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Friday's Tweets

07:55 Shaming Limbaugh advertisers works. I'm surprised; thought anyone advertising with Rush was inherently shamelsss. http://t.co/slZuHNd6
13:42 When Rush calls someone a slut, he knows what he's talking about. http://t.co/1Xbz1h6w
14:58 @alwayscoffee Love that show. Saw it on Broadway and the road company version in San Francisco. Even made Farscape music videos from it.
21:03 @VictoriaDahl Five! Citrix announced they're pulling their ads as well. http://t.co/M5UtcTbc


Thursday's Tweets

09:34 RT @VictoriaDahl: “@TPM: BREAKING: Senate votes 51-48 to kill Blunt amendment http://t.co/ZqyMA4iJ” Yes! Yes, yes, YES! [Too damn close.]
10:05 RT @ebertchicago: Andrew Breitbart: "I liked being hated more than I liked being liked." http://t.co/fo5xRB87 [Mission accomplished.]
17:56 Wisconsin legislator proposes most misogynist law yet, equating single parents to child abuse. Wow. http://t.co/2uRK4AOw
18:57 RT @BreakingNews: New Zealand's iconic but quake-crippled Christ Church Cathedral to be demolished - http://t.co/EnYY0qkb [Tragic.]
19:18 Someone should tell Sarah Palin that keeping quiet would be a better strategy. Oh, someone has? Several someones? http://t.co/0IahA7Xs


Wednesday's Tweets

07:55 As we deplore The Lorax selling SUVs, it may help to remember that Dr. Seuss was an ad man. http://t.co/T65boiYa
10:55 Bizarre and impressive: the James Bond Theme performed by quadcopters. http://t.co/7NLQXyO2
10:57 Goodbye, David Jones. I'll be singing Daydream Believer & Shades of Gray in my head all day in your honor.
14:10 @mttmrphy Thanks for being part of our #JoCoCruiseCrazy adventure. You rock!


Tuesday's Tweets

06:57 Was dealing with jetlag less painful when I was younger, or does my failing memory merely make me think it was?
13:56 How much fun was #JoCoCruiseCrazy2? So much fun that I just preregistered for #JoCoCruiseCrazy3. That's how much.
16:25 RT @wilw: I currently have the post-#JCCC2 blues. I miss my friends. #firstworldproblem [Join the club. *snif*]
18:49 @SandyOwens1 Scared of @VictoriaDahl? She's all talk. Trust me on this.


Monday's Tweets

02:09 At the airport, headed for home. It's way too early, but at least this one looks to be on time.
02:11 Is Florida unstable, or am I still doing the boat thing in my mind? Might be both. #JoCoCruiseCrazy
04:53 Listening to @jonathancoulton while I catch up with all my RSS feeds. @paulandstorm are next, & then @mariancall and @Molly23. Long flight.
07:13 On the plane for home. No WiFi, so I'll be uncharacteristically quiet the next few hours.
12:26 Home. Feels strange, and not just because it isn't swaying back and forth.
13:53 Listened to @mariancall's new album Something Fierce on the long flight home. Time passed so pleasantly. Lovely voice, distinctive style.
16:26 A quick and dirty edit of some of my #JoCoCruiseCrazy photos: http://t.co/GbLZzBLZ
16:35 @Simalot I sent the whole batch of 45. I think they're of general interest. Let me know if you disagree.
16:41 Worst thing that happened on my trip: network connector jammed in my MacBook at DFW. Removing it involved tools and swearing.


Sunday's Tweets

04:14 Hello, Tweeples. I'm back. Rain in Lauderdale, which matches my mood. *sad*
08:06 @Lomara I did! I had nice chats with a bunch of the entertainers. It was an amazing week!
08:12 Best. Time. Ever. #jococruisecrazy (Where's my mango daiquiri IV? I'm in withdrawal...)


Sunday's Tweets

04:22 It's cruise day, and I feel like hell. Might have something to do with my total lack of sleep. Must find coffee.
06:04 This is new. Hotel WiFi says too many people are on, so I can't be one of them. It's because I'm Jewish, isn't it?
09:33 JoCo sighting! Waiting to check in and board the Westerdam. #jococruisecrazy
10:15 Paul of @paulandstorm sighting! Found my cabin, which is too cute. http://t.co/GRMR7t2u
10:18 Oh, and just had a @mariancall sighting. I'm squeeing inside. Which my phone tried to turn into squeezing, which would be wrong.
10:37 Okay, time to stop tweeting and start drinking. http://t.co/N160K9N7
10:57 A piña colada on the Lido Deck is good. A piña colada with a shot of rum on top is even better.
11:28 Spicy food makes me hiccough. Drinking this Bloody Mary gave me hiccoughs. Ergo, this Bloody Mary is spicy. QED. Also yum.
11:34 @billamend Yeah, what's up with that? You (or at least Jason) should really be here!
12:18 @Lomara Not this time; she was with someone, her accompanist I think. But I will. She's really nice. Oh, and I saw @Molly23 as well.


