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Thursday's Tweets

07:20 Moving slowly this morning. That's what I get for going to the theatre on a school night.
08:46 @iPhoneAlley My iPhone gets most use as music player, email, Twitter, RSS reader, book reader when I'm bored. Hardly ever use it as a phone.
09:09 I got 7 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:43 Sounds like Lars von Trier was trying to be clever & outrageous but ended up looking like a jackass. Not sure that should be a career ender.
14:47 Worried you'll be Left Behind? Handy flowchart gives you the straight dope, you straight dope you. http://bit.ly/l04MmF
15:15 Had my first voicemail message at work in six months here. Of course I couldn't remember what I'd set as my password...
16:34 Why did anyone ever care about Donald Trump? And why did everyone stop caring? http://bit.ly/mepkHO
16:39 Michele Bachmann prepares for a Presidential run by reading. Books, although definitely not "all of them". http://huff.to/mR15s2
20:02 Off to Columbia Gorge to shoot waterfalls. Nice forecast for Saturday, less so Sunday. Into each life a little rain must fall, I guess.
20:52 @wilw Truck Nuts are the Ed Hardy shirts of automotive accessories.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:09 Newt: Dems better not quote what I said Sunday because none of it was true. How is Sunday any different, Newt? http://bit.ly/kDsoP9
06:52 Rachel @Maddow trashes Santorum over torture & McCain, and references The Princess Bride in the process. http://on.msnbc.com/jnKjYS
06:55 RT @alwayscoffee: @disorderly Inconceivable! *grin* [That's what *she* said. Really, she did!]
09:08 I got 16 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:45 WI Gov Walker doesn't want us to forget what a scumbag he is. http://bit.ly/irUDpo
12:51 Proof the Obama campaign has a sense of humor. http://bit.ly/kxnsy7
17:38 @joshtpm Between 5:30 & 6am, depending on when I wake up. And it's all online, first in my Twitter feed & then my RSS reader.
19:20 I'm at @SJRep for something called Love in American Times. Sounds depressing, or is that just me?
21:16 Watching Linda Park from Enterprise from the 2nd row. She's stunning in all sorts of ways.
23:12 Back from @SJRep. World premiere of a new play, quite the big deal. I enjoyed it immensely.


Monday's Tweets

06:05 @counternotions Not a fact at all. No matter how good a job Apple does with Safari, there will always be contrarians. "Google's open!"
09:08 I got 6 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:48 RT @joshtpm: Trump: I'm not running for prez http://t.co/YHZ8iW5 [Darn. I haz a sad.]
10:46 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/1bK7L
10:49 RT @GeorgeTakei: Donald Trump bows out of presidential race, citing inability to prove he wasn't born a douchebag. [Zing!]
14:51 Cringeworthy phrase of the day: case avoidance. It's support's view of tech that lets a customer solve her problems, avoiding call for help.
20:06 RT @sambonie: Found six cents. Now I see dead people. [Can you see Shyamalan's career?]


Sunday's Tweets

09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
18:46 Just finished the season finale of the Red Panda Adventures on the @Decoder_Ring podcast. Gregg Taylor, you bastard! http://bit.ly/mIaXSi


Saturday's Tweets

08:41 Music industry in Canada demands money for every memory card sold. So photographers are your bitches now? http://bit.ly/lKsp4S
09:10 @VictoriaDahl Could some of them kill themselves or at least disappear mysteriously? That way the world will have ended for *them*.
09:13 OMFG! This is brilliant! Way to mess with the heads of the Apocalyptics! http://www.harryjconnolly.com/blog/?p=4903
12:15 RT @DCPlod: Shirley Sherrod Returns to USDA, Andrew Breitbart To Cry Self To Sleep #p2 http://wp.me/p1ypQt-T [Justice prevails for once.]
18:21 Google autocomplete puts its thumb on the scale of objectivity. http://themacadvocate.com/2011/05/13/google-auto-complete-no-bias-here/
21:06 Watching The Hidden Fortress, Kurosawa's ripoff of Star Wars from 19 years in the past. Sneaky devil, that Kurosawa.


