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Friday's Tweets

13:20 In the Black Friday battle, Fry's wins over Best Buy by having enough parking. Managed to buy nothing, so I win too.
13:20 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Wow...Beaufort, SC is beautiful! Old houses...Spanish moss, and-OH THE HORROR! http://t.co/97bvA6sR [Shocking!]
13:56 MSFT says Siri's just like TellMe. This Aussie demo suggests otherwise. http://t.co/DnIUYQfy


Wednesday's Tweets

09:13 Rick Perry: In every person's soul, there is a hole that can only be filled by the Lord Jesus Christ. Me: Fuck off and die, Rick Perry.
09:43 Glad to know Romney's campaign isn't bugged by that whole Bear False Witness thing in the 10 Commandments. http://t.co/gQMSGsxo
10:48 @millhouseyiddo What can I say? As a non-Christian, I take offense at any claim that Their Way is the only way. Even worse from a candidate.
11:02 @millhouseyiddo I know you were going for comic effect. I just felt the need to say why it was such an offensive remark.
11:03 @millhouseyiddo Besides, any rant against Christians has to be done before Thanksgiving, else it get filed under the War on Christmas.
12:34 @millhouseyiddo Naw, Perry's done. Looking like Mittens, with Newt a dark horse possibility.
12:39 @millhouseyiddo No, Perry's the forgetful one. Mittens is the "say whatever you want to hear" flip-flopper.
16:39 Me? I'm thankful for @paulandstorm, & not just because they were part of the group that gave us Enormous Penis. http://t.co/Iax2Bz2e
17:13 @cschweitz @joshtpm As with the Fox News babes, I can't let your hotness obscure your vile views. Muppets are good for America!


Tuesday's Tweets

06:21 Once again, study shows Fox News viewers don't know nuthin. In other news, gravity sucks. http://t.co/flbOxoQq
08:49 No, Michele Bachmann. The press doesn't ignore you because you're a woman. They do it because you're a loser. http://t.co/Y6RdzqFt
10:09 Wow. Did Mittens Romney really say all these evil things? http://t.co/ArOcJxrh
10:25 In case you thought racist humor was passé, welcome to Wodka: http://t.co/5v1Xo7oN
11:31 RT @wilw: VOTE GONZO! http://t.co/c6EWkTli #TeamGonzo [I did!]
15:50 A world without Anne McCaffrey is a colder, duller place. Pern misses you, and so do I.
18:28 Thank you, Amazon, for not taking down these wonderful pepper spray reviews. Not yet, anyway. http://t.co/K3UVQUjf
19:40 Wanna feel good about your iPad? Read these instructions for getting a screen shot of a Kindle Fire. http://t.co/8V1DMs8U


Monday's Tweets

14:31 One of the @tmbg Johns will DJ on JoCoCruiseCrazy? I am full of squee. http://t.co/0t7LdX7p
17:32 Back from LA and the #Farscape con this morning. Exhausted after a 9:25am flight. How much worse my original 6:30 flight plan? Need sleep.


Friday's Tweets

15:05 What you make on the beer, you lose on the peanuts. Saved 100s buying a cheap ticket to the Farscape con. Blew that & more on a browncoat.
17:07 Forgot how much Scapers feel like family. And that includes the cast. I've missed you guys.
17:18 @cabri No. Mine's from Pendragon. Love their work.
23:46 just back from the fabulous cabaret. Imagine Braca and Grayza singing Suddenly Meeklo, which will only make sense to a #Farscape fan.


Thursday's Tweets

14:11 Been so long since I flew out of San Jose, I forgot they moved long term parking. Glad I gave myself lots of time.
14:33 Fastest I think I've ever gone through airport security. Guess Thursday early afternoon isn't a popular time to fly out of SJC.
19:23 What's wrong with this picture? http://t.co/HH9i6dsy


Wednesday's Tweets

12:41 RT @ThePlumLineGS: RT @petersuderman "They’re the same fucking bill." http://t.co/UJ9o0G9w [Oh, Mittens. Just admit what we all know.]
13:38 @mattkozovski I had a blast at Chris's Toronto workshop. I bet you will too! @chrismarquardt
15:46 Just checked in for my flight to LAX tomorrow. Gonna spend a weekend with my Scaper buds. There will likely be beer involved.
18:16 @paulandstorm "We don't need you"? What kind of language is that? You seemed such nice boys.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:37 Exec Producer @froonium on the 10 features that didn't make it into the #Farscape Blu-Ray release. *sigh* http://t.co/p5RaHSeA
11:28 Thanks, @thinkgeek. I don't suffer from it, but knowing a word like coulrophobics exists improves my day. http://t.co/vWf6Enn5
14:15 Sorry, Herman Cain, but saying "I'm kidding" isn't a Get Out of Stupid Free Card. http://t.co/E00xyVa0
16:21 What might have been: Muppets audition for the part of Yoda in some space movie. http://t.co/TiJ7k0C3


Monday's Tweets

07:45 Off to S San Fran to learn about photography from Scott Kelby. Hoping for a fun and educational day.


