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Saturday's Tweets

12:15 @VictoriaDahl Unless of course by "fishing", they really mean fishing.
13:56 @wilw @ggreenwald Maybe not okay, but we're leery of undermining him. Learned from GOP support of GWB: hold your nose & support your guy.
14:49 @Molly23 @mariancall Brain Snuggles is the name of my Frente cover band.
15:29 They may be my people, but they're still nuckin' futs. http://is.gd/GlX2cv
15:35 I wondered why I love this shirt: http://bit.ly/ltdwYy Now I know it's a meme, not (just) stupidity: http://bit.ly/lAtdXT
21:26 Apple's ads talk about stuff you can do with iThings. Moto's Droid ads announce its dual core processor. 'Cuz doing nothing faster is cool.
21:27 Just bought my 2nd Einstein strobe. Know anybody who wants to buy some gently used studio lights?


Friday's Tweets

09:06 I got 25 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:11 @BonesMcCoy Faraday cage.
16:15 Bad: Funny @peanutweeter taken down by DMCA claim. Worse: Claimant @IconixInc owns both Peanuts & douchebag brand Ed Hardy.


Thursday's Tweets

09:07 @reduced I was a little under the weather last night. So I snapped a couple of quick photos on my way by. http://lockerz.com/s/111235237
09:12 I got 60 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:58 Thank you, Vancouverites. Not often we Murrikans get the moral high ground over you Canadians.
12:36 @VictoriaDahl It's not the braids. It's the sinister film noir lighting from below. Okay, it *might* be the braids too.
16:53 @altonbrown You should have blurred out the sign on the doughnut machine.
19:57 Just finished listening to Fuzzy Nation by @scalzi, read by @wilw. Liked it a whole lot, maybe even more than H. Beam Piper's original.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:36 RT @ebertchicago: For Sale: Model T Ford, driven only by Laurel and Hardy. http://bit.ly/l9bvTG [Want.]
09:03 I got 33 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
16:34 Myths about introverts. I see myself in this list. Do you? http://bit.ly/lx8Snh
18:41 @mariancall I'd say $20. They still make CDs?
18:46 @mariancall I know. I was being a smartass. And if the CD is $22 alone, I'd add $5 for the autograph. Or just even it out to $30.
19:24 Back at @SJRep to see @reduced do their sports thing. Gonna be fun, you betcha!
20:56 Halftime at @reduced Sports. This place should be full. What is the matter with you people? (Apologies to John Crichton.)


Tuesday's Tweets

09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:52 RT @billamend: So Apple's Ron Johnson will be taking over JC Penney. Can't wait to discuss pant options at the Jeanius Bar. [Hee.]
11:02 RT @jennakimjones: Hugh Hefner got dumped. DOESN'T ANYONE STAY TOGETHER ANYMORE?!?! #tragic [And here I thought they'd go the distance.]
11:33 @JohnRossBowie Zorba Tries Greek #pornmusicals
18:05 Judge eviscerates copyright troll Righthaven. Now we just need patent trolls to get the same treatment. http://bit.ly/jLRy7H
20:40 A black racist running for president? Only in America! (Or most any country in Africa, I guess.) http://nyti.ms/jJlsut


Monday's Tweets

09:08 I got 23 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:09 Used to be that staying home sick meant not having to work. I miss those days.
09:44 Via @wilw, Peanutweeter is like the PB&J of online humor, only better if more questionable taste. http://bit.ly/kT3mIB
10:05 As if Birtherism wasn't enough of an embarrassment, now we have Deatherism. http://bit.ly/lB15aK
10:10 MSFT announces a (partial) break with its proprietary past, & developers are ready to slit their wrists. http://bit.ly/mzJVRm
11:00 Marie Callendar's shuts down a bunch of restaurants. I understand bankruptcy proceedings, but in the middle of a meal? http://bit.ly/iC1TpA
13:55 RT @TheTweetOfGod: "For God and country." It's more than a motto. It's two horrible genres of music. [Yea verily 'tis true.]
19:44 Ben Stein's Intelligent Design documentary isn't just morally bankrupt; it's financially bankrupt as well. http://on.wsj.com/kzeQzP
20:49 Freestyle canoe dancing? At last, something to make curling seem less ludicrous. @StephenAtHome
21:01 Pole Dancing for Jesus? The mind boggles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tplfas9OIFI


Sunday's Tweets

09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:13 A little breakfast, and then a photo shoot. The model's passing through on her way to Japan.
15:07 Great shoot this morning with a model who's a Farscape fan & a @JonathanCoulton fan. That she gets naked on request is just gravy.
16:09 I'm going to a Meetup with Bay Area Fine Art and Fashion http://meetu.ps/20gXG


Saturday's Tweets

13:30 Just finished a poolside photo shoot. Now I'm going to cheer myself with a little barbecue.


