephenAtHome apply Ben & Jerry's ice cream to a woman's armpit. Truly a new low in tasty, I mean tasteless television.


Tuesday's Tweets

11:16 RT @StephenAtHome: Jon Kyl has a shrine to Scooter from the Muppet Show. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement [Then again, who doesn't?]
20:36 @tartqueen Didn't we already elect somebody like that? Twice?


Monday's Tweets

08:15 Photography truth from What The Duck: http://www.wtduck.com/strip/1207
09:08 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:29 @reduced I'd be interested in ebooks, although getting them autographed might be a problem.
10:01 @reduced It depends. Do you want to be an impulse purchase (price low) or protect paper sales? If the former, no more than $5.
10:11 RT @paulandstorm: [S] A Field Guide to Sidekick Pets http://bit.ly/eBny1R [Admirable Web geekitude.]
13:52 Weird. Today I got email & text message from AT&T that my Microcell has been activated. But that happened month ago. Weird, huh?
14:17 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/RwTK
15:10 @annvosspeterson Depends on whether the tax doing will lead to a payment or a refund.
16:44 Christopher Hitchens critiques the 10 Commandments and offers a better, more rational, more compassionate set. http://bit.ly/h4DWNb
22:04 There's nothing funnier than watching Stephen Colbert laugh himself silly trying to deliver Republican talking points a la Fox News.


Saturday's Tweets

08:55 Repug Senator John Kyl wants you to know his remarks about Planned Parenthood were "not intended to be factual". http://huff.to/gJEih1
09:05 I got 4 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:16 Just finished listening to @SteveMartinToGo read his book Born Standing Up. A fine serious work about a seriously interesting life.
15:18 Now listening to audiobook of Talk Me Down by @VictoriaDahl. Is it a problem that I know how it turns out, having heard the 2nd book 1st?
20:31 TiVo guide has the 1940 Pride & Prejudice on E. Instead of Greer Garson we get Keira Knightly. What a mistake to make.
21:09 Took a little drive out to San Luis Reservoir on a particularly pretty day. Or was it Photoshop? http://flic.kr/p/9xg6Nx
21:16 @cabri Much as I like Photoshop, I'd rather enhance the reality I find than fake it. But others may choose otherwise.
21:27 @cabri I try to get it as good as I can in camera, and then fix in the image what I can't change in life. Getting better at PS all the time.
22:10 Ah, serendipity. Googling for Red Rock Canyon near Vegas I discovered a small Red Rock Canyon near Mojave in California. Must visit one day.


Friday's Tweets

07:09 David Mamet's Lost Masterpieces of Porn: http://bit.ly/eg2mfM Something tells me this isn't authentic.
07:14 It's not often I feel prescient, but getting my taxes done (& refund received) early was an excellent plan in retrospect.
09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:35 Would Best Buy use iPad 2 as bait in Bait & Switch for other tablets? (Is water wet?) http://fun.ly/eq1o
10:09 Leadership is about right decisions when things go wrong. Southwest is a leader in more ways than I knew. http://on.wsj.com/gloal4
10:44 "Fuck You. Pay me." Good advice on dealing with clients. http://vimeo.com/22053820 (Via daringfireball.net)
11:36 Audiophile gear maker has a Schiitty name but the best FAQ I've read in a while. http://schiit.com/schiit-faq/general-questions/
15:34 @mariancall I'd say sell it as a double album. If that's the way you envisioned it, that's how we should buy it.


