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Tuesday's Tweets

07:47 Trying to order a new iPhone on my existing iPhone. No luck; do you think others are doing the same?
07:49 RT @TheMacalope: What a surprise that the iPhone purchase process collapses when you get to the part that involves AT&T. [Not just me then.]
07:58 @scapersuse I knew there was more to like about you than your smile.
08:28 Done with breakfast & ready to leave Reno. Taking the southern route via Carson City & S Lake Tahoe.
15:03 Home. Got on the Apple site & managed to reserve an iPhone. Without getting through to the AT&T site, so we'll deal with that on the day.


Monday's Tweets

13:54 Drove to S Lake Tahoe to revisit a Thai place I liked. Sadly, they're closed Mondays, but I found a nice sushi restaurant instead.
17:56 @mikefulton Taking a little break in Reno. I'll keep the burger place in mind, though.
19:50 A good evening in Reno. Reduced the lobster population, at an old fart discount. Then took on a slot machine and emerged triumphant!


Sunday's Tweets

07:52 Off to Gold Country for a shoot at an abandoned mine.
20:29 Drive to Reno was endless. One lane of I-80 was closed; the other was a parking lot. Need food...


Saturday's Tweets

00:02 Thanks to @grantimahara for mentioning http://tinkershow.com/. Tonight's performance was sick, disgusting and very funny!
09:06 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:06 RT @scapersuse: As seen on a blackboard outside a tavern on E15th in NYC: "A dyslexic walks into a bra..." [Was he *really* dyslexic?]
09:07 The war against photography. It's about knowing your rights & how to exercise them. http://bit.ly/drIBgR
11:05 A meta-review of Marmaduke the movie. I don't think he liked it. http://bit.ly/cLhm20
12:34 RT @hellobuglers: BP issue statement thanking England goalkeeper Green for selflessly doing his bit to repair strained Anglo-US relations.
13:35 See? This is why we can't take soccer seriously. Proper sports don't end in a draw. Ever. You keep playing until somebody loses or dies.
14:26 Just updated the four year old maps in my car. Wonder what new surprises my navigation system has in store.
18:56 @scapersuse Hey, at least "redundant" is in the dictionary. Did you know that "gullible" isn't?


Friday's Tweets

06:50 BP: "The company is not aware of any reason which justifies this share price movement." Really? You need a hint, maybe?
09:20 RT @grantimahara: BTW- Be prepared for a highly offensive evening... http://tinkershow.com [Highly offensive? I am so there!]
15:17 Michelle Bachman calls Barack Obama worst President ever. Must mean he's doing a great job. http://bit.ly/bbAoIS
15:56 People like @ebertchicago make Twitter worthwhile. As if there were people like him. There aren't, but let's pretend. http://bit.ly/aq2GqC
16:15 Now this is a Christmas story I want to read! http://bit.ly/9MRZVG (via @CarolynCrane)
18:38 Improv comedy in SF tonight. But first, pastrami Reuben at Max's
18:45 Tonight's discovery: cabbage soup is like stuffed cabbage for the dentally challenged. Which I'm not. Not yet, anyway.
20:12 I'm surrounded by Mythbusters. Grant is right behind me, & Tori is facing me on the other side of the "stage". Not that I'm namedropping.


Thursday's Tweets

18:27 RT @ebertchicago: You know you want one. You always have. http://twitpic.com/1voi85 [Not me. I already have one.]


Wednesday's Tweets

08:21 The Birther Queen lost her primary battle. Somehow I don't expect her to go gentle into that good night.
09:19 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:26 Meg Whitman's primary win cost her $73 per vote. At that rate, she'll need $327m to win the election. (Jerry Brown spent $200k total.)
10:44 Win an amazing $10,000 Canon 5D Mark II camera rig for the launch of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC http://tinyurl.com/camplus
10:45 @VictoriaDahl But weren't those entry level jobs in your field? Mine certainly were, and that's the difference the article talks about.
11:17 @VictoriaDahl Maybe. Does he have a business degree? And how often do remote employees get promoted into management roles? Rarely, I'd say.
17:48 The Birther Queen has subpoenaed the artist who painted her giving birth to a pancake. Fer realz. http://bit.ly/cmmJmO
21:30 Watching @donttrythis snort fruit flavored snuff for science. Have I mentioned that I love Mythbusters?


