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Sunday's Tweets

15:47 Yesterday I shot cannons, which isn't like shooting Canons, which I'd never do. This morning I shot flowers. Much quieter than cannons.
15:51 @nicoleisbetter You know, you coulda warned a guy. I can't unsee that.
16:29 *sigh* Model crisis means no photography tonight. Anyone wanna take bets on tomorrow's shoot?
17:49 Drowning my sorrows in a little prosecco, Caesar salad and pizza fradiavola. Apologies for any misspellings, but I'm too sad to check.
18:22 @scapersuse Oh, just a canceled shoot, one that involved some expense. It happens. (Fradiavola is devil's wife. Think spicy.)


Saturday's Tweets

08:23 Off to Sacramento to shoot the Civil War reenacters, who'll be shooting each other. But not like i'm shooting them.
11:27 Just arrived at the battlefield. Such a nice day for some carnage.
11:42 Some entertainment before the, umm, entertainment. http://yfrog.com/iz8jyuj
16:33 For future reference, Civil War cannons are loud. Really loud.


Friday's Tweets

07:16 This is cool: if you like one writer, the site maps others you're likely to enjoy. This one's centered on @barryeisler: http://bit.ly/aYJaK6
10:22 Google admits selling the Nexus One online was a failure, only a little after everyone else figured it out. http://bit.ly/9D2eqc
11:10 Hey, @barryeisler! Copies of Fault Line on the shelf of my local Nob Hill Foods. I still say it's the author photo.
11:31 First of four shoots this weekend just got postponed. Hope that isn't a sign.
11:41 What *were* the Howells doing on a three hour tour with all that cash? Answers at last: http://bit.ly/aJaUru
11:46 This post talks about Gilligan's Island and the iPad, two great tastes that taste great together. http://bit.ly/a3gDJT
12:27 Via @maddow, the immorality, the raw hypocrisy of DADT. http://is.gd/c97Zy
12:40 @VictoriaDahl And finishes with baby wipes, and possibly more diapers.
14:29 In case you had any doubts about the iPhone finder's guilt, the rest of the story. In his own words, "Sucks for him." http://bit.ly/a39DIz
18:58 @counternotions He should, for that and so much more.


Thursday's Tweets

07:56 Whisper campaign about Elena Kagen because she's fiftyish, unmarried and short. So am I; am I a lesbian too?
12:47 On last night's Daily Show, Lewis Black invokes Glen Beck invoking Hitler. Empathy leads to genocide, Glen? Really? http://bit.ly/9Fz34r
12:50 Phoenix worried new immigration law will cost a fortune. Who knew being racist shitheads could hurt convention biz? http://bit.ly/b33IF4
17:43 @scapersuse Ouch! Not the face; it's one of my favorite features!
17:49 Florida principal emails parent to eat sh-- & die. In her defense, she has a pretty hot Facebook picture. http://bit.ly/cdirjv
18:25 @KobeATL I'd say not! Who died?


Wednesday's Tweets

08:50 Amazing! I have four shoots booked for this weekend. Now where did I put that camera...
09:07 @VictoriaDahl Fantastic, I agree. But Rubenesque? Not even remotely. @MonicaKaye
10:00 @toywithme Damn! Now I'll never think of "shaking the ketchup bottle" as anything but a euphemism!
12:50 RT @toywithme: A law firm with a sense of humor? http://bit.ly/54XYHZ [Tragic!]
12:51 @toywithme Pretty good, but not as ballsy as Morrison Foerster, aka http://www.mofo.com/.
14:53 There's a name for the inverse relationship between competence & confidence: the Dunning-Kruger Effect. http://bit.ly/cazFVm
15:24 RT @ebertchicago: We've always had a lot of Ethnic Studies in our schools. Until recently, all the Ethnic groups were European.
16:14 Looking at Google Maps & planning a trip to Maine (state #48) and Vermont (#49) for leaf turning time.
16:58 @MsCaliLogan You two think you're so cute, don't you? {:->
18:41 Hawaii passes law that gives Birthers the brush off. http://bit.ly/ax67rC
18:41 @VictoriaDahl I dunno. Something about @Gennita's eyes...
18:53 @renatojr_rj Been there, done that. I'd tell you to have fun, but we both know you will!