Saturday's Tweets

05:47 Happy #JoCoCruiseCrazy Eve! Was out with Silicon Graphics friends last night. Too late to bed, too early awake. On a plane most of the day.
10:37 First steps on my journey. On the shuttle to SJC. Way early as usual.
11:16 First flight delayed 1/2 hour. Should still give me plenty of time for my connection.
13:13 Finally on the plane. Connection will be tight, which means I'll be a stomach acid factory for the next few hours.
13:15 Think I'll buy in-flight WiFi so you can watch me sweat my connection.
13:57 Layover is now down to 23 minutes. *grumble*
14:34 I was an adorable baby. Yes I was. http://t.co/rhLvzY3Z
14:54 RT @TheTweetOfGod: Do unto others what others would do unto you the second you turned your back, the bastards. [Word.]
16:50 Landed in Dallas and feeling pretty good about my flight to Fort Lauderdale.
17:14 Made it!
19:53 Hey, Florida. Nice to be here.
21:02 At last I'm in my hotel, somewhat unpacked and ready to wind down and get some sleep. Tomorrow promises to be crazy. #JoCoCruiseCrazy
23:18 Damn jetlag won't let me sleep. On the other hand, hotel WiFi sucks considerably less at this hour.


Friday's Tweets

08:45 Today is cruise day eve eve. Is it time to get excited? Worry about what I've forgotten? #JoCoCruiseCrazy
08:48 Sorry, caller from generic sounding "cancer support services", but you're not getting my time, and certainly not my money.
08:52 Interesting photo shoot yesterday. Model was amazing. Shooting partner was a horse's ass. Won't make that mistake again.
09:17 My thoughts go out to @StephenAtHome and his family over his mother's illness. Oh, and mom, I miss you every day.
09:26 Funny how quiet the Right has become over the underwear bomber's conviction. Sure were loud 2 years ago about demanding a military trial.
10:37 RT @cschweitz: NO!! RT @TheAcademy: Excited to announce that THE MUPPETS will be presenting at this year's Academy Awards! [Deal with it.]
12:47 RT @joshtpm: DeWine's Endorsement Switch: Santorum Is 'Human' http://t.co/LgOjcqEY via @TPM [I see we're grading on the curve.]


Thursday's Tweets

05:40 So Mitt was opposed to rescuing the auto industry, right? Except he wasn't. Or was he? Even he doesn't seem to know. http://t.co/SYUfZFls
07:32 RT @TheTweetOfGod: The Spanish Inquisition was worth it just for that Python sketch. [I didn't expect that.]


Wednesday's Tweets

15:51 I'd wonder what kind of insane, horrible people could elect Michele Bachmann to public office. Now I know. http://t.co/5UNUqrPu
16:02 Just got a call from the Windows Services Center to help me deal with an infestation in my computer. Funny, since I don't run Windows.
16:14 RT @KeithOlbermann: Worst. Campaign. Ad. Ever. Santorum shows Romney trying to splatter him with unidentified frothy brown substance. [Ick.]
16:45 "Romney complicit in massive Medicare fraud" http://t.co/7BuDP00j
16:58 Rick Santorum really shouldn't use brown fluids in his ads. http://t.co/BW3CiM6T


Tuesday's Tweets

08:50 @alwayscoffee What a coincidence! I tolerate you too!
08:53 Auto glass guy said repair would be visible, so I opted for replacement. That'll take longer, so I'm killing time with a little breakfast.
09:45 Canadian MP thinks only horrible people want privacy online. What a tool. http://t.co/VSspw31x