Tuesday's Tweets

08:29 Weddings and other disasters, or why I'd never want to be a wedding photographer: http://bit.ly/amlWJF
09:39 Last night's @StephenAtHome: "Bing is a great website for doing Internet searches. I know that because I Googled it."
10:08 The amazing Jane Lynch takes on the iPhone 4 in an ad Apple should run themselves: http://bit.ly/bZvqYs
10:30 It's primary day on California, my chance to vote the bums in. Out? I was supposed to vote them out? Oopsie.
12:24 RT @VictoriaDahl: DO IT! DO IT NOW! [That's what *she* said.]
13:09 @alwayscoffee But wasn't Samuel L. Jackson weary of snakes? "I'm sick of these %&#$* snakes on this %&#$* plane!"
14:37 RT @billprady: Considering filing USPS form 1500 against the AARP. Overkill? Justifiable rage against dying of the light? [Old joke. Hee!]
14:39 Not all gas giants are stars: http://ow.ly/1VNYC
18:38 Your WTF movie trailer moment for the day, or maybe the year: Norwegian Ninja! http://bit.ly/9tKhkg
18:44 Should have flown to Chicago for #w00tstock. 35 minutes of Captain's Wife's Lament *and* @petersagal swearing? Damn! http://bit.ly/aTZAq9


Monday's Tweets

08:30 You Are Not So Smart, a blog for those of us who think we're rational. We're not. http://youarenotsosmart.com/
09:06 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:24 Helen Thomas announces her retirement. Hope we can focus on decades of service, rather than seconds of stupidity.
11:01 Watching the Apple WWDC keynote thread on Engadget. Cut to the chase: when can I get my new phone? http://bit.ly/cxF9i2
11:49 @meatflag I'll get the 32GB model. It'll let me retire my iPod and carry one device with all my music and some video.
14:54 Galactic Empire themed corsetry? The Force is strong in this one, and growing by the moment. http://bit.ly/9AmZzG
14:57 @MsCaliLogan The connectivity issues during the demo were with WiFi, and may have ben the show network. I'm ordering mine right away.
17:16 Birther nutbag Orly Taitz running for CA Secy of State. Can only pray she wins Repug nomination tomorrow. What fun we'll have!
19:58 That was quick! Just got a spam email offering me a free iPhone 4G, which isn't what it's called. From says apple.com, but I'm suspicious.
21:45 RT @5tevenw: The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. At least that's what the restraining order says.


Sunday's Tweets

07:31 @ggreenwald Hey, either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. No, wait; that's a different conflict.
08:17 "Why is it that the people who always deny the holocaust took place are always the ones who wish it had?" http://bit.ly/ciXO3K
09:48 Racist reaction to the Prescott, AZ mural makes @ebertchicago muse and reminisce about his own experiences with race. http://j.mp/ckjNPY
10:10 Crazy crowds @ Mtn View farmers market. Line's 40 deep at Acme Bakery.
19:26 Still watching Perry Mason season 4. Why does he keep saying "infer" when he means "imply"?
21:26 Just got an email that said, "Your photo is horrible -- and this is why." It was a form letter from Nikonians. I did wonder how they knew.


Saturday's Tweets

19:04 Nice day for a drive. A long drive south to Avila Beach, where everybody in the area had the same idea.
19:29 You know what stress is? Having the low fuel light come on when you're at least 50 miles from the nearest station.
20:20 RT @barryeisler: @disorderly Could have been worse -- you could have been in a plane. [That happened once.]
20:22 Interestingly, my way-below-empty Camry Hybrid probably had another hundred miles range. Only took 14.4 out of 17.2 gallons.


Friday's Tweets

07:53 LA Guv Jindal opposed to ban on deepwater drilling. Why wait to fix this spill before we make more? http://huff.to/awtLQ2
09:05 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:43 RT @FakeAPStylebook: Use "bologna" for the meat, "baloney" for anything Creationists say. [I wouldn't be so polite.]
10:50 As long as I'll be in Gold Country next Sunday for a shoot, figured I'd take advantage of Silver Legacy's 2nd night free offer. Hello, Reno!
12:42 Adidas Star Wars ad. When was the last time Lucas did anything so creative? http://bit.ly/bPxLXK
14:16 How to take a screenshot: Windows vs. Mac OS X vs. iPhone vs Android. http://bit.ly/dgtl1x
14:39 Remember when racists had to hide their repulsive views? http://bit.ly/avrWlv
15:10 O'Reilly claims immigrant crime wave in border states. Lucky for them & bad for him, it's not so. http://huff.to/9ZdU1g
16:36 Glen Beck shames other media for not airing Israeli assault video they all showed. Does he think Fox viewers are all gullible idiots? I do.
18:53 Just discovered Boomtown in Reno has brought back their lobster buffet. That takes care of dinner plans for my trip.


