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Thursday's Tweets

15:26 Wallace & Gromit meet DC superheroes. OMG! http://t.co/9blfpZsp
15:48 Gee, did AZ Gov & nutjob Jan Brewer make up story of confrontation with Pres Obama? (Is water wet?) http://t.co/4W1Ke08l
15:52 Guess my phone interviews went okay last week. Now they want me to come in for an actual in-person conversation. That's good, right?


Wednesday's Tweets

09:21 @IsobelCarr Which makes it even more entertaining when he breaks character or barely holds back a laugh. It's the high wire act of comedy.
09:36 @IsobelCarr I know. How can they miss the snark? Poor conservatives and their irony-deprived diets.
12:26 RT @maddow: Behind the SEAL team flag anecdote from SOTU: http://t.co/2Q777F7C [Interesting what was left unsaid, and rightly so.]
12:53 RT @wilw: Soylent Green is people, my friend. [*snort*]
12:59 @pemalevy What's funny is that I *am* one of those, only Google doesn't think so. Off by two decades.
14:11 How bad a sign is it if your fortune cookie is empty?
15:27 @paulandstorm How'd you guys get involved with @thrillingadv? What's it like being part of a cast of dozens?
16:31 Irony alert: Mac sales are making awful PC sales figures look slightly awful. http://t.co/ox2SWFmI
16:40 Sorry, should be: Irony alert: Mac sales are making awful PC sales figures look slightly *less* awful. http://t.co/ox2SWFmI
23:25 @bnacker @paulandstorm @BenBlacker I don't think so. At the Sat night performance, *I* was the one in the front row laughing too hard.


Tuesday's Tweets

14:59 @reduced Maybe if you filmed it instead of standing on a stage with an actual audience...
15:35 @reduced Sorry, but all my spare cash is tied up in debts like every other good American.
15:36 Looks like claims for massive Jewish support for Romney campaign are as phony as everything else about the man. http://t.co/eJ3NnOFa
16:42 @paulandstorm Gilligan Cut recalls regular bit on F-Troop. "I don't know why everybody says you're so dumb." Cut to: "WHO says I'm dumb?"
17:52 RT @Cackowski: Great @ThrillingAdv cast photo from @SFSketchfest :http://t.co/EWK3fm3i [You guys were amazing!]
17:54 Nice of Mitt to release tax returns today. Makes the State of the Union so much more compelling. Call it the Romney Rule!
21:01 @VictoriaDahl This Guy's is a Single Guy? Gee, that's a shocker.
21:41 @VictoriaDahl Caress your bones? Was that more of that sexytalk I keep hearing about?
21:43 @IsobelCarr That was great. Wonder what @StephenAtHome was thinking during the Sendak interview. I'd have been busting up.


Monday's Tweets

14:48 How It Should Have Ended: Return of the Jedi Edition. http://t.co/GV52Tmfn (Much better than anything Lucas did.)
14:51 RT @emilyslist: Rand Paul detained by TSA for refusing screening as too invasive while on his way to anti-choice rally. [Now that's comedy!]
14:58 "Danger, Will Robinson!" Dick Tufeld, voice of Lost in Space robot, is no more.


Sunday's Tweets

00:03 @VictoriaDahl I think you look adorable and not at all like someone who writes disgusting sexybooks.
10:08 Was Chris Dodd as incompetent a Senator as he is a lobbyist? I for one am grateful. #SOPA #PIPA #MPAA http://t.co/6dMzVJhp
12:03 @billprady Gone for me too. It was there when you first posted, so looks like justice has prevailed.
12:21 Great seeing @paulandstorm onstage with @thrillingadv last night. A small preview of #w00tstock Founders' Night next Sunday. #sfsketchfest
13:29 @pourmecoffee But if Rush were the candidate, he would have to demonstrate competence, not just vitriol. Not gonna happen.
15:36 Former Senator Chris Dodd angry at Congress & White House for not being whores like him. #sopa #pipa (Apologies to actual prostitutes.)
15:53 Confused by the GOP Primary battles? @MarvinEQuasniki brings it all into focus. http://t.co/763myuNr
15:56 Tried KFC grilled chicken today. Concluded that not dying isn't a good enough reason to endure that again.