Thursday's Tweets

09:08 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:18 I never owned an Atari 2600, but now I have a ton of 2600 & arcade games on my iPad & iPhone. Geek nirvana thanks to Atari's Greatest Hits!
15:26 Today at work I spoke truth to power. Felt good, and I'm still employed. We'll see if it does more than feel good.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:27 Listening to tech demo at work. Want to die. Or kill. That would work too.
09:42 Farmers vs. miners, or how the financial markets distort software and every other kind of company. http://tinyurl.com/3hn76ph
20:00 If you haven't seen the trailer for When Harry Met Sally 2, watch it. Now. I'll wait. http://bit.ly/hJ4bfe (You're welcome.)
20:08 Just planned a road trip to Crater Lake for July. After two previous attempts, maybe this time I'll actually see the lake!
21:54 @counternotions What about Harry Chapin's Taxi? That had a sequel.
21:55 Oh, @MythBusters! How I have missed you!
21:59 @counternotions And Snoopy vs. The Red Baron had a couple of sequels.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:25 Mike Huckabee, defender of transparent government, destroyed all 12 years of his records as AR governor. Paranoid much? http://bit.ly/fNSq9n
10:13 Article in OSNews repeats the now discredited tale of the Osborne Effect. OSNews: http://bit.ly/i3jHDK Rebuttal: http://bit.ly/e041Ho
12:16 Huh. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University got more Federal money last year than NPR. Bigotry beats balance, I guess. http://bit.ly/ffhqyd
14:18 Hey, @SJRep! Answer your damn phone!
14:25 Finally got through! Bought my ticket for @reduced Sports at @SJRep in June. Umm, just how risky is it to be in the front row for this one?
14:26 Also bought a ticket for One Man Star Wars in July, also at @SJRep. With that title, how could I not?
21:28 HD video. DVD or Blu-Ray. 2GB memory. It's... a Commodore 64? http://bit.ly/gn3wm4


Monday's Tweets

08:37 Realization from my last visit: I don't particularly like Las Vegas. Storm of @paulandstorm says it better (& longer): http://bit.ly/fAKUkA
08:42 Pigasus Awards are proof that Barnum's "sucker born every minute" lowballed the stats. http://bit.ly/hgG8pO (via @fpaulwilson)
09:40 I just learned my manager is being replaced. I greet the news with mixed emotions: mostly a mix of relief and hope.
13:17 This is what they call Truth in Advertising: http://www.definitionofhell.com/


Sunday's Tweets

06:42 I briefly considered buying a ticket for the Charlie Sheen #winning tour when it got to SF. But sanity prevailed, as it occasionally does.
16:18 An iPad stand for those too retro to use an iPad: http://bit.ly/fTLqYK


Saturday's Tweets

09:05 I got 3 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Friday's Tweets

07:13 LinkedIn getting into the April 1st spirit? http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=111267017&authType=name&authToken=lzJp&trk=nmp_pymk_name
07:29 Considering how much money I've given Apple, I should get one of these gratis: http://bit.ly/evG124
07:46 A bumper crop of new goodies at @thinkgeek. Good thing today's payday. http://www.thinkgeek.com/?cpg=tw
11:11 My office phone just rang for the first time in months. It was a wrong number.
11:34 Hey, Everybody! You need to Google "helvetica" right now! You're welcome! (Thanks to @thinkgeek.)
13:22 Worth reading for what it says about German Customs & animal rights activists. @thinkgeek http://j.mp/hiOYAg
14:43 @ActuallyNPH Whew! You had me going for a second. Your fake sincerity is remarkably realistic.
16:57 Click To Flash for Safari has my favorite April Fools gag. Guess what happens when you click. http://plixi.com/p/88724244
19:40 In SF for Brazilian BBQ with my photo gang. I'm way too early as usual.


Thursday's Tweets

06:00 This is fascinating. Google taking control of Android, closing off their supposed Open Source platform. http://engt.co/fIKVAt
06:05 MSFT files antitrust complaint against GOOG. Also, pot calls kettle black. Hey, Alanis! Isn't *that* ironic? http://engt.co/fIKVAt
08:24 Report: Sharia isn't anti-American. (But being a bigot & an idiot surely is.) http://wapo.st/gm7J3t
10:10 WI Repugs finally acknowledge that courts matter, comply with judge's order blocking anti-union law. http://bit.ly/eiT3xU
10:19 Google channels Nixon's henchman Colson: "If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow." http://buswk.co/ftIFMw
11:01 With Repugs, the jokes just write themselves. http://bit.ly/hM2q6h
11:45 Bill O'Reilly accuses Donald Trump of making shit up to get attention. When did BO'R(e) become the reasonable one? http://aol.it/fOjfcb
15:15 Open Source phone software? What could go wrong? Oh, I guess Google could. http://daringfireball.net/linked/2011/03/31/welcome-to-android
17:03 WTF happened to spring? Around here we've leaped from an admittedly mild winter straight to summer.
21:32 Suddenly I want a kitty. http://youtu.be/ZzW591z4MQk