Thursday's Tweets

14:52 Taking a break in Napa & Sonoma this gloriously cloudy day. How's your Thursday going?
18:40 RT @annvosspeterson: George W Bush defending torture again? Timing is suspicious. I'll bet he's just promoting @barryeisler's upcoming book.
20:20 Charles Krauthammer announces that no one's starving in Gaza. Really? What kind of cockamamie blockade is Israel running here?
21:19 Cool. I can use the cash. http://xkcd.com/749/
23:50 RT @JohnFugelsang: Sarah Palin officially blames environmentalists for BP spill. That's like blaming smart people for Sarah Palin.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:28 RT @tomtomorrow: Thomas Friedman's column this morning one of vilest things that vile man has written in a long time. http://nyti.ms/alyYFu
08:32 Just dropped car at the Toyota dealer. 80k service plus however they resolved the uncontrolled acceleration problem.
08:52 Thanks, @sandrift. Usage graph at att.com tells me I'll be okay with new 2GB data limit, even with tethering.
09:27 RT @JustaSunGod: You've just gotta love HTML http://bit.ly/dgbmsd #NSFW [HTML? Or XML? Yeah, I know that's not the point.]
09:40 @barryeisler You can check your usage at att.com. Mine stays below 2GB a month. But you can keep the current unlimited plan.
10:12 Thomas Friedman is "a barely literate cartoon mustache of oversimplification." http://bit.ly/avvqIK
10:19 @sandrift Are you sure that's really a problem? @meatflag
10:34 @barryeisler Looks like you have to switch data plans if you want tethering. Which I do.
10:55 @VictoriaDahl They don't want to make everyone show papers, Victoria. Just those suspicious looking people. You know, not like us. Well, me.
11:08 BP accounts for 97% of OSHA violations the last 3 yrs, shouts "We're number 1!" http://bit.ly/djYNUm via Daring Fireball
11:16 @JustaSunGod But not soon, right?
11:34 NV Gov Brewer claims dad died fighting the Nazis. Where did he find them in 1955 when he actually died? http://bit.ly/95YwIG
12:04 Via @CaliLewis, the Bacon Moon Pie. http://bacontoday.com/bacon-moon-pies/ (Didn't know there was a Bacon Today, did you?)
17:56 Finally got my car back. Turns out the water pump was leaking. Luckily covered by my extended warranty.
19:47 RT @barryeisler: Classic Chomsky video on the myth of the liberal media. http://youtu.be/KYlyb1Bx9Ic
21:10 @VictoriaDahl Or flouted. He could have flouted her orders.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 9 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:33 Tech analyst Enderle can't believe MSFT's failures are their fault, blames AAPL. Rob, look at your own failures. http://bit.ly/aHEdAd
09:37 Took me a second to get the joke. Yeah, I'm a little slow this morning. http://shirt.woot.com/
11:45 @austintichenor I'm so sorry to hear that, Austin. Your mom seemed a fine lady, even if she could only talk about you in the 3rd person.
11:48 Via @JustaSunGod, the enemy in your pants: http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/05/us-army-std
13:56 I see. It's not that Microsoft & Dell & Palm are incompetent; it's that they were sabotaged by Apple spies. http://bit.ly/aY4OJ6
14:22 What if they made Jaws today? Andy Serkis in a motion capture suit? I am so there... http://bit.ly/blhhPF
14:55 I always had my doubts about Ken. http://bit.ly/asdR71
18:32 RT @counternotions: How Google skews its search monopoly for its own benefit: The "sushi Stockholm" case http://bit.ly/d48nQa
18:54 @toywithme Once made that mistake. Not about sex, but a different function. Kept me warm for a while.
19:24 Reading Steve Jobs interview at D8. Good stuff, and some surprises like that rejected political cartoon app. http://bit.ly/bomNnu
20:07 Showed up late to the blogger meetup, but no one else was there. Time to hang it up?
21:05 RT @barryeisler: Four weeks from today (June 29): INSIDE OUT! http://bit.ly/86khOs [Not that he's keeping count or anything.]
21:12 @barryeisler Oui, vous. Vraiment.