Friday's Tweets

06:30 1st time I saw Avenue Q, "George Bush is only for now". Next time the line was "Glenn Beck". Last night was "Prop 8". The world changes.
08:16 @alwayscoffee Hey, Ali! Guess what showed up in the mail yesterday from Amazon?
08:25 My verdict on Avenue Q at San Jose Stage: sound mix was a little uneven, but everything else was fine. Enjoyed myself a whole lot.
10:23 Euphemism of the day: "Spared from the existential issues of this transition." Translation: not fired.
14:27 RT @ThePlumLineGS: RT @nytimeskrugman The Case of the Mystery Study http://nyti.ms/jpaUUt [Waves hand: "You don't need to see our methods."]
15:13 Disturbing images can get you jailed in Tennessee. But is @ebertchicago intimidated? Nossir, not Roger! http://bit.ly/j4knhp
15:26 RT @SJRep: 1 week, 8 performances, pure hilarity! Check it out - http://t.co/bJzT5rg #sjrsports [Got my ticket. Front row!]


Thursday's Tweets

07:51 Rick Santorum: The idea mankind contributes to global warming is "just patently absurd." (And this man knows absurd.) http://bit.ly/ih0ymY
19:12 In my seat for Avenue Q. San Jose Stage is tiny; not used to such an intimate theatrical experience. But somehow I'll manage.


Wednesday's Tweets

11:22 Some days my job doesn't entirely suck. Today is not one of those days.
19:00 Glad I don't have the job where tweeting my junk would get me fired. I don't, right?
21:59 @mariancall Salmon roe? Smoked sable? Two of my favorite foods. Salty & smoky; doesn't get much better.


Tuesday's Tweets

10:32 Just discovered San Jose Stage is running Avenue Q! (Thank you, Bay Area News iPad app.) Bought ticket for Thu night. http://bit.ly/mcekVG
12:31 How desperate do you have to be about the Gay Agenda(TM) to ban rainbows? Catholic School in Canada finds out. http://bit.ly/mneCkg
15:59 @nprscottsimon Sorry, but Deaver wasn't the first. http://www.raymondbenson.com wrote a whole bunch of official Bond books.
17:30 I'm going to a Meetup with Northern California Bikini Model Photo Shoots http://meetu.ps/1L2Fk


Monday's Tweets

07:55 Is there a sadder sight than a failed theme park? Gulliver meets Japan. http://on.io9.com/mGrMmo
09:07 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:39 Palin fans rewrite Wikipedia to make her not full of shit re Paul Revere. http://bit.ly/klM6eY
09:45 Via @thinkgeek, new magical features in iOS 5.0: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAhP-yLJJ9s


Sunday's Tweets

08:32 Article in WSJ wants YA books to return to the 50s, where life was simple & safe (& presumably *those people* knew their place). #yasaves
09:02 I got 4 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:18 @reduced How about McHale's Navy Seals? #updatedsitcoms
11:36 Love Jumping off a Rooftop #grimmersitcoms
11:37 Dysfunctional Family Matters #grimmersitcoms
11:37 Step by 12 Step #grimmersitcoms
19:38 Just my luck that I might have been in demand on the other end of the planet. http://bit.ly/mEwyqr


Saturday's Tweets

09:04 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:25 A wet, miserable day. If I didn't have a ticket for Tales of the City at ACT, I'd stay at home.
15:25 Intermission. Tales of the City is like How To Succeed in Business, only with more pathos and not so much chaste innuendo. I like it.
18:16 First saw Judy Kaye on Broadway as Lily Garland in On The 20th Century in 1978. Now she's Anna Madrigal in Tales of the City. Amazing.