Friday's Tweets

09:06 I got 11 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:17 Osama was into porn? Not sure how I feel knowing that. http://bit.ly/k6KClJ
10:36 Had to do battle with a hotel manager over a duplicate billing. We both emerged unbloodied and I'll get my money back. It's a good Friday.
10:39 Apple took a week to respond to location data issue & got it right. Feds responded right away to Shirley Sherrod video & got it wrong. Huh.


Thursday's Tweets

05:49 I love watching industry behemoths fight. (Facebook vs. Google) http://engt.co/meIpca
07:23 Do you trust the health insurance industry? A former insider will make you reconsider govt vs. industry. http://huff.to/lXGOqb
08:36 Where the hell was this John McCain in 2008? Or any time before today? (Torture is un-American & wrong.) http://bit.ly/jeB3sw
08:58 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Jim Lehrer stepping down as PBS NewsHour anchor. I will double my donations if they replace him with Tom Lehrer. [!!!]
09:07 I got 15 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:47 @alwayscoffee I believe it's whom. For whom should I ask?
13:58 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/12nty
17:34 Rand Paul equates health care for you and me with slavery for doctors like him. Because Rand Paul is a moron. http://bit.ly/iOvc7u
18:02 @annvosspeterson Ron Johnson's dumber than Rand Paul? The mind boggles. There it is, boggling as we speak!


Wednesday's Tweets

07:29 Car in for service this morning. This is an expensive one. Then again, 100k without a problem is a good record.
08:04 Car dealer gave me a RAV4 as a loaner. Weird to be sitting up so high. And depressing to see an MPG that's half of my hybrid.
09:09 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:35 Via @Dammit_Liz, movie posters are always better with Lego: http://ow.ly/4SeqU
09:59 @millhouseyiddo 5 years. It's a 2007; I got it when it first came out in 2006.
12:36 @SuzyMassey It's not FB passwords that are compromised. It's that other personal info can be accessed, & changing password stops the leak.
12:41 @SuzyMassey Point taken. I just hate to fudge the facts, even when the ends appear to justify the means.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:03 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:54 Thanks to @paulandstorm for telling me about @scalzi's retelling of Little Fuzzy. Got the audiobook by @wilw. Will start listening soon.


Monday's Tweets

10:13 Lewis Black is coming to Mountain Winery in August. Sure hope he'll be all shouty.
10:13 Garrison Keillor is bringing his tour to Saratoga as well. Guessing he'll be less shouty than Lewis Black.
11:10 RT @ebertchicago: Busted! I am a worthless socialist liberal hack liar. http://bit.ly/ix7zKb [But you're so good at it!]


Sunday's Tweets

12:23 Shooting blurry pictures of a nude model. Yes, the blur is intentional. Why do you ask?
21:15 Met a true conservative tonight. Kept insisting a tech problem would go away if we ignored it, after first denying the problem. It didn't.
21:21 In case you wondered why Avatar seemed so familiar. http://bit.ly/iEC5eC


Saturday's Tweets

07:22 You say that like there's something wrong with it. http://www.wtduck.com/strip/263-saturday
07:32 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/X1WH
07:56 @Decoder_Ring Not to put any pressure on, but some of us are waiting patiently. At least we're trying to be patient.
08:49 RT @thinkprogress: Two Muslim men kicked off airplane, were going to conference about tolerance http://thkpr.gs/iTQkK6 [Ironic. And wrong.]
13:43 Lunch yesterday was lobster rolls in Redwood City. Today was chili, salsa & beer tasting in Petaluma. The things I do to my stomach.
15:45 The guy behind the Mission Accomplished banner thinks Obama overplayed the OBL announcement. Does no one in the Bush admin get irony?
18:51 Just watched The Count of Monte Cristo with Richard Chamberlain. Just as good as I remembered.
19:07 Dunno why @davnetdoyle decided to follow me, but she's pretty and she sings nice. So I bought her album on iTunes. Oh. Maybe that's why.