Wednesday's Tweets

16:28 Scott Adams says his incendiary post was a parody. Scott Adams desperately needs to work on his parody skills. http://bit.ly/ecfJxG


Tuesday's Tweets

05:56 Beginning the trip home. Car returned, headed to the terminal. Too darn early, but you knew that.
06:23 The WiFi is free, and the slot machines are silent. Morning at McCarran.
09:04 I got 7 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:18 Just landed on San Jose. Wait for my bag and then head to work.
10:04 Back at my desk. Feels like forever, when it's really been just three days.
10:25 BTW, Vegas TSA sent me through the metal detector instead of the full body scanner. Guess there are some things they don't want to see.
13:20 Android is open, and open is better. Except when it's Google, which can't be open and still beat Apple. http://bit.ly/hkr3ys


Monday's Tweets

09:31 Last day in Vegas. Where shall I go & what shall I shoot today?
12:34 Finally finished listening to How To Read The Bible. Fascinating book, and devastating to anyone who takes the Bible as the Word of God.
12:36 Now listening to Born Standing Up, Steve Martin's biography of himself as comedian.
16:04 @wilw Comment that seems to be relevant but is in fact completely incomprehensible. #howisthisunusual?


Sunday's Tweets

08:20 Off to check out a ghost town.
14:35 Remind me never to set foot in CT again. (State Trooper assholery.) http://bit.ly/en8cyp
14:47 Killing time before a show @ LV Hilton. This involves beer. If I had less time to wait, it might involve gin instead.
14:48 @lomara Wish I were there. Want to see/hear her again.
15:22 @lomara Maybe a little. I'll make sure to catch her next time she's in the Bay Area.
18:20 German band in German restaurant is playing Edelweiss. I like it. Or maybe that's the hefeweizen talking.
18:23 Forgot how much fun we used to have in beer halls in Germany. No travel in this job, dammit. At least not yet.


Saturday's Tweets

18:08 FIrst solo visit to Red Rock Canyon. No other photographers, no models, no nudidity (theirs or mine).
18:12 First photo stop was Mt. Charleston. Somebody forgot to tell them that spring has sprung. http://plixi.com/p/87182944
18:13 Second stop was Red Rock. Quite the contrast, wouldn't you say? (Can't put two photos on one tweet? Really?) http://plixi.com/p/87183166
18:17 Scott Adams of Dilbert fame is a dick, and not in a good way. http://jezebel.com/5786019/dilbert-creator-deletes-misogynist-rant
18:26 @GeeCarl I used to pretend to be an engineer. Some of us know how to think of women as equals even as we lust after y'all.
18:30 @GeeCarl Good for you, and even better for him! As for Adams, he was a lot funnier before he started taking himself seriously.
19:15 Waiter at Carnegie Deli told me I look like Richard Dreyfuss. Usually I get Spielberg.
21:07 Principal shuts down school newspaper for accuracy. Or something. WTF was he thinking? http://huff.to/hAb479