Tuesday's Tweets

07:32 Meg Whitman is *not* a Satanist. She just sold stuff for them. How do these rumors get started? http://huff.to/bga1r1
07:55 Catching up on two weeks of Big Bang Theory. Oh, TiVo, how I missed you.
11:38 @VictoriaDahl Was that the longest movie ever? Claire Forlani was beautiful, but even she couldn't make up for the lack of, well, anything.
18:40 "The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner." With thanks to my friend Mike.


Monday's Tweets

05:57 First time in a week I've tried to navigate without Homer the GPS telling me what to do. Good thing I stayed right by the airport.
05:59 Bags checked, through Security and enjoying Port Columbus's free WiFi. SFO, you suck, and not just for the lack of free WiFi.
06:46 Okay, this stinks. 90 minutes before flight & I'm all caught up on my online stuff. Dammit, Internets, entertain me!
08:09 First flight delayed a few minutes. Second flight's been canceled. I'll get home eventually...
08:21 Good news: I have a new flight to SFO. Bad news: it's 3 hours after the one I was supposed to be on.
09:47 First flight of the day just landed. Once everyone's off & new folks on, we'll head on to LAX. Did I mention it's gonna be a long day?
10:05 Snagged an exit row for the next leg. Excellent. (Rubbing hands in most Burnsian fashion.)
10:19 Good news: I'm in the exit row. Bad news: so is the enormous gentleman next to me.
14:48 Just landed at LAX. Now to find something more substantial than peanuts and beef jerky.
16:25 I suddenly remembered why I don't hate being stuck at LAX. Wow.
18:01 On the plane to SFO. A workman just walked by with a power drill. That can't be good.
20:04 Finally arrived at SFO. Now all I need are my bags and a ride home.
20:28 Bags in hand. Waiting for SuperShuttle to get me the flock out of here.
21:44 Home at last. And only 16 hours after leaving my hotel in Columbus. Heck, Columbus himself probably got home quicker than that.


Sunday's Tweets

Follow me on Twitter!
05:11 Last leg of the road trip, from Charleston, WV back to Columbus. Chilly and gray this morning. Hope that's all I have to deal with.
06:41 Listening to Start Me Up by @VictoriaDahl while I drive the backroads of West Virginia. Nice way to spend a Sunday.
07:13 Back in Ohio. I can feel my adventure racing toward its conclusion.
09:23 Stopping for lunch at a Greek restaurant on my way to see a building shaped like a picnic basket.
09:29 @meatflag how did we deal with boredom before the Intertubes?
09:44 TV conman Kevin Teudeau is advertising a book called Free Money. The book is $19.95. I sense irony.
09:46 I'll claim the misspelling in my previous tweet is to avoid giving a sleaze any free press. That's my story.
10:40 Now that's a hell of a big basket. http://yfrog.com/9fh4eoj
12:08 @laurakcurtis It's the headquarters of Longaberger. They make baskets. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/10658
13:51 How do you like them apples? http://yfrog.com/j26fkj


Saturday's Tweets

09:11 I got 6 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:30 Lots of great photos with Jessie this morning in Knoxville. Time to move on now. Charleston, West Virginia tonight.
09:35 Really annoyed at all the Mother's Day offers I'm getting. The Internets know all about me; how can they not know this?
10:27 Just left Tennessee for Kentucky. That's eleven states in a week.
13:58 Just crossed into West Virginia, my 47th state and number twelve for this trip.
14:16 Ugly traffic on I-64 crawling toward Charleston.
15:29 Arrived at my hotel in Charleston, WV. Now for dinner. What exactly do Charlestonians eat?
17:18 Hey, iPhone? When I type hell, I really do mean to type hell. Stop changing it to he'll. You're really pissing me off.
18:50 @MsCaliLogan MTV mean to our Cali? You want I should have them keeled?