Friday's Tweets

08:21 Geeky & adorable at the same time: MicroSD case modeled on a teeny Atari 810 floppy drive. Want. http://bit.ly/lfHQWb
08:24 Amanda Palmer reinterprets Friday, makes it all dirty. Definitely NSFW. http://bit.ly/kvHCpH
08:30 @alwayscoffee Yep. Amanda Palmer's amazing. Why didn't I discover her sooner?
09:12 @alwayscoffee I heard her a while back as part of Dresden Dolls, thanks to a mix CD from our friend @elkit. Coin-Operated Boy is brilliant.
10:25 Albert Einstein: "God does not play dice with the universe." Niels Bohr: "Einstein, don't tell God what to do." http://on.io9.com/jHeumj
11:44 Anybody else getting lots of MobileMe password rejections today? Annoying.
11:51 Oh the felinity! When kittehs collide! http://bit.ly/mJudfQ
12:46 Lunch. http://lockerz.com/s/99306623
13:49 Hey, twittizens! @alton_brown is among us. The man who made cooking almost as much fun as eating!
18:13 @ThatSusanBurke Are you sure those are two different fears? Sound like cause and effect to me.


Thursday's Tweets

10:05 Poll: 58% of Americans say they'd never vote for Trump for Prez. Kinda gives you faith, don't it? http://bit.ly/lkqoUD
11:32 Chili Cook-Off, Salsa & Beer Tasting in Petaluma on Saturday. Yum! http://www.cinnabartheater.org/chili/
19:43 Did you know that A.A. Milne of Pooh fame wrote a murder mystery? Just listened to the free audiobook on Librivox. http://bit.ly/miS0vQ
19:59 @devans00 Nope, no Roo or Piglet. They arrived later with Christopher Robin.
20:00 RT @mikememoli: Santorum: Since helicopters took off, Obama admin has mishandled OBL "beyond belief" [Boy, that didn't take long.]
20:34 Just got 2 new Pocket Wizards! No, they aren't sex toys; they're photographic toys. Yes, there's a difference.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:05 Happy Star Wars Day, Everyone! May the 4th be with you!
11:17 If release of Obama's birth certificate didn't stop birthers, why believe OBL death photos would silence doubters? Faith ignores facts.
12:03 This explains why my dining choices were so limited on my trips. Wish I'd known, not that it would've stopped me http://1.usa.gov/jBQIuC
13:25 For the record, I'm not a big fan of goat.
13:49 @tartqueen This was meat. Indian buffet. Might have been the way it was prepared.
14:26 Robots learn to be altruistic, which puts them ahead of Tea Baggers on the evolutionary scale. http://bit.ly/jAsyGO
14:40 RT @ebertchicago: "Bugs is who we want to be. Daffy is who we are." (Chuck Jones) [Yeah, that's about the truth of it.]
18:27 @shelbyfero Which is useless? The sunscreen or your brain?
18:32 @shelbyfero I know. But once you're already toasty, sunscreen's just as useless. Which is why I asked.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:11 Bush people crow about torture leading to Bin Laden raid, but AP says that's not so. http://tpm.ly/jKHKZX
10:28 @VictoriaDahl Sounds like a call for some hands-on experimentation.
13:16 @alwayscoffee I don't know but I can ask. What kind of dog? How much attention does it need?
14:22 @alwayscoffee @catvalente I'll check with a couple of dog-friendly friends. Where is the beast now? And when does it need to start?
20:33 Forbes: MSFT's revenue disguises its stalled growth, as its market cap vs. APPL shows. http://onforb.es/kKJUP9
20:39 Watching @Maddow on @TheDailyShow. I worship that woman, in a completely secular way.
20:45 "It is one thing to shoot a man in the eye. It is something else to accuse him of having a Zune." - @StephenAtHome