Saturday's Tweets

10:42 Is being delusional a requirement for Repugs in Congress or just one of the perks? http://t.co/u9oRMZc5
12:18 Star Wars, recreated scene by scene like a patchwork quilt. And yet still better than the prequels. http://t.co/YIRSa19P
14:55 Catholic leaders in Florida tell Gingrich & Santorum to stop being such racist shitheels. Think it'll help? http://t.co/6UwzP9V6
16:31 RT @LOLGOP: BREAKING: Newt Gingrich challenges Juan Williams to a series of Bunker-Jefferson Debates. ["Oh, Awchie!" "Stifle, Edith!"]
17:02 RT @pemalevy: RT @cbellantoni: Romney won just one income level, exit polls show: http://t.co/nqrPi0w3 [His people.]
18:31 A little dinner in SF, and then @ThrillingAdv at #sfsketchfest. Gonna be a good night.
18:36 RT @TPM: Newt: "It is not that I am a good debater. It is that I articulate the deepest held values of the American people." [Cheating?]
20:53 RT @ThrillingAdv: 20 min until show time @SFSketchfest! @GillianJacobs @hodgman @SammLevine @paulandstorm http://t.co/WS1KhIim [Ready!]
20:55 Ready for @ThrillingAdv to start. Front row center! Entertain me, dammit!
23:54 Just back from seeing @ThrillingAdv in SF. Too much fun. And guess who walked away with the sensational @pagetpaget's script? This guy!


Friday's Tweets

10:47 Newt as GOP nominee would be so awesome, both for the journey and the likely outcome. http://t.co/boIR3vwm
11:18 RT @thinkgeek: Post-lunch dance break! Star Trek: TNG theme in ragtime: http://t.co/df4FczHz [More! I want more!]
15:14 It was worth donating real actual money to #savethebugle. But not much money. Probably less than I donated. Hey, can I change my mind?
15:18 Third phone interview this afternoon went very well. Am I setting myself up for major disappointment, or is this headed somewhere good?


Thursday's Tweets

09:53 Sad that Rick Perry's out, even if he wasn't as consistently entertaining as Bachmann & Cain. Can Newt & Ron Paul step up their game?
09:56 RT @cschweitz: "I have no questions that Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative," @GovernorPerry says. [In a box under the bed?]
10:25 New Colbert Super PAC attacks Colbert, tells SC voters to choose Herman Cain. Wait, isn't that what Colbert wants? http://t.co/3THLTYyl
13:08 Did Mitt Romney game the laws around IRAs & 401K to reduce his taxes even further? Sure looks that way. http://t.co/9v0JAJSy
16:48 Okay, new backup disk acquired. Backups have begun on both my computers. Gonna be a while.
16:59 Gosh, Newt got Food Stamps story wrong? No trips to Hawaii? I for one am shocked. http://t.co/tu04Yr64
17:03 @joshtpm I'm guessing they don't count Black dignity as a value that matters.
17:04 Thought I'd speed up my network with a couple of Gigabit Ethernet switches. Works great on my MacBook Pro. My Mac Mini? Not so much.
20:44 Watching Big Bang Theory and heard my phone go off. No message, so what was it? Now I figured it out: it was Penny texting Leonard! #tbbt
21:13 @VictoriaDahl Yep: Vaunted: boast about or praise (something), esp. excessively
21:16 @VictoriaDahl On my Mac, double tap with three fingers gets me definition, thesaurus & Wikipedia entry.
21:26 @VictoriaDahl If you use a trackpad, it sure does.


