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Monday's Tweets

08:58 Forbes: iPad & iPhone make almost nothing for Chinese assemblers. Profit's all in components & design. http://t.co/oEYxVTit
12:41 If their support for #SOPA wasn't enough to declare GoDaddy scum, there's this: http://t.co/g4MkTg6Y
12:45 Warner Bros. really cares about intellectual property. Just not so much about anybody else's. http://t.co/9z6vRg4S
12:58 Here's to the ladies who bake!🍸 ♩"It's the most fattening time of the year..." ♫
14:10 @cschweitz Yep, I've turned down a fair number of LinkedIn invitations if I don't know them, or we don't have some connection already.
15:00 Road trip tomorrow. That means laundry today. Better be worth it!
16:34 RT @LoveGod50: PROOF that the earth is only 6000 years old - http://t.co/gqHynEAR [Who could fail to be convinced by that? Me for one.]
17:44 Been giving this photography cruise to Alaska a lot of thought. Then I clicked the Book Cruise button... http://t.co/suZ5wAqG
17:47 @cschweitz Looks delish!


Sunday's Tweets

11:52 @BonesMcCoy A mistletoe belt buckle. That would cheer up most anyone, human or otherwise.
14:20 Finally got around to wrapping presents. Not so bad; I don't have to deliver them for four more hours. Procrastinators, think about uniting!
14:41 @cschweitz Easter's close. At least it used to be.
22:00 The problem with procrastination is that you don't know if you've started doing it or are still putting it off.


Saturday's Tweets

08:24 Oh, irony! Voter fraud procedures kick Newt & Perry off VA primary ballot. Newt argues potential primary fraud's okay. http://t.co/pPAjWB5A
10:05 Hope @magnatune doesn't mind me sharing, but this is too much fun: Jingle Bells on a sitar! http://t.co/rpURlYbc
12:23 What a sad day! Michele Bachmann joins Newt & Perry in failing to deliver enough signatures for the VA primary ballot. http://t.co/UeQRNRf9
13:28 RT @hellobuglers: BREAKING: ABC News reports "three reindeers dead" at the scene, four "critically hurt", one missing. [Oh the reindeerity!]


Friday's Tweets

08:18 RT @JustaSunGod: AHHAHA "Put the lotion in the basket!" - http://t.co/WYGhDKHK [Fun with anti-helium!]
08:27 RT @cschweitz: Puppies unwrap Christmas presents early http://t.co/3ExWD8Lg [I suspect human intervention was involved.]
09:47 @lizbelsky And a festive Festival of Lights to you too.
10:03 @VictoriaDahl It all sounds delicious. Lucky family! Oh, and don't die. Although as a writer, an infected paper cut's the way to go.
11:17 GoDaddy's stand in favor of #SOPA is beyond the pale. Glad to see so many domains leaving them. Wish I were a customer so I could leave.
11:30 The Chanukah story about the heroic Maccabees and the miracle of the oil? Not so much. I am heartbroken (not so much). http://t.co/vcPgUdG1
11:32 That was quick. GoDaddy rethinks its support for #SOPA. Still don't like them, but it demonstrates the power of public opinion.
11:42 "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." http://t.co/XwxjjxOp #jococruisecrazy
14:11 Went out for lunch today. Big mistake. Also, Armadillo Willy's? You screwed up your menu something awful. Don't think I'll be back.
14:15 John Dvorak is an arrogant, abusive asshole. He is also an idiot. Case in point for the latter: http://t.co/72ySc1cJ Be amazed.
14:29 @cschweitz @joshtpm How much of MSFT traffic was updates & patches?
18:53 Is it my imagination, or are the questions on the BBC version of @waitwait way easier than the radio show?
20:34 RT @YourAnonNews: Why did GoDaddy support #SOPA? Bc it had secured an exemption from the bill's terms! http://t.co/3yNmhaH5 [Shocking.]