Monday's Tweets

09:06 I got 62 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:59 Josh Marshall gets a new Kindle. Isn't it sad that we expect to get screwed & are surprised when we're treated fairly? http://bit.ly/bwwdtl
14:00 @renatojr_rj Did somebody say BBQ? (Okay, you just spelled it.) What's on the menu?
14:46 RT @ebertchicago: Israel in deep shit, & deserves to be. Attacking that aid ship not only immoral, but moronic. [I want to argue but can't.]
16:45 LA Gov Jindal mocked Dem concerns about drilling & big govt regulation. And now he wants big govt to fix the problem?
18:06 @lomara We don't need your Santa Monica Pier, Kim. We have Santa Cruz, which is just as tacky.


Sunday's Tweets

09:55 What a great phrase! "Aggressive young men with brains the size of sweetcorn." http://bit.ly/b5J3PS
13:02 Think our politics can't be taken seriously? We have nothing on the Icelanders. http://bit.ly/d6ooDh


Saturday's Tweets

12:40 Just finished a shoot with the adorable Jenny, who has a new tattoo. Taylor Swift lyrics of all things. The Beatles I could understand.
13:31 Now it makes sense: Sex and the City isn't bad dramedy; it's spectacular Sci-Fi! http://bit.ly/9dSq6Y
15:48 Watching S4 of Perry Mason. Just misread the episode's alliterative title as The Case of The Pickle Fortune. Like my idea better.
17:36 "You're so frigid, when you open your legs the light turns on." "Excuse me! I don't have any legs!" - Avenue Q http://bit.ly/9DWypy
17:39 RT @lomara: This tissue box makes me smile http://bit.ly/cXDA4o [*snort*]


Friday's Tweets

06:17 @lomara You have an electric hand? I had no idea!
06:30 A morning thought: if torture works so well when the clock's ticking, how come nobody's suggesting we torture oil drilling experts?
06:39 @JustaSunGod PB? Peanut Butter? I'm suggesting torture as a way to clear their minds for better solutions to the leak, not as punishment.
07:04 @JustaSunGod Yeah, I know what seppuku is. I'm suggesting torture as a way to enhance creativity. Not seriously, of course.
07:13 I don't think they liked it. Highlights from reviews of Sex and the City 2. http://huff.to/bfOSNL
09:07 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:15 RT @toywithme: Dear BP - stick a tampon in it!! [Is there no flow they can't handle?]
09:20 @CarolynCrane Thanks! That was a fun day. Drove by that park hundreds of times and never knew it was there.
09:46 @toywithme I'm sure I don't!
17:01 RT @ebertchicago: I feel sorry for Gary Coleman, and this sensitive piece explains why. http://j.mp/aYlhjC [Poor guy. What a sad life.]


Thursday's Tweets

07:09 Family Research Council study reveals repeal of DADT will lead to more studies making shit up. http://bit.ly/94DMPf
10:03 Challenger to Barbara Boxer debates a cardboard box, looks like a total tool. Should have debated a paper bag instead. http://bit.ly/aQt1TK
11:42 So. Those insane rumors that Microsoft's Ballmer would appear at Apple's WWDC? Not just insane but untrue. http://bit.ly/ap31bW
12:57 The Right attacks the ACLU for not defending US flag wearers on Cinco de Mayo. Except it's not true. Gosh, I'm shocked. http://bit.ly/bZYldN
16:02 Okay, this is weird. Turns out working at iPhone factory in China *reduces* your risk of suicide. http://bit.ly/bxJmo1
19:23 @renatojr_rj I hope you got some pictures of that!
22:05 Not everything in the Times is wrong. Like this piece about Bob, Chris & Abby Elliott. I loved Bob & Ray. No idea why. http://nyti.ms/cN6Iye