Sunday's Tweets

09:27 100k Atlas Shrugged DVDs recalled because they suggested people not act like self-centered dicks. Now that's comedy! http://t.co/183uVQSi


Saturday's Tweets

08:31 Amazon leads massive shakeup in publishing. Big lesson to microstock agencies like iStock who screw their suppliers. http://t.co/tdu37WG7
10:15 Conan's farewell to The Tonight Show as kinetic typography. Cooler than it sounds. Amazingly cool. http://t.co/xWJRpWeG
10:18 Bill O'Reilly is just as truth-challenged regarding history as he is with current events.http://bit.ly/tIWEXY
10:23 @cschweitz iOS 5.0.1 fixes a few bugs, including some security issues. If you upgrade from the phone itself, it's quick. No problems.
12:30 @paulandstorm Since you love & recommend @ThrillingAdv, may I suggest @Decoder_Ring? A little more serious (a very little) but sublime.
16:59 Looks like my iPhone/Microcell problems may be false positives. It all works, even when the phone says it has no signal. Weird, huh?
17:09 Herman Cain would overthrow Iran's government? Been there, done that, had our embassy occupied when they took it back. Not our finest hours.
18:20 RT @TPM: Cain and Bachmann pledge to bring back waterboarding: http://t.co/nEqpA9GL [Of each other?]
19:46 Listening to Shatner cover of Bohemian Rhapsody on @Coverville. God, please make it stop! We're talking Mr. Tambourine Man level of awful.
22:31 Michele Bachmann demands equal opportunity for her campaign? I thought she was opposed to that kind of thing. http://t.co/x0lKEHyC


Friday's Tweets

09:22 Happy Nigel Tufnel Day. This day goes to 11!
09:45 Funny that @altonbrown RTs tweets that insult him. Not doing that, both because I enjoy his shows a lot and because I won't tweet whore.
10:09 Just got tickets for the Mythbusters Tour at Flint Center in January. BTW, Ticketmaster, you have found a new way to suck. Die, die, die!
10:47 Making fun of Rick Perry's brain freeze is now a thing. http://t.co/w5kyu0eh
16:01 Can you spare two minutes to watch Rick Perry do his drooling idiot impression? He's really good at it. http://t.co/PdBRT3Mc


Thursday's Tweets

11:34 Updating iPhone to iOS 5.0.1. Curious to see if I notice any difference.
16:01 I wasn't gonna buy Farscape on Blu-Ray. I mean, I've already bought it three times. Enough, right? Damn you, Amazon. http://t.co/5YnnDQ7S
16:01 RT @laurenme0w: Tomorrow is 11/11/11, not 11/11/11. Bloody Americans. [Glad she straightened that out.]
16:18 Here's a shocker: the makers of Farmville cheat their employees out of their IPO windfall. (Scumbags.) http://t.co/Hjr63Utw
16:53 A Scaper friend points out that http://t.co/UmDBHWKb has the Farscape Blu-Ray for even less than Amazon. $6.89 saved after tax & shipping.
17:34 Looks like I'm not the only one with AT&T Microcell problems since moving to iOS 5. Hope they figure this out quick. http://t.co/Sm9iVz5G


Wednesday's Tweets

03:48 So it turns out the future of multimedia on mobile devices isn't Flash after all. Steve Jobs was right again. Shocking. http://t.co/rar2CIoA
13:01 Busy day. Morning's photo shoot done, afternoon shoot after a quick lunch.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:26 Oh, Jon Huntsman. Too bad you'll never be the nominee. Then again... http://t.co/6q14AmCv
08:31 RT @joshtpm: Jon Stewart: Refusing Media Questions, Herman Cain Is Saying ‘No Means No’ http://t.co/IrolDhZn via @TPM [How ironic!]
08:33 http://t.co/wMjVgTFq is coming to town, and I'll be there to learn from him. Maybe I'll find out what these extra buttons on my camera do.
09:05 Weird to have election day with no actual electing going on. No propositions or nuthin'.
10:42 Vanna White's Greek myth movie only the 2nd worst? Hard to believe. (Most sucktastic acting debut ever.) http://t.co/TflkD6Oo
19:57 Good to know only 41% of Mississippians are fucking insane.


Monday's Tweets

10:55 @barryeisler It's like a big American flag hug!
13:53 RT @joshtpm: Rush Limbaugh: It's Pronounced Sharon 'Buy-A-Lick (Slurp, Slurp)' http://t.co/mOeFNjgZ [Stay classy, Rush.]
13:56 RT @mostlylisa: How does the iPhone 4S measure-up against all other iPhone models in low light shooting? http://t.co/muAF99iR [Amazing.]
16:21 Power just went out, and came back after 15 seconds or so. WTF?
16:28 Not surprising that Iowans who think Cain's fit to be president also believe these accusations are a giant conspiracy. http://t.co/uk1f4nr8
18:33 Oh, Richard Schickel. Why didn't I consult you before TiVo-ing The Day The Earth Stood Still? http://t.co/s6zpIeu7


Saturday's Tweets

08:29 With Andy Rooney gone, who will be the next poster child for cranky?
20:38 @VictoriaDahl Heavy petting? You mean there are puppies?