Thursday's Tweets

08:46 If Ron Paul is not a horrible racist, he was willing to benefit & profit from horrible racism. He gets no pass from me. http://t.co/IKHaf1h7
11:08 The true horror of Siri. And suddenly my iPhone 4 doesn't seem so bad... http://t.co/QsILSw5h
11:53 @Lomara Far as I know, no. Incompatible DRM. However, both will work on an iPad.
13:54 RT @hensoncompany: Ringing of the Bells: http://t.co/A959B1wU #Muppets #Holiday #thingsthatareawesome #Christmascarols [Awesome!]
16:14 MN gays apologize for cheapening marriage & making straight politician cheat on her husband. Delicious irony ahead! http://t.co/0jIGV6P6
16:24 @Lomara It may help to know that Nick & Nora are based on Thin Man writer Dashiell Hammett & Lillian Hellman.
16:29 @Lomara They carried on a very drunk 30 year long affair.
23:32 Happy Christmas Eve Eve, y'all. If yer into that kind of thing. http://t.co/Ht4xblHR


Wednesday's Tweets

09:18 Who'd have thought http://t.co/MAYz5CcN would make an unapologetic liberal like me smile?
10:35 Via @thinkgeek (Hi, Timmy!), 19 words you should work into conversation. Kummerspeck? Yeah, I know that concept. http://t.co/4uLZQMmU
12:39 Truly our world is changing. And sometimes that's a fine thing. Like this: http://t.co/gmAlKOxT
12:47 16GB memory for my MacBook Pro just went from $1500 to $260 at http://t.co/zlHPsiRm. Wowzers! Got my order in. Speed, thou shalt be mine!
15:36 Whyfor is @gruber hating on Peter Jackson? I think he did a fine job with LotR, as unfilmable a series as I've ever forced my way through.
15:38 Poor Ron Paul. Don't we all have horrible racist shit in our past? We don't? Okay, never mind then. http://t.co/ha9zOAB5 via @pemalevy
16:36 A mensch of a lawyer takes on a purveyor of junk science's attempt to silence a critic. http://t.co/XB1Up2oj
16:38 @ravsitar Have you been to Vancouver? Much prettier than Toronto. @chrismarquardt
21:53 RT @paulandstorm: [S, to P] http://t.co/I5ClvJ8P [I love nerd humor.]


Tuesday's Tweets

08:00 @VictoriaDahl Not a lot of difference between crazy shit Newt says and crazy shit Herman Cain or Rick Perry says, is there?
08:53 My MBP trackpad just went crazy, scrolling all over by itself. Had to power cycle to get it to behave. Hardware glitch? Or GHOSTS??????
14:18 Proof, as if we needed any, that nerds inhabit Google. http://t.co/0ch4AVJk
16:28 Watching the #jococruisecrazy peeps on http://t.co/wT1YO6hA @jonathancoulton @paulandstorm @hodgman @leolaporte


Monday's Tweets

09:10 Repugs view Romney as most honest? I guess his lies about his record & his flip flopping & the president don't count. http://t.co/qrNl5jEf
09:52 The movie may have been crap, and creepy crap at that, but one Spanish village reaps the rewards of Smurfification. http://t.co/1yWhrDzA
12:25 No, Rick Perry, he wasn't Kim Jong the Sequel. Jeeze, what a maroon. http://t.co/alhAE4P8
13:27 @_CourtneyFord_ I like Echofon. Use it on my Macs, iPhone and iPad.
21:43 Jackie Mason is a loudmouthed jackass who speaks for himself and no one else.


Sunday's Tweets

14:07 Just back from The Muppets. Theater got awfully dusty when Kermit & Piggy sing Rainbow Connection, didn't it?
16:40 Why can't we accept that a profitable post office is a stupid idea? We don't expect the military to pay their way, do we?
22:13 Like the March of Dimes after polio was cured, MADD can't win their cause and go away. Leave my cell phone alone, dammit!
22:19 @counternotions "How many Marxist/Leninists does it take to change a lightbulb? None; the bulb carries the seeds of its own revolution."