Wednesday's Tweets

07:14 I love watching Repugs beat up on each other. Who's got the popcorn? http://huff.to/c9nzpN
08:32 @HappyTinfoilCat I guess we'll see how far dumbth will get you in the AZ GOP Senate primary.
09:07 I got 13 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:21 @VictoriaDahl And here I thought you above that kind of petty jealousy. Counting retweets indeed!
09:36 Finally caught up with @barryeisler's video interview on @grittv regarding 24 as propaganda and much more. http://bit.ly/cuJj0F
09:45 Peter Beinart on the Right wing disaster that is modern Israel, and why younger American Jews reject it. I'm with them. http://bit.ly/a5qt0X
18:49 Someone who understands drilling asks what more we think the President should be doing. Good question. http://bit.ly/bRnvzn
20:29 Gene Lyons, who wrote so forcefully on NY Times lousy reporting on Whitewater, on their coverage of Richard Blumenthal. http://bit.ly/b4kpfA
20:37 Why in the world does anyone pay tech industry analysts for anything but comic relief? More accurate to flip a coin. http://bit.ly/aZiy02


Tuesday's Tweets

08:25 Black Like Me: libertarian opposition to Civil Rights Act "theoretically coherent but psychologically impossible." http://bit.ly/9aYNUg
08:46 RT @reduced: Wanna see a parade of your Twitter followers? Go here http://isparade.jp Thanks, @dickc! [Inspiring & weird at the same time.]
10:31 Rand Paul's just a symptom. The Tea Party is the disease. And the Repugs are the enablers. http://huff.to/cD2B7v
13:03 RT @reduced: RT @sesamestreet "Grover: It is Frank Oz's birthday. I'll try to find out who he is. What do you mean, there is no "try"?"
13:04 It's raining. Not supposed to rain in late May. Then again, it *is* Towel Day. (I miss you, Douglas Adams.)
16:18 @paulandstorm The AZ meatloaf post doesn't show up in my timeline, but does appear when I go to your feed.
18:50 Rand Paul plans to shake up his staff, because clearly all of his on-air asshattery was somebody else's fault. http://bit.ly/bDrUDD
20:19 I remember videos of robot experiments from the 80s. They were stone knives & bearskins compared to this. http://j.mp/cVKNog
21:51 Via @donttrythis, the most crazy ass lens I've ever seen. Nikon, you're evil geniuses! http://bit.ly/bQ5SZr


Monday's Tweets

07:27 Rand Paul tries to rewrite his own remarks. "We don't always say what we mean." Except when we do. http://bit.ly/d3ALAg
07:37 Rand Paul's message to those whose lives are destroyed by big corporate interests? No help for you! Fuck off and deal with it!
09:08 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:13 RT @ebertchicago: O, Joy! Replacement MacBookPro now *totally* restored from Time Machine. [Time Machine's a lifesaver. Apple's best work.]
14:57 Think your life sucks? Try being a male angler fish. http://bit.ly/bcz9hu (From @AnimeJune via @VictoriaDahl)
15:03 Bet you didn't know: George Washington invented instant coffee. No, not *that* George Washington... http://bit.ly/2AHpt
15:08 Think an iPhone on Verizon would be better than AT&T? Here's one guy who thinks yer smokin' dope: http://bit.ly/ddwdTl I bet he's right.
16:40 This is cool. Nikon has a lens simulator that lets you see magnification and angle of view at different focal lengths. http://bit.ly/6ybZr6
16:43 RT @BreakingNews: White House backs legislative proposal to repeal DADT after meeting with gay activists. http://bit.ly/cl4kOo [About time.]
16:46 Today Show's Ann Curry praised Wheaton grad Billy Graham in commencement address. Too bad that was the *other* Wheaton. http://bit.ly/aXs8YR
17:09 Bereft Lost viewers get their fill of weird from Fox News. http://huff.to/bsKWsx
17:39 RT @wilw: Whoops. @kngunn is right: headache is a process, not a file, and I need to kill -9 the stupid thing. [Unix nerd humor. Hee.]
20:38 Nice of the real superheroes to let that lame-o Batman hang out with them. http://bit.ly/ciyg1M
20:38 @counternotions Does it go "bing"?
21:22 Apple caves on that whole "No to Flash" thing, intros iPad XL. http://bit.ly/cz4OA1