Monday's Tweets

09:34 Really, Sony? You raise the price of Whitney Houston's music to capitalize on her death? Greedy *and* ghoulish. http://t.co/FnQAZTsl
10:20 All set to get my windshield repaired or possibly replaced tomorrow morning. A reminder of why I stay with 21st Century Insurance.
10:29 Someone on #JoCoCruiseCrazy seems to think this is interesting. Gonna be one heck of a trip. http://t.co/2ZrmhRYo
16:03 @alwayscoffee Ali, I agree with and admire the heck out of you. What a maroon! She isn't a relation, is she?
17:43 Seems Romney has a Santorum problem. And no, I don't mean their standings in the polls. http://t.co/uK9aJYZd
17:58 Even if the Mormon Church was right about majority views (and they aren't), bigotry is still wrong. http://t.co/4lrzz4vx


Sunday's Tweets

11:58 On my way to a shoot, and a rock on the Interstate made a nice chip in my windshield. Great start to the day.
19:15 If I had any doubt that #JoCoCruiseCrazy was filled with my people (AKA the certifiably insane), I present this: http://t.co/cAVHbY3Z


Saturday's Tweets

15:49 RT @BreakingNews: Maine caucuses results: Romney 39%, Paul 36%, Santorum 18%, Gingrich 6% - NBC News [They call 'em Maniacs for a reason.]


Friday's Tweets

08:35 This is why I love the Internets. Dr. Zaius as Mark Twain. Just bizarre. http://t.co/iu1nBjEc
09:36 RT @pemalevy: "All pretty girls are right-wingers" -- Ann Coulter. [But not all right wing girls are pretty. Some are downright hideous.]
10:40 How does an employer's "religious freedom" justify taking away employees' individual freedoms? http://t.co/w2mH2N1N
14:45 RT @joshtpm: GOP rolls out new message on contraception issue: But, but, but ... [That's one way to avoid pregnancy.]


Thursday's Tweets

06:46 Fry's price-matching is really nothing of the kind? I for one am shocked. http://t.co/xTlsLRvq
14:58 @VictoriaDahl If oozing self-satisfaction persists, see a doctor.
22:21 Are all Google employees stupid? After one interview there, I can't dispute the point. http://t.co/3mK4d3s6 via @counternotions


Wednesday's Tweets

09:17 @alwayscoffee @victoriadahl You two are so adorable when you're furious!
09:20 @alwayscoffee Just makes me appreciate you all the more. @VictoriaDahl
10:35 Getting even more excited about @JoCoCruiseCrazy, even if none of this stuff happens. http://t.co/kLpbTAnS
10:37 @reduced I'd vote for The Time Machine (the George Pal film) & A Connecticut Yankee (the novel) for pushing back on this chivalry nonsense.
12:28 It's the middle of winter, and I'm walking around outside in a short sleeved polo. Can't complain.
14:28 Sean Hannity engages his reality challenged thought process to claim Obama really didn't want Bin Laden dead. http://t.co/cAzoL49w
14:38 My idea for a bumper sticker: "Get behind Santorum. He'd be behind you." Too much?
19:00 Just watched the trailer for Karate Dog, two minutes of my life I'll never get back. Blame @gillianjacobs & @kenplume. http://t.co/1pVXKxMO
19:26 @gillianjacobs @kenplume I saw David Franklin and Gigi Edgley do Love Letters at a Farscape convention a couple of years ago.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:20 RT @reduced: We endorse the #WeirdAlSuperBowl2013 movement. Let's make this happen, people. (cc: @alyankovic) [I might even watch!]
10:26 A Federal Appeals Court declares Prop 8 unconstitutional. In other news, fuck you, Mormon Church.
10:52 RT @paulandstorm: Talk's cheap. But a million signatures? That would be compelling. http://t.co/wu7YzlBe #WeirdAlSuperBowl [I signed.]
11:59 @angrymacbastards Have you guys seen this? Poor Violet Blue getting abused by Apple fanboys. http://t.co/FazxcQdj
14:18 RT @cschweitz: Totally needed this today: RT @EmergencyPuppy: Puppy, getting ready for a walk. http://t.co/JhuuIgqE [Overdose of cute!]
14:21 90s Mitt Romney would be horrified by what a bigoted asshole this guy's become. http://t.co/qH0XZY48
14:40 "When conservatives win grassroots battles of public opinion, it's democracy. When liberals do, it's totalitarianism." http://t.co/0ILLfNCo
14:48 Short movie shot with Nikon's new D800. Watch in HD. http://t.co/4JT0sWKM Want!
17:28 Today's 1st shoot didn't happen; model never told me where she's staying. Lucky I know exactly where 2nd shoot will take place.
23:29 RT @rabble: Santorum spreads all over the midwest. [Will this ever get old?]