Friday's Tweets

06:55 New iPad accessories! Wooden Smart Cover: http://bit.ly/clFK6i Compact Flash card reader: http://bit.ly/dLs38T Want 'em both.
06:57 Via @thinkgeek, this: http://j.mp/i5UqoP only makes sense after you've seen this: http://bit.ly/8gOZXi
08:07 @annvosspeterson @VictoriaDahl Congratulations to you both. Couldn't happen to nicer people! #RitaGH
08:11 Newt: Obama did what I demanded; that couldn't have been more wrong! http://bit.ly/gRJe2q
08:17 @annvosspeterson Yeah, me too. Hanging out among all you writers is a great time. Darn this day job and its limited vacation!
08:18 @annvosspeterson I'd like that. Where will RT be in 2012?
08:28 I new Rebecca Black's song sucked, but I didn't know it was ripped off Dylan: http://bit.ly/ij90v9
09:30 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/Nq9s
09:46 @VictoriaDahl You know, you could always drop into conversation that you've changed your mind...
09:49 @alwayscoffee Great minds and all that. That must be it. @VictoriaDahl
09:56 Love listening to the Angry Mac Bastards podcast. So furious! Make me seem calm and sane by comparison. http://bit.ly/eURiYT
10:25 Yet another way to help Japan through the crisis: Songs For Japan on iTunes. All proceeds to the Red Cross. http://bit.ly/hFsZOM
10:42 "RIM has 2 CEOs and 3 COOs. Why expect straight answers from a company that can’t even decide who’s in charge?" http://bit.ly/gcziSf
11:01 I guess it's not just good for a Repug politician to be a bigot. It's practically mandatory. http://wapo.st/e2ENA8
13:39 @alwayscoffee You do realize that thanks to you and @VictoriaDahl I've had to completely reevaluate my concept of ladylike behavior, right?
13:42 Should leave for airport soon. Problem is I'm already there. #WayTooEarly #BigSurprise
16:08 Flight delayed somewhere between 5 & 25 minutes. Wish they'd stop changing the number; I'm getting dizzy.
16:29 On the plane. Looks like a full flight. Friday night to Vegas? Who'd have thought?
19:20 Flight was uneventful, drive to hotel was pretty stress-free. Now I'm in my room and thinking about dinner.


Thursday's Tweets

05:38 Google: We're not evil & too big to fuck with anyway. Judge: Doesn't make what you're doing right. *slap* http://bit.ly/dTAZeV
10:12 Wingnut declares 1st Amendment only applies to Christians. So wrong on so many levels. http://tpm.ly/e37rmy
11:43 What's up with Apple Mail's Insert List command? Is there really no way to end the list once you've started? Help and Google are no help.
17:18 Someone's writing a sequel to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? This just might not suck. (The original book isn't so hot, BTW.) http://bit.ly/g9owtz
17:34 @neilgrayston a very happy birthday, Neil. Now get to work and give me some new Eureka, okay?
19:24 Okay, all packed. After work tomorrow I'm off to Vegas. Might take a photo or two while I'm there.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:08 For Conservatives, where they stand depends on what they taste. http://huff.to/fr6bzd
08:54 On a web conference. Somebody put us on hold, complete with Raindrops Are Falling on my Head hold music.
10:42 RT @GeorgeTakei: Former SNL star Victoria Jackson thinks Glee is turning boys gay. I think Victoria Jackson more to blame for that. [Hee!]
11:59 Via @KeithOlbermann, NY Times obit of Liz Taylor comes from beyond the grave. http://bit.ly/g4l6Ld
15:17 "Who could have guessed, 42 years later, that [Billy] Graham’s son would be even dumber and more racist?" http://bit.ly/h1cyyL
19:40 Netflix Instant introduced me to Ctrl. http://bit.ly/gWcm2m And Ctrl introduced me to Cat Jahnke. http://mysp.ac/gm4jNM Serendipity rocks.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:54 @iPhoneAlley Macintosh SE. Loved that little machine.
11:20 Mitt blasts Obama for being nuanced. Only among Repugs could that be seen as a weakness. http://wapo.st/eztPka
11:53 My biggest iPad 2 complaint: with the black leather Smart Cover, I have trouble telling the front from the back. Keep putting it on wrong.
12:06 When I tweet about iStuff, I get Free iStuff spam replies. Which is stupid (okay, stupider), since I already have the iStuff I'm tweeting.
12:53 Judge rules against Google's massive copyright land grab for unclaimed works. Fascinating reading. http://1.usa.gov/hJ24uw
18:41 My main reason for heading to Vegas this weekend is a no go. So all I'm left with is, it's Vegas. Oh, and I desperately need a change.
18:50 @WendyHembrock I really need to invent something good to not tell. The truth is so darn boring...
19:53 I'm slightly relieved to discover that my Netflix Instant problems aren't just me. Thought my DSL had gone fluky. http://engt.co/eIg2BH