Sunday's Tweets

06:59 You can't wear a chicken suit to a Nevada polling place. Guess First Amendment rights don't include feathers. http://bit.ly/asBaX9
09:05 I got 39 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:39 Top of the world, ma! http://yfrog.com/g029rj
16:52 Bad news: there's dust on my camera's sensor. Good news: it's high in the frame & easy to retouch out of today's beautiful blue sky.
17:04 Useful tip: If you're going to clean your camera's sensor, put the memory card back in before you take a test shot.
17:12 Via @ebertchicago, telling science from pretenders to the title. Like Intelligent Design, to name one example. http://bit.ly/9UNKwV


Saturday's Tweets

07:18 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Thanks, TX! Txtbks finally show how Rbt E Lee emancipated free enterprisers from the Commies, just as Christ ordained.
07:49 The Soup: "I'm guessing [Miss USA Rima Fakih's film debut] Throbbing Justice is about the penal system."
08:13 Steve Benin of Washington Monthly: Rand Paul defines a woman's uterus or a gay couple's bedroom as public entities. http://bit.ly/ciXyn9


Friday's Tweets

07:53 RT @barryeisler: RT @thenation: When a Serious Libertarian Gets Serious Attention? http://bit.ly/dqZFXp [Spoiler: it isn't pretty.]
08:25 @barryeisler: Honored to be in such bad company: @MonicaKaye @VictoriaDahl @cjewel @jayewells @TheDirtyLowDown @mark_henry @SevickBrown
08:27 RT @maddow: Ruth Marcus on Rand Paul and Robert Bork: http://is.gd/cj7EK [In case you don't recall what was so awful about Bork.]
08:40 Now the Repugs are blaming the Dems for blocking the Civil Rights Act. Revisionism, thy name is GOP. http://bit.ly/9PSSVx
12:35 RT @ebertchicago: MPAA limit on blow jobs in R-rated film: Two head-bobs. [Worthy of a spit take.]
12:55 Before hating on Civil Rights, Ron & Rand fought the nonexistent NAFTA Highway. What could they do with a real issue. http://bit.ly/9UtLCR
13:57 As a counter to the theoretical glories of Libertarianism, may I present the practicalities of Triangle Shirtwaist? http://bit.ly/9SYwcM
14:45 @barryeisler Awfully nice of you to help @meetthepress out of a jam like that. They don't deserve you. Then again, they didn't deserve RP.
15:18 @marthaflynn Wassamatta, Martha? You don't think Miley should be required reading? What are you, some kind of commie?