Monday's Tweets

06:56 Good to know Clint Eastwood is praising the Obama Administration for paying no attention to Clint Eastwood. http://t.co/BntEK8AW
07:03 You thought Trump endorsing Romney was about Mitt? Silly rabbit; it's always only about Trump. http://t.co/2uWgBD1F
10:30 Kansas Congresscritter mistakes Onion piece for news, proves he's as dumb as the voters who elected him. http://t.co/mx4nBWQx
11:50 Wait? Are you telling me Mitt's afraid Santorum will come from behind and finish first? http://t.co/bet4aOkn
15:33 @counternotions I'd call it engineering rather than science.
15:36 @counternotions No, no particular insight. Just a belief that science establishes the rules & the structure, engineering builds within them.
21:55 Okay, suddenly I'm motivated to get back to work. http://t.co/jnuJQ2vS (Do I need 36 megapixels? Hell no.)


Sunday's Tweets

12:11 WTF? Is this really winter? Or has global warming come early?
15:35 Okay, I finally got that. http://t.co/mlSbAgTn
15:39 Good news: I got canvas sneakers for my upcoming horseback ride in the surf. Now all I have to do is pack. (Oh, and laundry first.)
15:40 Bad news: drove all the way to Casa de Fruta to discover they don't have romano ranch flavor pistachios any more. I am inconsolable.
16:55 @doxiecare Can Doxie scan driver's licenses (rigid plastic)? That's my primary application for a portable scanner.
18:39 Too big for a phone. Too small for a tablet. It's the Samsung Galaxy Note! (Jeepers!) http://t.co/9CCAZYBX
19:17 Weird. Just got the same robocall on my home and cell phones. In Hebrew. Which I don't understand.
19:21 @Elise_Logan What's weird is getting calls on my two different lines a few minutes apart.
20:49 @EndTheRoboCalls Caller ID reports as 650-660-9966. Nothing from Google, assuming they haven't spoofed the number.
21:01 @EndTheRoboCalls No audio, I'm afraid. That didn't occur to me.


Saturday's Tweets

07:54 Why is it so much fun to read about truly craptacular work? Because it is. http://t.co/V5tZGDoa
07:58 Sarcasm dead ahead! Snarky reviews of "How to Avoid Huge Ships" are a riot. http://t.co/1AAHRACf
08:11 When truth is said in jest, and on a Saturday, must be the Macalope. Another cogent & funny piece: http://t.co/BXfusFol
14:29 The 9 most disappointing attractions in Europe. I've seen 5, but I'm not saying which 5. http://t.co/wcD7ftCi
14:48 @paulandstorm Shirebucks #MiddleEarthMall


Friday's Tweets

08:24 How many will forgive @komenforthecure now they've reversed their appalling actions? How many will believe them? How many will trust them?
08:30 @KeithOlbermann Planned Parenthood should take the money. Helping women is what matters. @komenforthecure forgot all about that.
08:34 @pemalevy No, I think they were just reminded that there's a difference between prosecution and persecution.
09:00 @wilw Red Riding Hood, standing by.
09:26 Oh, Unicode, you have a character for *everything*. Even a pile of poo: 💩 (An import from Japanese emoji, I'm told.) http://t.co/IWzLRFAf
09:40 So @komenforthecure didn't really change anything. Looks like it's all spin for the media. http://t.co/56tk98CV
12:52 @KariByron But did you read the Urban Dictionary entry for "Kari Byron"? It redeems them in my eyes. http://t.co/efOwCiDq 3rd paragraph
13:32 @cschweitz At least it looked like hair back then, not vinyl.
20:07 He's cute, but he's no Crispin Glover. http://t.co/2MZQqXCF


Thursday's Tweets

08:21 About to head out for a day long interview. It gets easier, and yet it doesn't.
15:36 Back from my day of interviews. I think it went well. Now we wait.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:17 Even if he means well, Mitt sure says stupid things: "I'm not concerned with the very poor." http://t.co/89AOcrbL
10:31 Paul of @paulandstorm demonstrates his total awesomeness. Storm, you're up. http://t.co/AopITr1e (They sing nice too.)
10:37 Speaking of awesomeness, how did I survive Saturday mornings without Space Stallions? http://t.co/NefRMfGJ
11:02 Robotics research explains why the better we get to know Mitt, the more uncomfortable he makes us. http://t.co/0SPaot77
11:57 @pemalevy Three big names? I see only two.
16:21 Austin really knows how to do Valentines Day. http://t.co/2pxDc8FA
16:23 Need more evidence that Bill O'Reilly is an idiot? Besides that "tide goes in, tide goes out" nonsense, I mean. http://t.co/kXZbOrvv


Tuesday's Tweets

14:12 Happy birthday, @petersagal. You know what they say: you're not getting older... No, wait. You *are* getting older.
16:54 According to Forbes (& @stephenfry), Foxconn workers have it far better than their countrymen. Boycott Apple? Uh, no. http://t.co/qOT83avp
18:44 I set up a monthly donation to Planned Parenthood as a FU to Repugs. Now it's also a FU to @komenforthecure. Gutless bastards.