Sunday's Tweets

10:49 Eyes are tearing something awful. Allergy season?
12:12 Trump upset at Correspondent's Dinner jokes about him? Maybe he shouldn't surround himself with ass-kissers. http://bit.ly/iUzIIL
20:00 Which is better? Osama being taken out, or Celebrity Apprentice getting preempted so Obama can deliver the news?
20:10 RT @jakefogelnest: What are the chances Osama Bin Laden died of autoerotic asphyxiation? [That didn't take long, did it?]
20:10 RT @pattonoswalt: Oh shit -- AP reporting Bin Laden has regenerated as Tom Baker. [And there's another one.]
20:15 RT @CaliLewis: I wouldn't have known that Osama bin Laden is dead if it weren't for Twitter. #JustSayin' [You're not the only one.]
20:32 RT @SarahSpain: WOW. Read closely - typical Fox News. http://twitpic.com/4s7aye [At least MoFos are consistent assholes.]
20:34 RT @paulandstorm: [P] RT @cnn BREAKING: bin Laden Was Found Via Location Tracking Through His iPhone [Oopsy!]
20:51 With all the intelligence & military failures we hear about, it's good to remember just how effective American forces can be.


Friday's Tweets

07:55 @cartalk Even though Beefeaters lose their stony expressions, and their lunch, whever they hear us say it #ThisisNPR #RoyalWedding
10:47 @JustaSunGod There's an ointment that'll clear that right up.
12:47 RT @acedtect: My hope is that all this attention on the royal wedding will make bald spots on men super hot. [Ahh, if only.]
13:53 If Apple wanted to send Android owners racing to the iPhone, they couldn't come up with anything better than Airpush. http://bit.ly/isywKa
14:13 I understand about product placement, but does @BonesOnFox have to be so damn obvious about it? Take your self-parking Prius and go.
15:49 So it appears push advertising on your phone just may be the worst idea ever. http://bit.ly/mCxzXs
16:23 Existential Star Wars? It's like Lucas had something to say. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-uQWNd540I
17:06 Just got a fundraising call from Planned Parenthood. I owe the Right a lot for showing me the value PP provides. So now I'm a monthly donor.


Thursday's Tweets

08:09 Onion: "Trump Unable To Produce Certificate Proving He's Not A Festering Pile Of Shit." It's funny 'cuz it's true. http://onion.com/iB61cq
08:18 @scapersuse Did you hear the clip on @TheDailyShow of how Trump would tell OPEC to knock it off? He puts the fun in dysfunctional.
08:40 Great piece explaining how the iPhone et alia use cell towers & WiFi to speed up GPS lock-on. http://bit.ly/jE94j9 via @TheMacalope
11:27 Turns out iPhones don't track individual users. But Google's Android? That's a horse of a different color. http://bit.ly/l8KvmD
13:37 What an incredible underachiever Obama was in school! (Be sure to read to the end.) http://bit.ly/mkzSsR
21:10 Sexy church signs. Hee! http://some.ly/dIehHg