Wednesday's Tweets

09:47 RT @thinkgeek: What we could lose if SOPA/PIPA pass: http://t.co/AeLp5stD [Oh nooooooes!]
09:50 Read @barryeisler on why #SOPA & #PIPA are a bad idea. Well reasoned and compelling as always. http://t.co/lVqOkfgz
09:52 RT @taxjustice: Mitt Romney's tax plan would cut his OWN taxes by nearly HALF http://t.co/C2q2P1y0 [Enlightened self-interest.]
09:53 RT @donttrythis: Another awesome audience in Cupertino last night. Their reactions were PRICELESS: http://t.co/rxBYcGk3 [I'm in there!]
10:58 RT @elbowgreaselube: The most entertaining SOPA & PIPA protest we've seen so far. http://t.co/GUpu3Juq
12:27 RT @TPM: Newt: Palin will play a "major role" in my administration http://t.co/8DRolGHc [I sure hope he means Michael Palin.]
14:54 Just finished my 2nd phone interview. Don't want to get too excited, but I think it went pretty darn well.
15:01 @scapersuse Mine won't happen this week; I have another call on Friday. But maybe next week. And I'll keep a good thought for you!
19:16 At @SJRep to see Double Indemnity. Sure hope it's a comedy. I like those!
22:39 Okay, not a comedy. This James M. Cain guy has serious issues, y'know? @SJRep
23:26 My backup disk keeps going offline. Not good. Looks like trips to Fry's and Costco are in my immediate future.
23:29 Oh wow. My browncoat - or should that be brown coat to avoid TM issues - is in the hands of FedEx. Can't wait.
23:37 RT @grantimahara: Star Wars + Dogs = WIN!! http://t.co/pg8hIPf7 [Totally awesome.]


Tuesday's Tweets

04:48 @jessebdylan @macosken Did you notice the date on the article?
07:40 Is it April 1st already? Or did someone really design a lens wrap that looks like a tortilla? http://t.co/oRTKaAzp
07:45 "Rick Perry: what an idiot." - a Turkish columnist who knows one when he sees one. http://t.co/SeQzoUVU
07:55 @VictoriaDahl Can't you just ask Burden? Or doesn't she qualify?
08:01 @VictoriaDahl I was referring to your "nice girl" reference. But good to know.
08:03 @VictoriaDahl Good. I'll be here all week. Now don't forget to tip your waitress.
08:21 RT @StephenAtHome: Wikipedia will go dark in protest of SOPA. Now where am I supposed to find inaccurate information about SOPA? [Try MPAA.]
12:19 Romney didn't make much in speaking fees last year. Only $374k, enough to put him in top 2% of earners. http://t.co/YNF9RemQ
14:13 @evanmc_s Only fair. I'd vote for Newt if he rejected everything about himself that's repulsive. Of course, there'd be nothing left.
15:57 RT @joshtpm: Newt: I'm no racist. I'm an asshole across the board! [I thought he didn't believe in Equal Opportunity.]
16:25 I hear the Layoff Fairy visited @iStock today. Guess they ran out of ways to screw suppliers & customers & finally had to go after staff.
16:33 @karimala1 Thanks. Been let go a few times myself, so I feel for the victims. Wonder who'll be left to run the forums...
19:09 Guess where I am! (So excited.) http://t.co/4mHP0svz
23:11 The @Mythbusters show at Flint Center was amazing fun. And seeing all the enthusiastic kids in the audience gives me hope for the future.


Monday's Tweets

08:57 So we say goodbye to the only sane and reasonable (grading on the curve) Republican candidate. Nothing but wingnut delight ahead of us.
14:27 Who needs real life when we have computer games? http://t.co/AGHWw5Ti
18:33 RT @toefer: @filmspotting Thought you might like this... movie posters from an alternate universe: http://t.co/RYkmuqwh [I'd watch these.]
19:45 RT @ryanjreilly: New ad out from "The Definitely Not Coordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC": http://t.co/o07Ka3lW [Got my vote!]
22:34 "Hello." http://t.co/mqwgcwlt
23:19 Via @counternotions, Open Source, Google & free fonts. It has to be about hierarchy & merit, not libertarian anarchy. http://t.co/ExeIZIL4


Sunday's Tweets

09:12 Love this: If corporations are people, Mitt Romney is a serial killer! http://t.co/0UIOMuR8


Saturday's Tweets

08:17 @K_Mitre What went wrong? A director who didn't appreciate the material and reinvented it in a particularly horrifying way.
10:38 @barryeisler @lkblackburne Give special credit to the music. It's more overpoweringly deadly than Rain himself.
10:39 @barryeisler Then I probably shouldn't say anything about the kitten. @lkblackburne
11:36 @barryeisler Hey, at least he didn't stage a reunion with the full grown cat on that NY rooftop.