Monday's Tweets

00:31 Home from #w00tstock and winding down before I head to bed. Laughed way too hard for almost four hours. Torture, but the good kind.
00:34 @wilw The feeling is mutual. #w00tstock is one heck of a party. @paulandstorm @donttrythis @nerdist
11:21 @donttrythis Maybe it was, but it was a pleasure to be there while you sang and played. Thanks for taking the risk.
12:08 From last night's #w00tstock, @paulandstorm sing a plea to George R.R. Martin. Just one moment from an amazing evening. http://t.co/6sn00DeI
12:19 @alwayscoffee Catch @paulandstorm if they're ever in your area. Brilliant fun, even after my 5th concert (3 #w00tstock, 2 with JoCo).
13:26 I feel for victims of Megaupload shutdown, but what were you thinking, relying on a 3rd party to keep the only copy of your valuable data?
13:55 I'm thinking this isn't gonna end well. http://t.co/19RhmMC0 (via @cschweitz)
14:20 Researching application frameworks, which led me to Aspect Oriented Programming, which led me to a headache THIS BIG!
15:33 Latest @reduced podcast talks about actors leaving LA. Not a laugh riot for once, but fascinating look at the business. http://t.co/ZEKl0T5W


Sunday's Tweets

08:54 Overdosed on crab cioppino at Portuguese community hall last night, followed by late night discussion religion with crabby friends. Tired.
08:58 Dragging through the morning. But tonight I'll be front row @ #w00tstock with @donttrythis, @wilw & @paulandstorm. So excited! #sfsketchfest
09:02 After weeks of insanity, FL Repugs finally remember Newt is that guy who repulses everybody, Mitt maybe sucks less. http://t.co/5FOzmnlN
10:54 Newt's a hypocrite on students working their way through school? I'll add it to the list. http://t.co/TrwTW21B
11:08 For my parents' generation, support of Israel was absolute & unquestioning. It isn't & can't be for mine. http://t.co/hqJAOCzQ
12:29 For the humour impaired, this is a satire of Downton Abbey. (The rest of us will figure it out sharpish.) http://t.co/Th88nc4k
14:29 RT @wilw: «@clp772 @wilw I assume you've seen this, but just in case... http://t.co/2FOLqGuC» Oh. My. Gods. [Yeah, what he said.]
18:26 An hour to go before #w00tstock. I've dinnered, and am sitting comfortably in the lobby of Marines Memorial waiting for the fun to begin.
20:00 On stage right now. #w00tstock http://t.co/7yKgxO13
21:24 Intermission at #w00tstock. I hurt from laughing.


Saturday's Tweets

08:53 @barryeisler The Descendents surprised me, in part because of its subtlety. The Hawaiian scenery didn't hurt.
10:57 @stephenfry You might try Echofon. I prefer it for tweeting from iPhone, iPad & Mac.
11:58 @JackieKessler I'd bet the boards are none too pleased about it either.
12:13 Ice cream flavors are people, my friend. (Image via @SenatorSanders) http://t.co/ubqyKR6c


Friday's Tweets

08:03 And still I ask: is Ron Paul a racist slime, or did he just see financial opportunity in marketing to them? http://t.co/JppT2nK1
09:21 "Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying governor?" http://t.co/ZDKHUYxo
09:24 So Newt has the convicted felon vote sewn up? So one disgraced ex-politician says. http://t.co/KpzwPsrJ
09:25 Via @cschweitz, best headline ever! Gordon Ramsay's Dwarf Porn Double Found Dead in a Badger Den in Wales. http://t.co/tmhvOvLg
11:47 @cschweitz I'm only influenced by the negative reviews, and only if they're about design or other flaws. Will its flaws affect me or not?
19:19 As Mark Twain once said, "There are lies, damn lies, and whatever nonsense comes out of Mitt Romney." http://t.co/TTgAkQv6
21:30 @VictoriaDahl Heck, so do kisses!