Friday's Tweets

04:19 Short drive today, so I get to spend some time doing touristy things around Chattanooga. Details as they happen.
06:20 Waiting for the Incline Railway at Lookout Mountain. http://yfrog.com/83joprj
06:23 iPhone says it's 69 here. Like hell it is.
07:12 Chattanooga from Point Park. http://yfrog.com/jpx7gj
08:44 Exploring Rock City. This is called Fat Man Squeeze. http://yfrog.com/04tctj
08:45 Rock City is neat, but not if you're claustrophobic. Perfect timing; a big school group was arriving as I left.
08:45 Emergency stop! A turtle was crossing the road. I kid you not.
09:09 Lunch at Krystal as I leave Chattanooga. Better than White Castle.
13:00 @KobeATL Sadly, no time to visit Georgia this trip. But I want to come back and explore some more. Rain check?
13:00 @hezmanagirl Picked up a 4-pack of Cheerwine. Will think of you when I burp.
13:10 Made it to Knoxville without incident. In what the hotel laughingly calls a suite. Still, hoping for a pleasant evening's photography.
18:36 Finished tonight's shoot. Great fun, and I think we got some good stuff. Shooting again in the ayem.


Thursday's Tweets

05:13 Listening to a train whistle in the near distance. A beautiful, mournful sound.
06:45 Leaving Jackson, Mississippi. Today's destination: Chattanooga, Tennessee. Think I'll find a choo choo?
06:47 @IIriaa I wish you could go too.
08:33 Just crossed the Alabama state line, my ninth state of the trip.
09:46 Stopping for lunch in Tuscaloosa. Oysters sound good.
09:52 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Poll deflates "Obama's Katrina" meme: 1/4 say Gulf spill response was "poor": http://bit.ly/a2VZbn [Same % like Bush.]
10:09 My discovery for the day: Wintzell's Oyster House in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Glad I decided to take the detour off the Interstate.
13:10 Cutting the corner of Georgia on my way to Tennessee.
13:43 So much for Georgia, my tenth state of the trip. Arrived for the night in Chattanooga, where I seem to have lost an hour. Careless of me.
14:52 Chattanooga may be my new favorite place. It's certainly the prettiest town I've seen in ages.
14:55 They have a free shuttle across the river. It's electric. And it has WiFi. How cool is that!
15:29 EMC's CTO brings home an iPad. What follows is magical. This thing really is a game changer. http://bit.ly/9Yv5Zn
16:18 I love this! Cupidtino, a dating site for Mac people! http://bit.ly/cvAYjw
16:20 RT @ebertchicago: Sometimes you think you know somebody through Twitter, and you know nothing. Nothing at all. http://j.mp/9TXki2 [Wow.]
17:20 Trying a rib place because of a well placed billboard. We'll see how it goes.
17:56 The rib place was pretty good, although cutlery was pointless. As were sharp teeth for that matter.
17:57 Now I'm being followed by a Ukrainian mail order bride agency. Do I sound that desperate? (Feel free to lie to save my feelings.)


Wednesday's Tweets

04:22 Black is white? Glenn Beck on the side of the Constitution vs. McCain over Miranda warning. http://huff.to/a6OP6q
05:51 Morning traffic in Little Rock sucks.
07:08 Freeway ends south of Pine Bluff, AR. This is nice.
09:09 Just left Arkansas for Louisiana. That makes seven states so far this trip.
09:19 I got 11 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:39 Vicksburg, Mississippi. My 46th state, and eight this trip. Wrote a report on the siege of Vicksburg. It sucked. http://yfrog.com/juwjqj
13:21 Arrived at my hotel in Jackson, MS after a detour to the airport. Had to exchange rental cars. Again. These Suthin' rocks just love me.
13:22 RT @VictoriaDahl: RT @MKupperman: "Lord, I pray upon you to remove this sinful penis from my mouth." [Can't. Stop. Laughing.]
13:36 BTW, new rental car has a little chip in the windshield. It's like a Get Out of Jail Free card, in case I have another rock encounter.
13:47 Tom Tom has an official Darth Vader voice! Groovy; I was getting tired of Homer Simpson. http://bit.ly/aQM7OE
14:05 Writer at the Christian Science Monitor on why everyone's taking Gizmodo's side against Apple, & why they're wrong. http://bit.ly/cerw5i
16:47 Very exciting event at this year's #Farscape con: a tour of the Henson Studios. Expensive but worth it; already bought my ticket.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:38 Late start. Had to swap rental cars over a crack that was growing like a weed. Lucky today's a short driving day. Little Rock tonight.
11:51 Just arrived in Little Rock. http://yfrog.com/1slgflj
13:46 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Star Wars Day! / A tribute in verse / Jar-Jar sucks / And Han shot first
13:47 Just had a nice wander through the Clinton Presidential Library and around the grounds. Not nearly as much gnashing of teeth as at Reagan's.
14:26 I'm in the Veer Dash for Cash! Upload images and earn cash instantly when they're accepted. Find out more at http://bit.ly/dflggq
18:48 Strange, but the longer I'm in the South, the more Southern I sound. I'm consoled by the knowledge that it'll pass after I cross back.