Monday's Tweets

06:54 RT @jakonrath: @BarryEisler Walks Away from $500,000 Deal to Self-Publish. tinyurl.com/4zbgczt” [Not all revolutions involve guns.]
09:21 RT @iPhoneAlley: Worst part of the AT&T/T-Mobile merge = No more Carly Foulkes. [Now that would be a tragedy.]
09:23 @VictoriaDahl @alwayscoffee I admit to concern about the level of interest @jakonrath shows toward @BarryEisler's testicular fortitude.
09:26 In honor of the first day of spring, I bring you Spring Surprise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEuIrJTzD28
11:17 One more reason to avoid Best Buy: roving bands of rabid DirecTV salescritters threatening to gnaw your bones. Makes me long for Fry's.


Sunday's Tweets

16:27 Catching up with old TV shows on Netflix Instant. Somewhere between Better Off Ted & The IT Crowd is my employer.


Saturday's Tweets

10:05 @seanbonner @gruber Accidental exposure is a danger; intentional exposure is assumed to be controlled & safe. A natural wrong assumption.
13:43 I picked a bad day for running errands, although the downpour has since dropped off to a moderate rain.
14:08 RT @reduced: Is your Blackberry not working? This diagnostic video might help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI [Insightful!]
15:38 If you despise Rudy Giuliani as much as I do, you'll get a huge laugh out of this: http://bit.ly/fV3tSM
15:39 RT @SethMacFarlane: According to box office returns, Mars does not in fact need moms. [Oh, snap!]
16:39 I wonder: If a state passes an anti-sharia law, would that outlaw halal markets & restaurants? What public interest would that serve?


Friday's Tweets

06:34 Right elbow hurts something awful. Strained it go-karting yesterday. Wonder how long the pain'll last.
08:32 "I’m beginning to think the GOP is so paranoid about “Sharia Law” because it's too Liberal." - @KeithOlbermann http://bit.ly/e8HPNi
09:07 I got 6 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:38 @Hazaka @KeithOlbermann Who says you have to understand something to oppose it? Not the GOP, clearly.
09:54 @Profikiskery Grand Old Party. So where's my ten bucks?
09:56 @Profikiskery Funny how you can *know* something that isn't true. Didn't need to Google it.
10:55 @tesmith99 @keitholbermann Glad to know that I exemplify *something*. I had my doubts.
11:12 Ticketmaster emails me about the Charlie Sheen LIVE tour! Train wreck, anyone? Tempting. http://bit.ly/eu6qNy
11:15 My first Twitterbomb! I quote @KeithOlbermann, he RTs, & now my iPhone's buzzing like mad. Feels kind of good, actually. (TMI?)
11:19 @MonicaKaye Front, but off to the side a bit. Nice of you to ask!
11:27 Tornado warnings on the San Francisco Peninsula? What fresh weather hell is this?
15:45 RT @Molly23: I asked, and Chipotle delivered. http://yfrog.com/h231249429j [Now that's customer service!]


Thursday's Tweets

11:07 Presidential poll finds Charlie Sheen's a more viable candidate than Sarah Palin. You can't make this stuff up. http://gaw.kr/dFAMWm
12:18 Funny; I just bought one of their apps this morning. (Panic donates to Japan relief.) http://bit.ly/hjMFhp
14:09 Go-karting with my coworkers. That's some hard work!
17:03 A medley of Simpsons songs. Cool. http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/03/17/the-simpsons-songs-medley/
17:54 Just completed an employee survey. Honesty is to be encouraged, but I may have been a leetle *too* honest.