Saturday's Tweets

09:01 Penn Jillette uses logic to explain why atheism is the only thing that makes sense. https://t.co/dkaHopof
09:53 Think putting one of these on my camera would help or hinder my reputation? http://t.co/OfrRYPKf
09:54 @renatojr_rj Another what? BTW, missed you at the group dinner last night.
09:58 Via @ebertchicago, a font to identify sarcasm online. Because context isn't enough for *some* people. http://t.co/XdwtNapP
10:45 RT @JessaSlade: This is always good advice about dicks: http://t.co/BKnSTLMi [Hee!]
11:05 @renatojr_rj Arghh! Yeah, I've made that mistake a few times too. iCal needs a DWIM function.
11:06 WI Gov Scott Walker is one heartless bastard. How does more undetected breast cancer help anyone? http://t.co/kjKPzAp8
11:43 Not safe for work, but fascinating. I have two questions: First, how did they do that? And more importantly, why? http://t.co/sPWQo3pP
15:30 RT @bobbyllew: RT @OMGFacts: Google Search for "Let it snow." Now. [That's about as close to snow as I want to get.]
15:36 @LotusSixSixSix Life's interesting, Deb. Some good, some not so good. But mostly okay.
23:19 RT @billamend: 1960s Batman TV opening done with Lego... http://t.co/6hFb6YWK [Awesome! I'm ten again.]


Friday's Tweets

08:56 Newt tries to obfuscate Michele Bachmann and mostly comes out looking creepy and guilty. But he's winning! http://t.co/A6xp5rqv


Thursday's Tweets

12:09 Lots of goodness here: 50 funniest tweets of 2011. http://t.co/R02JClLf
12:24 @JustaSunGod Hunt for Red October. Easy one.
18:45 Just finished another photo shoot. Two hours of extreme adorableness. The model, not me. Although...
21:41 The Freakonomics brand is about as valueless as most brands. Crap is crap, no matter who brands it. http://t.co/UPmbO7F4


Wednesday's Tweets

08:12 It's coming. And I'm going. http://t.co/KDNCh72d #jococruisecrazy
08:14 Coughing and sneezing and dripping and wheezing. These are a few of my favorite things...
08:29 Mittens Romney lies with ease and confidence. And after all, isn't that what we want in a leader? http://t.co/RNH8FLW6
08:30 @VictoriaDahl That's a trick question, right?
10:43 Tell @Lowes: Anti-Muslim bigotry is profoundly ignorant and un-American. http://t.co/eIc9fWPj @CREDOmobile
14:37 RT @cschweitz: Hilarious: Fox News Has No Clue Where Any States Are http://t.co/S3FCYcQ9 h/t @davidtaint [Not just Fox viewers are dumb.]
14:42 RT @thinkgeek: Wow. Chewbacca singing "Silent Night" is even worse than you'd expect: http://t.co/Yt16cmPj Oh, internet. [You zany Xtians!]
15:26 Fierce dog attacks defenseless boy! http://t.co/U2hKeyaf


Monday's Tweets

08:19 Lowe's defense: We're not bigots, but we want to sell to bigots. http://t.co/SfY3Dvk8
08:56 Newt & Mittens saying mean things about each other, mean things that just happen to be true. What fun! http://t.co/sdNZBRO8
10:35 I think I liked it better when real news didn't sound like something @TheOnion would write. http://t.co/iNxQV0OU
11:09 "You get back to work, God! Be thankful you have a job!" http://t.co/xFvmNdUG
11:17 Gee. Glad I downloaded that fake Driver's License iPhone app before they pulled it from the App Store. http://t.co/lJ1ZV5z6
18:23 @tabacco I already have my ticket for 1/21. Front row!


Sunday's Tweets

09:41 Fun watching two Mormons go at each other. http://t.co/t9hnI68o
10:04 Just got my tickets for @thrillingadv & #w00tstock at http://t.co/WHeowjMm in January. Front row center! Can't do better than that, can I?
11:46 My followers live in the U.S. (71.9%), the U.K. (6.3%), Canada (5.2%) & more. Create your map at http://t.co/H5oz9uHI
12:25 @paulandstorm You better not be entertaining, darn you! Save that for the real cruise!
13:24 Poor Mittens. Must be tough to be better in theory than you are in practice. If only you didn't have to be seen or heard.
17:06 Watching season 6 of Perry Mason on DVD. Bette Davis guest starred. She looks *old* & drag queeny. Scary that she was younger than I am now.
20:19 Top 10 Iowa debate moments. #1 is brilliant, although #10 is good too. Funnily enough, both are about Michele Bachmann. http://t.co/3No0waEK
22:27 Newt's sister doesn't know if he's honestly anti-gay or just a bigot for hire. But either way she supports Obama. http://t.co/LqZqdZ03