Monday's Tweets

04:11 @scapersuse Safe travels. Where are you headed?
06:16 Breakfast before I head southwest to Memphis. I love cafe breakfasts when I'm on the road.
06:58 Indiana in my taillights. Hello, Illinois.
09:09 I got 39 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:06 Just left Illinois for Missouri. Pretty bridge across the Mississippi. No place to stop, alas.
11:23 FAULT LINE, out in paper for only six days, already went back for 2nd printing. /via @barryeisler [It's the author photo.]
12:39 Just entered Arkansas, state #44 and my fifth of the trip.
14:04 Just arrived in Memphis. Sky is blue and the rivers seem to be keeping within their banks. Tennessee is my sixth state of the trip.
14:05 RT @ConanOBrien: Through the desert on my way to Reno, I passed an establishment called "Shady Ladies". Either a brothel or a tree nursery.
14:08 They have Krystal in Memphis. That's like White Castle with a suthin' accent. Later maybe; tonight's gotta be barbecue.
16:12 At the King's Palace Cafe on Beale. Do I get the Cajun Combo? Or the ribs? I'm so conflicted!
20:03 I went with the Cajun. It was good. http://yfrog.com/9ggg1cj
20:30 RT @janewiedlin: Tomorrow is Star Wars Day! May The Fourth Be With You! #geek #StarWars [Hey, it's no sillier than Pi Day.]


Sunday's Tweets

06:45 Leaving the Hyatt. Next stop Hertz at the airport.
09:40 So this is Indiana. Looks a lot like Ohio.
09:43 For those of you keeping score, Indiana is my 44th state.
10:20 They have White Castle in Indiana. You have no idea how happy that makes me.
10:26 Oh, the things I do to myself... http://yfrog.com/bh65nlj
13:30 Day one of the road trip was not without incident, but I made it to Terre Haute. More adventures tomorrow.
15:16 Today's lesson: folks in Terre Haute let their dogs run free. Chased by two, pant leg nibbled by one. Good exercise for the heart.
18:32 Nothing sadder than an in-room jacuzzi and no one to share it. *snif*
18:33 @TomMartin_KY Only cutting through the eastern corner on my way to West Virginia.
18:35 @lara_adrian Thanks for the shoutout, Lara. Glad you liked the RT Book Fair pictures.