Wednesday's Tweets

05:55 Fun to watch Android fans hating themselves over loving the iPad. I'm with them, aside from the loving Android thing. http://bit.ly/heYpJA
06:15 A leopard doesn't change its spots, nor a skunk its stink. Barnes & Noble outs MSFT on eReaders. http://bit.ly/fPI5Uw
06:42 A friend once described a college classmate of ours as having bad breath of the soul. That phrase applies equally well to Donald Trump.
09:01 @cartalk Your cupholders are leaking fluid. That's gonna cost. #gottamaketheboatpayment
09:05 RT @Alyssa_Milano: Let's do this! I WILL MATCH EVERY DOLLAR you donate until we reach our goal for LF➛ http://bit.ly/h0NFzL [I just did.]
09:08 Let's be honest. This is all about the Right's unvoiced accusation of Governing While Black. http://wapo.st/gogGRo
09:09 @jennakimjones Of course he is. It's not like Trump will have a good hair day of his own!
09:35 Would it surprise anyone to learn that Orly Taitz's birth certificate lists her race as "asshat"? http://bit.ly/jEcc9J
13:42 Finished @VictoriaDahl audiobook & on to Bill Bryson's latest. Fascinating, but not nearly so arousing. Yeah, I know: TMI.
13:45 RT @ToryBelleci: Wow! What a welcoming. You guys are awesome. I'm gonna have to blow something up in honor of everyone. [That's all we ask.]
14:07 @daynal It's free admission to the Smithsonian. You pay for IMAX and the like, but not to get into the various museums.
14:11 @daynal Google is your friend: http://www.si.edu/visit/
14:13 @JustaSunGod What exactly *is* the way to much fun?
14:13 @daynal They pay you?
14:14 @JustaSunGod Not second star to the right & straight on till morning?
19:05 Paul Revere & The Riders #bandsmissingaletter
21:57 Did @Mythbusters really invoke MIlton the Monster? They surely did.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:27 The Internet says no more typewriters. http://bit.ly/dMqNaO The Internet says it's not true. http://gaw.kr/fILVUr I believe the Internet.
08:05 @billprady And apparently not true: http://gawker.com/#!5795649/relax-theyre-still-making-typewriters
14:27 Hey, @reduced! How about calling the Xmas show "The Jolly Fat Man - Reduced"? Bet you could get Gold's Gym to sponsor!
15:04 @paisano, I think you're being unfair to @ebertchicago. I'm glad he shares as much as he does here, & don't expect him to hang on my words.
18:41 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Glamour Photography http://meetu.ps/RmT


Monday's Tweets

09:40 Atlas Shrugged, and so did the audience. The Free Market votes with its dollars. http://bit.ly/h8qjuE
10:27 @VictoriaDahl I'd agree. Those women are so desperate to look young, they end up looking older. And more desperate.
10:41 WI Gov Walker would have much easier time governing if not for all those darn recalls. http://bit.ly/fqrfHg
11:00 At least they're consistent. TX GOP try to cut funds to volunteer firefighters by 75% during devastating fire season. http://bit.ly/eUuAGn
11:02 Pop Photo magazine gets smart, includes sample content in free iPad app. So now I'm a subscriber. See how that works?
12:00 Fun stuff at @SJRep this summer: @Reduced World of Sports & One Man Star Wars. Got my tickets! http://goo.gl/fb/3MYOg
13:37 Practice makes perfect for @ebertchicago & the New Yorker Caption Contest. It's good to have skills. http://nyr.kr/dKj2rj
15:26 @nicoleisbetter You should! And then you should let me photograph you in it. It's a win-win!
18:24 So cool. A Leica camera that mates with an iPhone 4. If only... http://engt.co/hGZp4g
20:15 In the dotcom bubble, execs raided pension funds & replaced them with junk bonds to pay their obligations. The bubble burst & retirees lost.
20:17 Louisiana Gov Jindal either doesn't remember the dotcom lesson or doesn't give a shit. Which makes him the poster child for GOP arrogance.


Sunday's Tweets

05:59 Happy Easter to the believers among you. Did Jesus see his shadow or what?
09:03 I got 27 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:02 Why not make foster kids wear a scarlet F as long as you're at it? http://is.gd/4vDqXE
15:00 RT @macosken: 13 Disturbingly Evil Easter Bunnies. I would say "enjoy," but I'm not sure that's right. http://bit.ly/hPuMkf [Ewwww!]


Saturday's Tweets

12:59 Having a seafood lunch and enjoying the view of Pismo Beach. Life sucks sometimes.
15:51 Finished audiobook of Hopscotch by Brian Garfield. Movie's a comedy, the book isn't. Both compelling; similar but not remotely the same.