Friday's Tweets

09:04 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:32 NH paper thinks Palin at the beach is the big story, Mitt's presidential run not so much. http://bit.ly/mHahCP
10:24 SF/fantasy writer Joel Rosenberg died. He was an early commenter on my website, some 15 years ago. Sad & scary; we're about the same age.
19:51 Back from Santa Cruz & an exhibition of a friend's photos. In a sex toy shop. Which, given the photos, is entirely appropriate.
19:59 Wow. Catholics with a sense of humor. Presbyterians with a sense of non-. Thank God I'm an atheist. http://bit.ly/lTOcDU


Thursday's Tweets

09:07 I got 14 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:59 Apple's solution to MacDefender malware is worse than the problem. Pegged one CPU, killed battery life. I removed it & life's okay again.
11:13 I get so many phishing attempts on banks I don't use, it was a surprise to get one that *might* have been real. It wasn't, of course.
12:09 RT @ckwright: Today I learned my new favorite word ever: Backpfeifengesicht. —noun; German: "A face badly in need of a fist." [Excellent!]
19:42 @mariancall I dun told dem Facebookers. We'll see if it helps.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:32 My Fair Lady Gaga #broadwaybands #broadwaysingers
09:06 I got 37 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:12 @JustaSunGod Naw, it's just age. We go from dirty boys to dirty young men to dirty men to dirty old men.
13:16 Rand Paul supports deportation of Tea Partiers? Wow, what a great idea! Can we start with him? http://bit.ly/l1cZpR (What a maroon!)
17:49 Creepy sheepies via @thinkgeek: http://j.mp/jNSSug
20:30 The Feds say Indiana's illegal defunding of Planned Parenthood is illegal, but only because it is. http://bit.ly/kXRwai
20:36 Of all the pizzerias in NYC, Trump takes Palin to an Albanian chain? She doesn't know pizza from falafel, but The Donald has no excuse.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
21:38 RT @VictoriaDahl: This is terrible. And it made me laugh so hard I cried. http://t.co/KFKuO4d [Never saw it coming.]


Monday's Tweets

07:52 I love the smell of Gilroy in the morning. Turlock, not so much.
09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:36 Home. Only three days, but it feels longer.


Sunday's Tweets

05:59 Long day shooting yesterday. Five 1-1s planned, two no-shows. But the ones who did made it worthwhile. Now off to Turlock. Yep, Turlock.
06:03 Lodsys tries to shake down iPhone developers. Apple tells 'em to pound sand, so Lodsys goes after Android devs next. Will Google respond?
09:03 I got 35 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
19:42 Model from yesterday called to accuse me of not paying for our shoot. I know I did, which doesn't help much. Awkward situation.


Saturday's Tweets

09:03 I got 10 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Friday's Tweets

06:44 I'm off to Southern Cal after work. Photo shoot in Riverside tomorrow! #RoadTrip
08:28 @Wonkette: Pope's Pedophilia Adviser Arrested For Pedophilia bit.ly/l8Sigr” Hey, at least he has experience with the problem. Hands on.
09:08 I got 18 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:34 MSFT makes more from Android than from Windows phones. Clearly, its future is as a troll under a bridge. http://bit.ly/jNWCfx
10:41 @scapersuse Good luck, Suse. Hope it's a good gig that lasts a long time.