Saturday's Tweets

07:10 In line at the Book Fair, like I really need more books. RT is winding down. #RT10
09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:53 To the nice lady who admired my enormous camera: it's not the size of the lens; it's knowing where to point it. #RT10
11:10 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Beth Ciotta http://twitpic.com/1k0wts #RT10
11:12 Faces from the RT Book Fair: @VictoriaDahl http://twitpic.com/1k0xjg #RT10
11:14 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Wendi Darlin http://twitpic.com/1k0y45 #RT10
11:16 Faces from the RT Book Fair: @JackieKessler http://twitpic.com/1k0ypi #RT10
11:19 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Caitlin Kittredge http://twitpic.com/1k0zhf #RT10
11:20 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Carrie Lofty http://twitpic.com/1k0zyf #RT10
11:21 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Kayla Perrin http://twitpic.com/1k108v #RT10
11:23 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Delilah Marvelle http://twitpic.com/1k10uv #RT10
11:26 Faces from the RT Book Fair: Ann Voss Peterson http://twitpic.com/1k11kx #RT10
11:26 @KateRothwell Too late, I'm afraid. The Fair ended 25 minutes ago.
11:28 Faces from the RT Book Fair: F. Paul Wilson http://twitpic.com/1k12a3 #RT10
11:28 @KateRothwell So much fun, I'm surprised it's legal. It is, isn't it?
11:30 Faces from the RT Book Fair: my dance partner, Sharon Page http://twitpic.com/1k12vn #RT10
11:34 Faces from the RT Book Fair: @jakonrath, looking rather more dead than alive. http://twitpic.com/1k145c #RT10
22:30 Finally headed to bed. Bye, all you nice people. Bye, #RT10. Looking forward to #RT11 in El Lay. But for now, ready to start my road trip.


Friday's Tweets

05:16 Alarm goes off, but I've been awake for ages. Submitting photos from the weekend shoot. Then it's back to #RT10 for more fun.
05:47 @renatojr_rj Safe flight.
07:45 Mario Acevedo & Mark Henry talking food porn - people as food. Disturbuing. #RT10
07:49 "if you suck a vampire dry..." "They get very relaxed." #RT10
09:11 I got 36 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:20 The UMC Council of Bishops is meeting across the hall from RT. Bad plan. #RT10
09:21 Did you know the protective cup was invented before the helmet? Makes you think. #RT10
10:39 If Nick Denton of Gawker will pay $5K for an iPhone, what would they pay for this? http://founditinabar.com/
10:42 Repugs claiming credit for best parts of Health Care Reform they voted against. http://bit.ly/ajgzpd
12:55 Fun panel arguing the definition of steampunk. #RT10 http://yfrog.com/jpyt1gj
16:24 Via @paulandstorm, I dare you not to cry. Go ahead; prove you're stronger than me: http://bit.ly/bl5KH9
18:05 Tonight's Vampire Ball performance has begun. If you don't hear from me in two hours, send flowers. I used to like roses.
18:50 Okay, time to hit the dance floor.


Thursday's Tweets

06:14 Left and Right Wing bloggers really are different. http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/2010/04/28/how-the-left-and-right-use-blogs/
09:01 Had a nice chat with author Carole Nelson Douglas. Have to pick up a couple of her books at the Fair on Saturday.
09:04 Blogging panel with @jakonrath & co. http://yfrog.com/j9s62j
15:04 RT @ebertchicago: RT @JohnFugelsang: But if they stop making Hummers how are we gonna know who's got a small penis?
19:59 "There's a woman here whose breasts are bigger than my head!" #RT10
21:04 RT @ebertchicago: Pre-Dating Tip #1: Tell the guy, "Can we start out with a second date? I always go too far on the first date."


Wednesday's Tweets

08:21 Listening to @barryeisler read a sex scene with a woman's POV. Disconcerting, I must say.
08:36 "If there's a desk in a sex scene, somebody will have to get fucked on it."
09:07 RT @VictoriaDahl: @barryeisler is reading one of my sex scenes aloud. And he's blushing. #RT10 [Aren't we all?]
13:03 AT&T sucks here. Has Columbus ever seen this many iPhones before?
13:07 "He's cool. He's hung. He's coming. June 29th. Inside Out." @barryeisler
14:12 In a panel on historic romance. I am the only Y chromosome in the room. The phrase "orgasm for days" just got my attention.
17:30 A little video from the Intl Lingerie Show in Vegas. Hoss provided the fashions, Charlie, Val, Cali & Amber wore them. http://bit.ly/dbSlli
20:14 Country music: the fastest way I know to clear an RT dance floor.