Saturday's Tweets

10:24 Today's shoot involves a model covered in chocolate. And how's your Saturday going? http://t.co/Y5LlCJZb


Friday's Tweets

08:36 Huh. That Commandment isn't about coveting property; it's about taking it. An ancient mistranslation. http://t.co/i8LaPTWx
11:42 New Years Eve movie gets not just negative reviews, but hostile, disgusted, offended reviews. So much entertainment. http://t.co/j9GaiZmZ
11:44 Kris Humphries blindsided that GMA interview was all about his marriage? Why else would anybody want to talk to him? http://t.co/U2rpcjBq
13:12 @VictoriaDahl Cocks are not supposed to sparkle. And neither are vampires, now that I think of it.
14:40 Thank you, Twitter! How else would I know that @ThrillingAdv and #w00tstock are coming to SF in January? I'm so there! http://t.co/YbTpsShK
17:20 @reduced I use Echofon on iPhone and Mac. Gave up on official Twitter client ages ago.
18:51 Santorum's a solid block of cheese? He's certainly a block of something. http://t.co/IhiCUdYI


Thursday's Tweets

08:32 Up late last night listening to http://t.co/ZxjKgNGR recording of Nicholas Nickelby. Voice quality all over the map, but I persevered!
09:45 Finished my first full length Dickens novel via Librivox audio. He wrote a fine story, buried under a ton of tedious and pointless subplots.
09:49 Once again, an @ebertchicago review is far more entertaining than its subject. http://t.co/FFYSbe2g
10:14 @billprady @MarkoLazari Wouldn't be worth it if you could make him. Folks who are interesting on Twitter want to be here. Like you, Bill.
10:34 @cabri It was Nicholas Nickleby. I'm about halfway through Great Expectations, which could use a few of NN's laughs.
12:52 Wait! Matlock wasn't really a good lawyer? Okay, I buy that. But Atticus? Say it ain't so! http://t.co/KR4xawoc
13:12 At last, a candidate I can get behind. He's full of hope. And felt. http://t.co/UqVEsPtK
13:51 Idiot defaces Wisconsin recall petition, arrested for committing a felony, will likely lose his right to vote. http://t.co/osNkM3AB
13:52 @donttrythis Agreed. Relieved nobody got hurt.
21:12 RT @YourDailyCute: Heeere's today's Cute: Baby Kitten Just Learning to Groom Herself http://t.co/xvZfPrMy - Sweetest. Video. Ever. :) [Aww.]
22:34 @wilw The Man With Two Brains? I *love* that movie!


Wednesday's Tweets

10:35 So long, Harry Morgan, and thanks. http://t.co/94sc8yIS
10:56 The Party of Lincoln now The Party of (Mc)Cain: "Am I my brother's keeper? Hell, no! he's on his own!" http://t.co/NuCiK2er
11:50 I would buy all these books. Okay, maybe not the George Lucas one. But the others for sure. http://t.co/85FUthR4
12:20 Newt putting John Bolton as Secretary of State is more frightening than McCain choosing Sarah Palin as Veep. Didn't think that was possible.
15:34 Michele Bachmann: "It's reprehensible when someone uses a little child to advance a political agenda.” Like you talking up your foster kids?
17:14 During a phone interview for a job, got an email about another job. Being popular is good. Being employed will be better.
18:40 Mittens' seconds to eviscerate Newt? I'll bring the popcorn. http://t.co/obdqD9TH
18:58 I'd been thinking about taking that helicopter tour over Hoover Dam. Now, not so much. http://t.co/nnLA6ALD
19:22 Whether out of altruism or merely to put their bad publicity behind them, @paypal does right by @regretsy. http://t.co/mqS4ZCbS