Thursday's Tweets

06:23 Glibertarianism: The only thing worse than being acknowledged as a racist is being chickenshit about your racism. http://bit.ly/a52lng
08:15 @ebertchicago I beg to differ. On a good day, Fox News would reach no one at all.
08:49 Completely inappropriate Golden Books. Almost makes me want to have children. Okay, maybe not. http://bit.ly/8Xk3F0
10:54 Weird thing about having a Microcell is that a full signal on my iPhone is no longer cause for celebration. How will I cope?
12:51 It doesn't matter if Rand Paul is a racist. It only matters that he'd let racism flourish. And not just racism. http://bit.ly/cujAI3
13:15 I need to spend more time on Craigslist. I had no idea of the weird I've been missing. http://bit.ly/ddEtyD
15:26 Passed a coyote on Skyline a little while ago. Would have tweeted when it happened, but the lack of signal and risk of death stopped me.
15:36 I don't think you meant heroic, Mr Rockwell. The word is moronic. (Ron Paul speaks against Civil Rights Act.) http://bit.ly/aEsFfI
15:48 Google rewrites history. "We are at war with Apple. We have always been at war with Apple." http://bit.ly/dv4JTu
17:37 @WendiDarlin Really? You must have hated it from the womb! As for sushi, you just need to be led by the hand. Doesn't have to hurt.
17:37 Weird. DSL just hiccuped. Lost WiFi to my router, then connection to the outside world. It all came back as suddenly as it left.
18:25 Via @barryeisler, do not watch this if you can't handle some hot dog on granny action. http://bit.ly/b3SiKU
19:02 @iwatchTVshows @wilw The Connect-The-Dots of Dorian Gray #lesserbooks
19:02 @WendiDarlin Then it's probably a good thing that I really like your smile, huh?
20:39 Is Google's index getting smaller? Are they getting more selective in what they keep? http://bit.ly/cGqygy
21:12 Just finished watching the season finale of Bones. Very sad, and wondering how they'll pick things up in September. One year later?
21:32 Something is rotten in the state of... no, it's not the state that's rotten; it's Google. http://bit.ly/bO6DH9 via @counternotions.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:54 Twitter's failing left and right. What ever will I do for human contact?
09:11 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:27 Google admits Apple's right to limit multitasking; background apps really do kill phone battery! http://bit.ly/chUWTX (Who knew?)
09:29 Oops! Link in previous post doesn't work. Here's a summary from Daring Fireball: http://bit.ly/cSovxh
09:30 Another shocker: posting your Social Security number's a great way to get your identity stolen. http://bit.ly/c0pwq5
09:58 @LotusSixSixSix Weird weather here. Rain & gray skies, although we're back to sunny. Really need to get out and photograph something...
10:16 Joy Williams is one of the artists supporting Nashville flood relief. Details at https://www.noisetrade.com/joywilliams
13:48 Just picked up a Microcell at the AT&T Store. Non-sucky cell service, here I come! That's the theory, anyway. I'll let you know how it goes.
14:20 Turns out Miley Cyrus branded jewelry is toxic, and not just to little girls' psyches. http://bit.ly/aOxsCZ
14:37 My Microcell just activated. So in theory I should have a good cell signal at home. First time I could say that.
15:58 @RebeccaAmmon Not silly at all. But very, very intriguing.
16:36 RT @lomara: "Premakes" The Empire Strikes Back (1950) http://youtu.be/KmTpOQrqoO0 [Still better than the prequels.]
16:50 Speaking of premakes, here's Star Trek via Georges Méliès. The music makes it work. http://bit.ly/ddg1BS
19:32 RT @wilw: Disney replacing Star Tours with A POD RACE! Why not replace Tomorrowland with Jarjarland while you fist my childhood?! [Eek!]
20:19 RT @toywithme: Don't mess with a woman in a drug store who is buying tampons and chocolate. [Good advice, but a few months too late.]
20:33 Tea Partiers aren't racist shitheads. They just vote for racist shitheads for the Senate. http://bit.ly/blI3x8
20:34 @toywithme In fact, I'm the one who bought the tampons & chocolate. I didn't know the implications, but boy, did I find out.
20:43 Rand Paul: Businesses have the right to be as racist as they please. Govt should leave whites-only lunch counters alone.
20:50 @toywithme No, definitely not pretty. But highly educational, in a "you do not want to make that mistake again" kind of way.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:47 @renatojr_rj It's be good to have you back in the Bay Area, even for a little while.
09:13 I got 37 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:42 @renatojr_rj You realize that if I were with you, this would never have happened. I don't miss flights. Ever. Well, hardly ever.
15:48 @VictoriaDahl Got to be my refusal to grow up, or at least old. I love seeing the world with the eyes of a child.
18:33 @VictoriaDahl Just as well my HS didn't have proms. We were not a fashionable generation.
19:28 Prehistoric sex toy and fire starter. Wouldn't think there would be enough friction down there to make sparks. http://bit.ly/bSHTYo
21:53 Now this is ironic: a book about corporate trust, with a cover image stolen from a microstock photo agency. http://bit.ly/9kXlYI


Monday's Tweets

06:26 From @counternotions, Google's hypocrisy regarding Apple's closed ecosystem. Et tu, Brute? http://bit.ly/b0T6XX
09:11 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:07 Back from my morning shoot. Elizabeth was amazing, and we got some great photos. Now to work uploading and editing.
14:33 Here I am with today's model. Aren't we the cutest? http://yfrog.com/b9viivj
15:47 Via @VictoriaDahl, maybe this explains why abstinence education is such a failure. Creepy! http://tinyurl.com/2c7aw8y
16:17 @nicoleisbetter In San Francisco, one can't assume these things.
17:11 RT @reduced: Wait - a Lebanese gal won Miss USA?! I thought only heterosexual women could do that. [Hee!]
19:45 Via @Elise_Logan, how is it that sloths make being slothful look so appealing? http://bit.ly/bd5p45
21:01 You know that 640KB limit in DOS? And the 2GB one for hard drives? Well, history repeats itself yet again. http://bit.ly/bX8oWQ