Friday's Tweets

06:37 RT @joshtpm: My iPhone told me i don't get out enuf to make it worth its while to track me #snubbedbymyiphone [That's gotta hurt.]
08:40 Koran-burning pastor shoots innocent car, claims self defense. Or was the car a Sharia practitioner? http://bit.ly/fmkDWt
08:47 Senator John Kyl edits Congressional Record to unsay his lie about Planned Parenthood. Orwell would approve. http://huff.to/g0sKIW
09:00 Farscape Season 1 matte paintings via Exec Producer @froonium. Reminds me how much I miss the show. *snif* http://bit.ly/eazWmi
09:04 I got 30 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:56 Does the Left have to match the insane truth-starved ranting of the Right to succeed? Cheese, I hope not. http://wapo.st/ft0ttL
16:30 Dealing with a confused desk clerk. Tried to charge me 20% more than my reservation said. He believes my confirmation, but still puzzled.


Thursday's Tweets

09:03 I got 32 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:46 Is there no honor in publishing? Sure looks that way. (Scandal ahoy!) http://bit.ly/dPDtYh


Wednesday's Tweets

09:09 I got 37 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:03 RT @shelbyfero: "Danger" is my middle name! My parents are assholes. [Could be worse. Trust me on this.]
21:51 Scary. Upgraded Blu-Ray player's firmware & had no picture. Power cycled TV to get things back. What do people with no debugging skills do?
22:13 I checked out the location data in my iPhone. Looks like cell tower locations to me too. http://bit.ly/f0e1fy via @counternotions


Tuesday's Tweets

10:44 Is the GOP being hoist with its own birther petard? @adamserwer thinks so. http://wapo.st/hZxp1c
17:34 @paulandstorm Not hardly. Cartman may eventually grow out of his assholiness. Scott Adams is what he is.
17:36 Goodbye, Sarah Jane, one of my many youthful crushes.
18:02 RT @ebertchicago: Scott Adams says he has a "certified genius IQ." I'm too smart to ever make a claim like that. [I'm not. But I'm trying.]
18:11 Wired: "Biggest Spider Fossil Ever Found" post has a big photo of Donald Trump. Now that's comedy!
18:24 I so wish I believed in Lotto Nation, @KeithOlbermann. I like the American Dream, but not pure fantasy. http://bit.ly/fAD2IM


Monday's Tweets

08:14 If the Rebel Alliance had PowerPoint, or why I love @paulandstorm: http://www.paulandstorm.com/longer-thoughts/death-star-2-0/
08:17 Racist Repugs in Orange County, California? I'm shocked, shocked! http://bit.ly/i8zmVj
09:05 I got 21 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:09 Reading Lies My Teacher Told Me on my iPad. Did you know Woodrow Wilson was racist scum? I didn't. So much to learn. http://amzn.to/exCndS
09:47 I'm going to a Meetup with Digital Photography Society of Santa Cruz http://meetu.ps/SFsz
10:46 @paulandstorm Kant Buy Me Love #philosophymovies
11:15 Enjoying reading Shit (Stephen) Harper Did, because I like knowing other people's leaders suck too. http://shitharperdid.ca.nyud.net/
12:01 I thought Scott Adams was a clueless idiot, but I had no idea just how clueless an idiot he is. The mind boggles. http://bit.ly/gUzXph


Sunday's Tweets

07:19 Pulled a muscle in my back. Not immobilized, but not exactly comfortable either. Gonna be a long day.
10:17 RT @ebertchicago: Who would win in a battle between Batman and Harry Potter? http://aol.it/i7lCkF [Fun stuff, well considered.]
12:59 RT @counternotions: What happens when Photoshop Content-Aware Fill replaces the lady in the Mona Lisa? http://bit.ly/hYgbKN [Weird.]
15:50 If Apple releases a TV, I'm gonna be pissed. Just replaced mine. A new Apple TV, on the other hand... http://bit.ly/dQHzLj