Tuesday's Tweets

07:26 RT @TheDailyShow: .@THEHermanCain ends campaign quoting closing credit song from Pokemon: The Movie 2000. http://t.co/NF8p3rOk [Surreal.]
07:45 Is there no one at @PayPal to intervene in the @regretsy matter? Their reputation for tone deaf customer service takes another massive hit.
10:40 So @PayPal has released @regretsy's accounts. Think they beat the crap out of the employee who made them look like such assholes?
13:32 CNET's http://t.co/RH1XnU9l installs malware with that free software. Scummy bastards. http://t.co/mEaUvCtu
14:18 @mariancall -29F in Rochester, NY. -50 with wind chill.
15:02 Jon Huntsman backs off on climate change; Huntsman's IQ (or just his integrity) backs off a dozen points or so. http://t.co/dPkbLkqp
21:11 Did Jon Stewart really call Donald Trump "a circus peanut wearing a badger"? By golly, I think he did!
22:42 Woman who attacked ObamaCare gets cancer, gets treated only because of ObamaCare. How ironic is that? http://t.co/KxhojKAn


Monday's Tweets

08:15 Romney campaign takes an "honesty & integrity are for losers" approach to their ads. http://t.co/glfAeGM0
08:17 "Truth, facts, evidence, reason, decency, fairness — for Romney and his team, none of this matters." http://t.co/DmH0kPl7
10:21 The symbol of an advanced civilization? Not the iPhone, but the humble cheeseburger! http://t.co/9zaClg2j
20:47 Human Factors expert Jakob Nielsen studies Kindle Fire usability. The results aren't good. http://t.co/R4X1CfvY


Sunday's Tweets

07:47 @alwayscoffee And what's this Downtown Abby doing? Or did you mean Downton Abbey?
07:52 @alwayscoffee Spellcheck giving you grief this morning, Ali?
07:54 @alwayscoffee The root of many ills, yes, but also the source of much mirth!
14:35 Steve Jobs is asked insulting question, gives thoughtful, reasoned response. Impressive performance. http://t.co/gO1J8CWB


Saturday's Tweets

09:01 @Molly23 Unbelievably adorable, by which I mean you, @stephenfry, and the whole story. Couldn't happen to a nicer person.
09:12 Ron Paul has too much dignity to join a debate with Donald Trump as the moderator. Says much about both Paul and Trump.
15:21 Today's model was a no show. So we played with lighting, and then enjoyed a Korean BBQ and good conversation. Pretty good day so far.
15:55 "Rumors Of Extramarital Affair End Campaign Of Presidential Candidate Who Didn't Know China Has Nuclear Weapons." Uh, yeah, that's wrong.


Friday's Tweets

09:44 When Herman Cain needs women to support him, he goes to @Shutterstock. Of course he does. http://t.co/nGz6RJDP
11:44 Hey, Alanis! If you need more examples of actual irony, how about this? http://t.co/SMCCNidn
12:17 I'm having trouble seeing "Donald Trump" and "moderate" in the same sentence. http://t.co/ZBYPWiHB (via @joshtpm)
22:25 @VictoriaDahl How will I ever unsee that? Gross anatomy indeed!


Thursday's Tweets

11:04 Huntsman ad shows how much Mittens Romney disagrees with himself, denies saying what he said. Harsh but fair. http://t.co/T0mv7WpF
11:05 Dentist visit first thing this morning. Never a pleasant time, but I emerged unbloodied if not entirely unbowed. I'll call that a victory.
11:44 George Lucas's 7 Deadly Star Wars Revisionist Sins. That'd be my list too. http://t.co/6MqeJ9XB
11:57 @annvosspeterson That's good. And his need to link *everything* together in the last movie. Give us a little credit.
12:05 @annvosspeterson My favorite dumb moment was Padme naming the twins, as if we in the audience wouldn't know who these kids are. Subtle much?
14:43 Bachmann logic: Gays can so marry! They just can't marry anyone of the same sex! And neither can straight people!
14:47 RT @Cabel: Truth in advertising #thedeck http://t.co/zdx4dElC [Oy, do they need help.]
15:56 Danger 5. It's like every bad series to come out of ITV in the 60s. Only AWESOME! http://t.co/5kBArJ6z
16:32 Finished Steve Jobs bio. Now I understand why my tenure at Apple was so nasty, brutish and short.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:27 @Nikon_USA Pacific-bound 747 shortly after takeoff from San Francisco International. Golden Gate Cemetery makes a fine vantage point.
11:26 @donttrythis Are you accepting applications for the Fabulous Five? What would Doc Savage be without his aides?
17:54 I have seen the future of photography, and it makes me want to weep. http://t.co/vatHlFtv