Tuesday's Tweets

03:09 Not much sleep last night, a combination of sinus issues and anticipation. Half hour until my shuttle's supposed to arrive.
05:24 At the gate at SFO, 90 min before we leave. Headed to Romantic Times. I've been looking forward to this trip for ages.
11:31 Just arrived st Chicago Midway. Next stop Columbus.
13:20 It's a pretty day in Columbus. Of course, I'll hardly leave the hotel.
18:33 Fault Line by @barryeisler out in paperback today. That poor patent examiner...
18:36 Revisited the Asian fusion place I discovered the first time I was in Columbus. Pretty good, and just what I wanted.
19:55 At RT: "Undertakers and penis candy don't mix."


Monday's Tweets

06:44 Up way to early, and grabbing breakfast before I drop the car off at Ontario Intl. Gonna be a rough day. Short, but rough.
10:02 SJC. Home soon, but not for long.
11:18 RT @tinyrevolution: Nice that, after so many years, repealing Martin Luther King Day no longer most embarrassing thing Arizona's ever done
12:13 Sometimes I hate my life. http://twitpic.com/1ioz53 (This is not one of those times.)
14:09 Packed for RT & road trip. More or less. But more more than less, I'd say.
14:19 So buying stolen property (specifically an iPhone prototype) really does get you attention from the authorities. http://gizmodo.com/5524843/
14:31 @barryeisler Maybe the larger question is whether bloggers *or* journalists get to receive stolen property without repercussions.
15:18 Looks like Gawker understands the law about as well as they do journalism. http://bit.ly/bCDvkO
15:26 @JohnRossBowie It's not that she can't. It's that she won't.


Sunday's Tweets

09:34 Waiting for the ladies to get their asses in gear so we can head off to the Model Expo.
14:04 I hate Sundays. http://yfrog.com/jxcj4j
21:59 Back at the house. Model Expo was exhausting but fun. Fly home tomorrow.


Saturday's Tweets

07:23 Time to get moving, before this house full of models starts stirring. Which could be any hour now...
08:33 Model #1 is up, and making vaguely intelligible sounds. Three more and we'll have a quorum. I'd have said minyan, but you know.
09:55 Fox News denies Climate Change, their corporate overlords, not so much. http://tinyurl.com/2dxhpdq
19:57 Four models, eight photographers, seven hours. Tired and energized.
20:01 @Rockne_S Conan was amazing on SF, so I'm sure you had a blast.


Friday's Tweets

00:26 Home again. Conan was great, as was guest performer Chris Isaac. Worth losing my voice. #cobnob
08:03 @alwayscoffee By "batshit crazy", are we talking about Scott Baio?
08:18 @janewiedlin You were there? Great show at the Masonic last night. #cobnob
08:43 BTW, Masturbating Bear: NBC intellectual property. Self-Pleasuring Panda: legally unfettered. Now you know. #cobnob
10:12 "The Force is strong in this sperm." http://ow.ly/1Cg7U
10:37 On my way to the airport. Next stop: my photography weekend on Temecula.
10:58 Long line at SJC security. Glad I give myself lots of time.
11:33 @lomara Thanks for the @washosaurus RT. Just bought one of the little bears.
11:35 @ConanOBrien I'm sure the hot guys feel the same way.
11:38 Wondering jest how many chickens your medical procedures are gonna cost? Find out now with the Sue Lowden calculator: http://lowdenplan.com/
12:29 On the plane. Next stop Ontario, CA. That's CA as in California. Not Canada, although I wouldn't mind.
12:34 RT @janewiedlin: Another important chart to study: Trustworthiness of Beards Chart http://tiny.cc/yiraa [Guess mine's safe.]
18:26 Watching as three models shop for clothes. Not for the fainthearted.