Friday's Tweets

06:14 Happy Friday the 13th to all my triskadecaphobic friends.
15:22 Hey, Google! That whole Don't Be Evil thing? That was just a slogan, right? http://t.co/vHgpdG4x
16:52 Back to watching Rain Fall. It's a lot like What's Up, Tiger Lily?, only with less egg salad. @barryeisler
18:24 Okay, it took two attempts, but I finished Rain Fall the alleged movie. Wow. @barryeisler
21:16 @barryeisler The movie wasn't so bad. If I ignore everything I know about the book & its characters... okay, it still wouldn't be any good.
21:23 @barryeisler Mine certainly does. Still, surprised I haven't heard of the director expiring due to natural causes.
22:10 @lkblackburne @barryeisler If you like slow motion train wrecks, you'll love this one!


Thursday's Tweets

13:26 Good photo shoot this morning. Came back to calls from both companies I interviewed with. Signs are positive on that front.
13:44 @pemalevy Same reason Huntsman thinks showing off his Chinese helps his campaign. Delusion.
15:41 I saw it, I wanted it, I bought it: Steampunk GPS for iPhone http://t.co/5MizFi1s


Wednesday's Tweets

11:53 Now more than ever: @MarvinEQuasniki. Because who better than a turquoise farmer to turn the nation around? http://t.co/Bs0eXeNs
13:29 Happy 16th Anniversary to @pairnetworks! They've been my web provider for ages now, and I've never regretted the move.
13:32 Two phone interviews in two days. Yesterday's went okay, today's not so well. Luckily, they're for different jobs at different companies.
17:15 About to watch Rain Fall, allegedly based on the novel by @BarryEisler. Wonder how long I'll last.
18:09 @KiwiSpyGirl @BarryEisler Yeah, so I've been told. Kind of pretty in parts, although I have no idea what's going on or why.
21:01 @barryeisler @KiwiSpyGirl Got to the 37 min mark. It may have been a mistake to take a drink every time somebody mentioned The Memory Stick.
21:53 Fotoshop by Adobé: the beauty industry's real secret. http://t.co/5xWRpDfm (Or should that be beauté industré?)


Tuesday's Tweets

09:12 Santorum tried to ban govt weather forecasts after payoff from AccuWeather. Honest politician who stays bought. http://t.co/yl6JJ0fi
09:48 The perfect white elephant Christmas gift for the wingnut in your life? https://t.co/Wan5DhRO
09:49 @reduced @paulandstorm Shouldn't those be Single Maltesers?
09:57 RT @pemalevy: SC voters would choose Stephen Colbert over Jon Huntsman: http://t.co/lHRCiqUK [Who wouldn't?]
15:05 Oh Internet, how I've missed you! (DSL modem decided to fail. Replacement now up and running.)


Monday's Tweets

08:58 Five years ago today, Steve Jobs showed off the iPhone. It'd be another six months before we could get our hands on it & be amazed.
09:04 Will there really be moments like this on #JoCoCruiseCrazy? http://t.co/l0b0MHiz
12:05 RT @KobeATL: BEST photo bomb ever. :) http://t.co/QLtIAIdq [Hee!]
12:30 Interesting. Way back my insurer substituted a generic for the Nexium my doctor prescribed. Looks like they were right. http://t.co/I18YwoIj
18:26 @mariancall Clever will be nice. I'm just looking forward to hearing you sing again. #JoCoCruiseCrazy
18:27 @drtiki That's wonderful. Congrats! (A new episode would be nice too.)
18:52 Exactly. Anybody who likes firing people is a heartless jerk. It may be necessary, but it's never pleasant. http://t.co/bGfwwEmA
19:02 RT @stevenringo: James Bond is a Prick. http://t.co/lYe7HLZ1 Absolutely hilarious. cc @gruber via @taitems [NSFW, but cool!]
20:31 @KobeATL No SFBA? *snif*
20:36 Caught in my spam trap: "Meet Singles with Christian Values" Why in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster would I want that?
22:01 I love watching old Perry Mason episodes and seeing who I recognize. Harvey Korman a few eps ago, a pre-Trek @TheRealNimoy in this one.