Tuesday's Tweets

10:20 @reduced I'm thinking a chuffaw sounds less like like one of the Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.
10:57 MSFT lets you try Windows Phone 7 on the web. I tried it at MSFT Store. Didn't hate it, but didn't like it either. http://t.co/blswj9Uo
12:53 Rick Perry doesn't care about voters under 21. Unless... could it be he doesn't *know* the voting age? http://t.co/QBsOyNfg
19:45 Listening to Something Fierce, the new album by @MarianCall. So cool, although seeing her perform live's just that much better.
20:53 Just got the weirdest call from the Obama campaign. I swear this woman must work phone sex lines during office hours. And not in a good way.


Monday's Tweets

08:20 @VictoriaDahl Hurry and get better, Victoria. This place is awfully dull without you.
11:34 Gov. Brownback staff says they overreacted to student's dis on Twitter. Gee, ya think? http://t.co/47gQuH3D
11:59 Via @thinkgeek, urine-controlled video games. Is nothing sacred? http://t.co/aOGm1CBW
14:33 The phishers are out in force. One attempt against PayPal last week; one against Apple today. I remain vigilant.
15:19 RT @JamesPMorrison: Herman Cain appears to be a man trapped in several women's bodies. [Starting to feel sorry for the poor boob.]
15:25 RT @chrismarquardt: The U.S http://t.co/6MzIxgy3 [Yep, that's about the size of it.]
16:37 Best conversation ever. @StephenAtHome interviews @NeilTyson about cosmology and a lot of other stuff. http://t.co/vfhdOiIC
17:25 @VictoriaDahl Not a laugh track. That's actual laughter from a studio audience.


Sunday's Tweets

13:10 Just made my first purchases in the Apple Store using the Apple Store app. Great; an even easier way to part with my money.
13:12 Microsoft Store is open at Valley Fair. Just like the Apple Store, only louder and full of crap products I'd never want to buy.
13:13 MSFT Store has a slate for $1100. Bigger, heavier & more expensive than an iPad. Sure, I'd buy that.
15:06 Enjoying the Premiere episode of #Farscape on Blu-Ray. Looks great, although weird to watch 4x3 on a widescreen set. "You fart helium?"
18:45 Interesting piece on @OnTheMedia this week about Cow Clicker, a Facebook app I thought was pointless. Turns out that was exactly the point.
18:49 BTW, MSFT Store has Kindles on display (but not the Fire). Tried them. Hated them.
19:14 RT @mariancall: *wants to be Eowyn* [I thought you were!]
19:40 @mariancall But I realize I've never seen the two of you in the same place. Hmm...
20:30 @joshtpm Really? When I dumped #earthlink for AT&T DSL, they canceled me without any argument. At least that's how I remember it...
20:36 @joshtpm Wow. Definitely not my experience. AmEx was another matter. They took a *lot* of convincing to let me go.
21:22 So if I insult a Governor, can I have thousands of followers too? (In honor of @emmakate988, who deserves the honor and all her followers.)


Saturday's Tweets

08:29 Almost as interesting as this product: http://t.co/3TtpGqAM are the also viewed items. Random much?
08:31 @paulandstorm [P] I question the integrity of the product reviews, although the Also Viewed Items are fascinating. http://t.co/3TtpGqAM
12:07 Even Fox News agrees Romney's ad is a lying sack of excrement. http://t.co/4mmyVY2q
16:30 RT @joshtpm: Google+, yea or nay? [I vote meh.]