Thursday's Tweets

05:32 France's copyright enforcement is as incompetent as it is misguided. http://bit.ly/mKr2yX
07:42 Disney has withdrawn its trademark application for SEAL Team 6. So what moron thought that was ever a good idea? http://bit.ly/mRIbo6
09:06 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:14 In an engineering meeting. For fsck's sake, people, put your phones on VIBRATE!
11:48 NY Stock Exchange claims trademark ownership of the trading floor, demands permission to use any photo. Wow. http://bit.ly/iQzprb
11:50 A Dairy Princess who's lactose intolerant? Will the intolerance never end? http://bit.ly/jIzSca
11:51 @JustaSunGod But up with Dairy Princesses!
19:40 Back from a shoot. Now I edit, which is a chance to reexperience the shoot without the time pressure.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:21 In 2008 Mitt said "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt". With Chrysler paying off its loans early, will voters say "Let Mitt Go Jobless" next year?
06:24 It's Towel Day. Do you know where your towel is? http://www.towelday.org/
06:34 Glad to see Timmy knows where his towel is. http://twitpic.com/52by5z @thinkgeek (Love the Jayne hat as well.)
07:00 RT @gruber: Thanks, Teabaggers! http://j.mp/jfX2Qf [Somehow I don't think they meant to do good here.]
09:09 I got 10 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:18 HP exec: My vaporware will wipe the floor with your shipping product. How many times have we heard this rap before? http://bit.ly/kxcNPL
11:43 @ConanOBrien They get a card *and* $25? Cool.
14:27 Replacement battery for my car remote: $6.50 at my Toyota dealer, $1.50 at Fry's. But of course they were out.
14:35 Not entirely comfortable with the idea that @istock is sponsoring @waitwait. Love one of them, hold a dim view of the other.
15:01 How I spent my weekend (and why I'm still walking funny): http://www.apertureacademy.com/photography-workshop-oregon-columbia-gorge-2011.php
17:32 Jared Loughner's incompetent to stand trial. But getting the guns he used to kill and maim? No problem at all. http://huff.to/mjVhZK
17:35 In my spam folder: Find a Christian Job. What, they'll pay you for that? (It would have to be a lot.)


Tuesday's Tweets

07:10 Dentist visit this morning. Back before I discovered computers, my dad wanted me to become a dentist. That was so never gonna happen.
09:06 I got 10 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:48 I can walk without whimpering, a vast improvement on yesterday. Still cringe when I have to face stairs. But the photos were worth it.
18:41 Discovered last night that my local BevMo now stocks Bakon Vodka. Reminding myself how much I enjoy Bloody Marys. Bacony Bloody Marys.
20:04 Cats in Tanks are awesome! Thanks to Storm of @paulandstorm for the intro. http://bit.ly/jMPIpc


Monday's Tweets

05:07 Up way too early, at the airport and ready to attack Portland's idea of a German breakfast. Flight's an hour and a half away.
09:37 Raced from the airport to the office for a teleconference. Kill me now.


Sunday's Tweets

06:39 Starting at the wrong end of the trail turned a .4 mile hike into 1.4 or so. But somehow I made it through, although today's in question.
06:53 I won't say that once you've seen one waterfall, you've seen 'em all. But after a while they do lose some of their magic.
16:23 Hiked more in the last two days than in the previous two years. Gonna feel it tomorrow.
19:17 @alwayscoffee My workshop is done, Ali. And I wasn't eaten by a single bear. Nor even a pair of bears. Or a pair of pears for that matter.


Saturday's Tweets

06:50 Not sure it was worth a 4:15am start. http://lockerz.com/s/103526810
09:56 @alwayscoffee You liked that one? Here's another. http://lockerz.com/s/103576908


Friday's Tweets

07:04 Thought I was feeling the Rapture last night. Turns out it was just heartburn.
08:22 RT @billamend: Heading to Las Vegas this weekend. I assume any Rapture disruptions there will be minimal. [Sounds like a safe bet.]
09:59 @paulandstorm Darn you, Storm! Now all I *can* think of is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!
10:52 The great thing about this Rapture business is how it helps us identify the fuckin' loons in our midst.
11:40 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Submitted without comment. #rapture http://yfrog.com/h8zio8j [I'm frightened...]
11:47 This is cool. A London Underground map of MSFT acquisitions. http://bit.ly/kB2TAw (MSFT & cool in one tweet? Truly we are in the end times.)
13:52 @ebertchicago That's sad. Like having Fu Manchu as Peter Seller's last film.
13:53 I want the scrat one. Want. http://www.iphonealley.com/blog/macbook-and-ipad-decals
13:55 At the gate for my flight. Way too early as usual. But I get to enjoy the free WiFi, so it's all quality time.
13:55 @JustaSunGod That little acorn-obsessed creature from Ice Age. I think that's what he was called.
15:35 Hey, you Internet people, get off my lawn! http://bit.ly/ijn0ZP
15:53 @HappyTinfoilCat Too bad he turned into a self-important crank right after.
19:05 At the hotel in Troutdale, OR. Mount Hood is looking particularly glorious this evening, and I didn't take time for a photo stop. Duh.
20:42 What have I done to myself? They expect us to be out of the hotel at 4:15. In the morning! Did you know there's a 4:15 in the morning?