Sunday's Tweets

11:18 @paulandstorm Back to the Buffet (& sequels) #Fat80s
11:54 @daveweigel @pemalevy Newt talking to left wing groups isn't news. Newt actually listening to them? That's news.
12:59 Funny. Just recognized one of my stock photos in an ad for senior dating. Even funnier that the model's only 40. http://t.co/C29RH1nc
13:01 @laurakcurtis Just as well she doesn't follow me on Twitter, huh?
13:20 Life isn't like the movies. How is anyone surprised by this? http://t.co/etyChFRH
16:26 @VictoriaDahl @count_01 @MeganMulry I'm always surprised retouching photos. All these "flaws" I never see in person. Parts vs. the whole.
16:32 @VictoriaDahl Camera and studio lights are unforgiving. When I'm done retouching, my subject is as beautiful as she was in my viewfinder.
16:54 New tell all book makes Michelle Obama look -- what's that word? -- human, admirable even. Shocking, I know. http://t.co/qnANCWOf


Saturday's Tweets

15:58 Back from seeing The Descendants. Liked it a whole lot. George Clooney gave an amazing performance.
17:23 @paulandstorm Fassbendit Like Beckham #FassbenderInAllThings


Friday's Tweets

09:53 To MSFT, computers without a load of unnecessary crap are a special class of products. Welcome to Microsoft Signature! http://t.co/Wey5K6YS
09:59 Yep, it's obvious after you've seen it done. http://t.co/QAldgInK via @gruber
10:03 NAACP schools Gingrich on Food Stamps. (I'm stunned the all-knowing Newt got something wrong!) http://t.co/YgMWs5oE
16:48 I hate you, American Airlines. Outbound flight to Florida now 2.5 hrs later, gets in at 11pm. Return 2.5 hrs earlier, leaves 6am. Gah.
16:59 Santorum is a real dick, plays Blame the Victim with cancer survivor. http://t.co/8lcAig1I
17:09 @VictoriaDahl I'm having an actual spit take moment here.
17:19 Farewell, Johnny the shoeshine guy. Now where will we get all our answers? http://t.co/qQwBkNi1


Thursday's Tweets

09:51 Extremist Santorum in his own words. http://t.co/QKuCQenm
10:04 Will Bunch: A Pennsylvanian's Guide to the Rick Santorum You Don't Know http://t.co/n7OEcHvb
11:28 Those who refuse to learn from personal tragedy are Rick Santorum. http://t.co/l9xSaIQe
14:19 A wookiee hoodie. Awful and awesome at the same time. http://t.co/asmXl7wV
17:43 @joshtpm Newtken?
19:05 @VictoriaDahl But Victoria, the fundamental principle of religion is that anyone who believes differently must be morally, hopelessly wrong!


Wednesday's Tweets

08:58 Mitt's rep tries to justify jobs claims, has to admit that they're bogus. http://t.co/V8q3Ur1p
09:09 News flash: Michele Bachmann is less delusional than Rick Perry. Yeah, it surprises me too.
12:53 I'm sad that my autocorrect just makes me look careless, not perverse like these people. http://t.co/qNy2SuW5
17:10 Creator of #Farscape has show approved about cult show's insane fans. Not based on Scapers, at least not entirely. http://t.co/UyF3e8K3
20:08 I knew Ron Paul was right wing, maybe even the most right wing Congresscritter in my lifetime, but wow. http://t.co/fq9JTHQD
21:53 "Hallo. My name is Newt Gingrich. You killed my campaign. Prepare to die." Thank you, @StephenAtHome.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:37 Mitt Romney's best arguments are a series of lies. Why aren't the press pushing back harder? http://t.co/Ro6tp174
10:15 @MarvinEQuasniki Just be sure not to overwater the cactus if you win it.
11:08 Hey, Iowans! Vote for @MarvinEQuasniki, the only candidate who isn't a Koch Brothers puppet!
11:26 RT @jess_mc: My TV just told me Santorum is on everyone's tongue. [That's disgusting!]
11:32 Mitt on jobs: "Who you gonna believe? Me, or your lyin' eyes?" http://t.co/eiyul4oR
17:32 Getting excited about #JoCoCruiseCrazy, now about 6.5 weeks away. My official tee shirt is on order, as is my fez. Yes, I did say fez.
18:13 In case we had any doubt that @RonPaul is kind of a dick: http://t.co/yEgufeEs
18:24 RT @pemalevy: RT @BuddyRoemer: BREAKING: Nobody in Iowa knows I exist. #LetBuddyDebate [Are you sure you do?]
23:11 RT @StephenAtHome: If you, or someone you love, is a corporation, do not sign this. http://t.co/w3ZMU2BM [I'm not, so I did.]