Friday's Tweets

12:07 Dam! How awesome was that! http://t.co/DEYO4BWE
19:37 @VictoriaDahl I was a year behind The Hedgehog in high school. Ran against his brother for student government.
19:59 @VictoriaDahl It's twoo! It's twoo!


Thursday's Tweets

08:27 As much fun as it is to watch, does anyone really believe a buffoon like Herman Cain will really be the Repug nominee?
11:10 Try this now. Go to Google and type in "do a barrel roll" without quotes. You'll laugh.
18:38 Hey, http://t.co/mJkRYN7y! I don't want girls who love Jesus. I want them to love me. (Ad fail on Facebook)
19:27 How can you not love @Molly23 and Stephen Fry? http://t.co/MselrLKN
20:51 Wow. http://t.co/yfp589a9 #OccupyOakland
22:02 Don't watch much TV any more, aside from @TheDailyShow & @ColbertReport. But boy, have I missed #Bones. Good episode tonight.
22:40 This video combines four of my favorite things. I'll let you figure out what they are, but they're all awesome. http://t.co/Bez3LDkk


Wednesday's Tweets

13:31 Glenn Beck's sponsors weren't on the up and up? How will I stand the shock? http://t.co/ir8O5b7d
18:29 "Our field (social psychology) is one where a great deal of currency is placed on surprising you." Surprise! http://t.co/fXtDAGMl
18:34 RT @HunterDK: I have not been sexually harassed by Herman Cain. I am the one percent. [Eww!]
18:45 @alwayscoffee We had a portrait session: photographers shooting each other. It was hysterical!


Tuesday's Tweets

09:01 Spent last night at a friend's, helping to distribute candy. Costumes are so much better than when I was a kid. Jealous.
09:35 @Mr_R0b0t0 That wasn't my tweet. It was a reply from @HelloTheFuture.
09:35 @HelloTheFuture I bet you looked cute, if a bit low rent. Any photographic evidence?
10:53 Yet another reason to avoid licorice. As if the taste wasn't enough of one. http://t.co/datZ4jWW


Monday's Tweets

07:35 On Planned Parenthood and race, as with so much else, Herman Cain is a lying sack of shit. http://t.co/WPaLCoBQ
08:47 Planned Parenthood gives advice on safe sex with vampires. No, not Republicans, although that was my first guess. http://t.co/EMzF8pri
08:56 Well, color me shocked! All's not well with Kim Kardashain's marriage? Who could possibly have seen that one coming? http://t.co/EmcoVWIv
14:33 Booking shore excursions for @jococruisecrazy next February. So now I know where we're going! And no, I didn't know before just now.


Sunday's Tweets

11:48 The sweetest eulogy ever written, for Steve Jobs by his sister: http://t.co/u2nJlDDH via @cshweitz
16:54 @barryeisler Was "To arrive. To survive." taken?
19:15 @Saschakeet @barryeisler I thought it was "Delta gets you there. Eventually."


Saturday's Tweets

08:03 Siri's mad as hell & not gonna take it any more. http://t.co/NZoxgddL (Want an iPhone 4S so bad...)


Friday's Tweets

07:14 Accidental corporate decision making: how Disney banned Tweedledum & Dee. http://t.co/yVIJ2H64
08:53 Tea Baggers want Bachmann to quit race & leave terrifying asshole slot to Rick Perry. But she's prettier! http://t.co/flaUPc0F
23:17 Back from my photo shoot. The model is 7 1/2 months pregnant, a first for me. More photos to edit...


Thursday's Tweets

11:51 Toronto's idiot mayor calls 911 over interview with a phony journalist. http://t.co/HrPKUqwk


Wednesday's Tweets

12:28 Steak & eggs at Harris Ranch. That's right before the manure stink, for those of you who know the drive up I-5.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:17 Our hotel suite for the Shootout was so full of junk all weekend. Now it feels empty. Will be really empty when I pack up the car and go.
08:23 Saying goodbye to the view. http://t.co/M9K46Rqp
11:38 Border checkpoint waved me through. Guess I don't look Mexican today.
11:42 Just crossed into California. Funny that the scene changes so much on this side of the Colorado.
13:52 High winds through the desert make for an exciting drive.
18:27 Bad news: motel WiFi's broken. Good news: 3G tethering here is great, & twice as fast as my DSL at home. Jeeze, AT&T.


Monday's Tweets

06:22 The Shootout is done. But two more shoots at my hotel today before I start the drive home tomorrow morning.
18:05 Done with all my Arizona shoots. Take my AZ roomie to the airport tonight, and start the drive home tomorrow morning.


Saturday's Tweets

17:31 Quote from my photographer friend, Bill: "She was hotter on the bottom than on her face." Context is for sissies.
21:06 Second day of my Arizona Shootout weekend is done. 1150 pictures so far. We're gonna need a bigger disk.