Thursday's Tweets

10:37 RT @FakeAPStylebook: Do not reference The Oxford English Dictionary. We speak American. [And badly at that.]
11:55 This is the lingerie ad Fox & ABC rejected as going too far? Really? http://bit.ly/cH4jDF
12:43 Boarding pass printed, bag (mostly) packed for a weekend of photography in Southern California.
13:43 What would you trade for medical care? Let your voice be heard on Chickens For Checkups. http://dscc.org/chickens
16:34 I thought I wanted an iPad before, but this has pushed me way over the edge: http://bit.ly/csDs7r
16:42 Headed to San Francisco tonight. Going to join http://teamcoco.com/ at the Masonic. Hope he doesn't suck.
18:56 Google Maps needs to add contour lines. Only four blocks, but another three straight up! #cobnob
21:40 Andy Richter just came out trololoing. #cobnob


Wednesday's Tweets

07:46 RT @counternotions: The Cancer Of Microsofts Tastelessness http://bit.ly/aKVTrt
10:35 @VictoriaDahl And so it begins. Soon I won't be able to tell Twitter RTs from the RT Convention. But I'll be there to share the confusion.
11:24 Cure worse than disease. McAfee antivirus update turns PCs into rebooting machines. Oopsy! http://bit.ly/cUhdus
14:22 Guy in line ahead of me at CVS was buying pregnancy tests. He didn't look happy.
14:57 RT @grantimahara: How to Compose a Hit Pop Song: VIDEO (The 4-Chord Song) http://bit.ly/9qV9QQ Too many of my favorites!
15:55 The best movies (and other stuff) we'll never see. http://bit.ly/crZS1F
16:28 RT @VictoriaDahl: So weird that you're following me, @Chex_Mix, bcuz u r in my mouth right now! Eerie.[You said not to comment, so I won't.]
16:41 RT @Chex_Mix: @disorderly hi Hank, nice to tweet you too. how do you know @VictoriaDahl ? [Talking breakfast food? Uh-oh is right.]
17:36 You'd think Repugs would slink away after being abused by Jon Stewart. You'd be wrong. I almost feel sorry for them. http://bit.ly/drQVjo
19:39 Just made an airport shuttle reservation for next week. Did you know there's a 3:45 in the *morning*?
21:32 Lee Majors is advertising hearing aids. Bionic hearing aids. He looks kind of animatronic. Almost lifelike.


Tuesday's Tweets

14:44 Horrors! Downfall owner asserts their copyright; all those Hitler reaction videos removed from YouTube. Is this the end of parody? (No.)
22:13 If I were a Beatle, I'd sue. http://j.mp/cC8kpj
22:33 I think I hurt something from laughing. (Not safe if you don't like bad words.) http://thebloggess.com/?p=6572
22:40 Did Gawker break the law by buying "found" iPhone? The law's awfully clear on the subject. http://bit.ly/cBH8S7


Monday's Tweets

09:10 I got 60 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:17 From @iStock, photographer development: actual vs. perceived. Where do I fit on this graph? http://popto.me/stages
10:19 Palin rejects separation of church & state; I reject Palin just as completely. http://bit.ly/98W2HG
13:24 Fighting off allergies. I think the medication's worse than the symptoms.
14:23 @ScaperSuse Thanks, Suse. This stuff just makes me sleepy and dopey. Sadly, I don't feel any more happy, which makes me grumpy.
21:52 RT @counternotions: Joke of the year: Gizmodo: "we didn't know [iPhone prototype] was stolen when we bought it."


Sunday's Tweets

09:07 I got 39 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:08 Verizon really doesn't like losing a customer. http://bit.ly/dz39Om
11:44 RT @iwatchTVshows: Daily Beast Headline: "Neo-Nazi Rally Turns Violent." When reached for comment, everyone admits to having seen it coming.
11:59 Sarah Palin misquotes President Obama with malice aforethought. AP goes along for the ride. http://bit.ly/amyuV3
14:26 Kelsey Grammar & Comcast working on Tea Party TV Channel. Guess Fox is too progressive for these guys. http://bit.ly/adI2e4
14:54 That failing external drive from last weekend? Looks like it was a flaky cable. Surprising; can't remember a USB cable failing on me.


Saturday's Tweets

07:27 Fiction not so fictional: Scott Horton invokes @barryeisler's Inside Out in report about CIA torture tape destruction. http://bit.ly/a9V8s8
09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:19 Shooting at an airport near Gilroy. http://yfrog.com/i3p0gj
19:23 RT @ebertchicago: Presented for your reading pleasure. http://twitpic.com/1gfnpf [Shocking. And yet, not. Bastards.]