Monday's Tweets

10:12 She's Not Sure She Loves You But She Maybe Likes You But Doesn't Like Like You At Least Not Yet #lessambitiousrocksongs
11:04 GOP candidates would vote for Ron Paul if he's nominee, hope he's insincere in his extremism. Delusional much? http://t.co/AgUYRaaO
11:06 RT @ggreenwald: @ThePlumLineGS It's almost impossible to see Paul endorsing the eventual GOP nominee [Funny 'cuz it's true.]
11:32 Interesting that to Rand Paul and others, calling someone moderate is to denigrate them. http://t.co/7PKWEqFl
14:32 Huh. Ron Paul isn't a libertarian. He just prefers States Rights over Federal Law. Didn't We fight a war over that? http://t.co/V32E07ZZ
21:01 RT @BorowitzReport: Newt Gingrich on leaving the GOP race: "Not unless it gets cancer." [*snort*]
21:39 That Alaska cruise I've been talking about? Yeah, just booked it. Now I have to book the photo workshop on board.
21:44 Romney supporter admits his candidate is just blowing smoke. Why would you support somebody you know is a liar? http://t.co/Ch3AsykD


Sunday's Tweets

08:44 My resolution for 2012: stop playing most Facebook games, which I kept playing because stopping would admit what a waste of time they are.
14:18 Listening to @CarTalk, and one *special* caller. A Mustang trunk full of compost? Grounds for divorce, I'd say. Or commitment. Maybe both.
14:50 Listening now to @OnTheMedia. Pieces about moderating blog comments match my own admin experience. Free speech meets civil speech.
17:08 Just listened to the latest Red Panda episode from @Decoder_Ring. Show just keeps getting better. http://t.co/KEwtZ9Ri
18:45 Is this how old age begins? I find myself watching a rerun of Murder She Wrote. How did this happen?


Friday's Tweets

03:45 Couldn't sleep, so what better time to upgrade the memory in my MacBook Pro? (Pretty much any time, really.)
03:54 My first computer had 48 KB. My laptop now exceeds that by a factor of 350,000. Guess we could call that progress.
03:54 RT @BennyAce: Only a few more days until we can go back to ignoring Iowa except to confuse it with Idaho. [And Ohio.]
10:55 @cschweitz So Santorum is proud that he knows more about sodomy than Perry? He would, wouldn't he? http://t.co/D9dlgjIV
18:46 Glad I don't run my website on Bluehost. One spam complaint and they kill DNS for over a million pages. Ouch. http://t.co/fjQ09q1L
19:08 @shelbyfero There's a license for putting on pants? I had no idea.


Thursday's Tweets

14:39 Back from Reno. Not a terribly successful visit photographically, but I'm glad I got away.


Wednesday's Tweets

13:33 Today's lesson: if you're going to be an abusive jerk, don't leave an email trail. Even better, don't do it at all. http://t.co/BqjEK5SL
16:19 @VictoriaDahl I'd be thinking, "I don't want to put anything I like in THERE! Scawy!"
20:58 Ron Paul campaign decides Death Penalty for Gays pastor not their kind of guy after all? http://t.co/OxoxKHy4


Tuesday's Tweets

06:39 Former Amazon engineer on how bad Kindle Fire is & how it got that way. Commenters mostly okay with sucky & cheap. http://t.co/MlvQ5dwY
06:40 Ron Paul's insane paranoia isn't just an artifact of history. He's still nuts. http://t.co/hgrLAhgG
06:49 @ClassicalLiber Prudent? Seeing the US turned into Escape From New York doesn't remotely strike me as sane, much less prudent.
06:55 Paranoid? I don't see the govt as out to get me. Indifferent, sure. Incompetent at times. But not evil. Letting people suffer? That's evil.
08:19 Off to Reno in a few. One of my models canceled due to illness; we'll see if the other comes through.
17:24 Perfect score for my Reno photo trip: contacted 4 models, heard from & booked two, one canceled (sick), the other was a no show. *sigh*
17:30 More Ron Paul weirdliness. We had no business saving the Jews in WWII? There's isolationism, then there's assholiness. http://t.co/Pm7B4w8h
19:44 AT&T's far from perfect, but using my laptop tethered to my iPhone is much faster & more reliable than this hotel's WiFi.