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Monday's Tweets

03:28 God, it's early. On my way to Oakland Airport and new adventures.
05:49 At the gate, a little over an hour before my flight. Thanks for the free WiFi, Oakland.
08:47 Getting my rental car, and then to find the bright light of Moab.
13:54 I'd forgotten how much I enjoy driving through the desert. Need to do it more often.
14:43 Was that thunder? Or an explosion? Jeepers.
16:05 Just watched our 48 Hour Film Project entry. Pretty good, although I don't think I'll quit my day job. Or I wouldn't if I had one.
18:36 Joe Scarborough watches his party move further from him and, I'd argue, any sense of honor. http://bit.ly/byBa3V


Sunday's Tweets

11:59 An answer to one of life's mysteries: why does spaghetti break into more than two pieces? http://bit.ly/9NwULa
15:28 Packed & ready to go. Off crazy early tomorrow for Salt Lake City, then driving to Moab. Utah in summer? Am I insane? (Rhetorical question.)
15:30 Here's a news flash: Justin Bieber is a dick. And a little one at that. http://bit.ly/94whbq
21:26 I shot the sheriff. #midnightconfessions
21:26 I wonder who (who, who) wrote the book of love. #midnightconfessions
21:27 I left my heart in San Francisco. #midnightconfessions
21:27 I am killing the great chefs of Europe. #midnightconfessions
21:41 I know what evil lurks in the hearts of men. #midnightconfessions
21:42 I like pina coladas, but am not real big on getting caught in the rain. #midnightconfessions


Saturday's Tweets

09:05 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:12 In Danville bright & early to work on our 48 Hour Film Project entry. Mostly indoors, a nice change from last time.
10:53 I've been promoted from sound guy to actor. Got a bad feeling about this.
13:11 Not to give anything away, but my role involves props. http://tweetphoto.com/38977897
13:24 @cabri No, I'm the victim. But I don't go down without a fight.
17:07 All that's left is my death scene. Academy Award time, I'm thinkin'.


Friday's Tweets

07:35 Oracle threatens to sue Google. Did you know Android app platform is an unlicensed ripoff of Java? Oopsy! http://bit.ly/a88PTZ
08:18 Via @JustaSunGod, Scooby Doo as you never wanted to see him: http://bit.ly/9FvmY0
17:51 Superdrag is my new favorite Safari extension. Maybe yours too. http://bit.ly/bTdq08
19:00 It's been a while since I've been proud of our President. Glad he took a principled stand on the Lower Manhattan mosque. http://is.gd/egNVy


Thursday's Tweets

09:05 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:13 Anti-gay advocates pissed the law won't support their prejudice. What's a bigot to do? http://huff.to/aVSqxK
17:44 Just got home to learn that #w00tstock is returning to San Francisco in mid-September! And so am I; just bought my ticket!
18:30 Google's App Inventor is the latest The Last One, the program builder to obsolete all programming. Yeah, right. http://nyti.ms/cLI6f5
18:48 On cable news, no one cares that you're a lying scum. Might even be a virtue. http://bit.ly/9xGFuD
18:59 The Daily Show: "So that's the Republican plan: to defeat Socialism, we must become Communists." Newt, the gift that keeps on giving.
19:13 Of all the crazy Repug conspiracies, Terror Babies may just be the craziest. Sadly, there's not a shred of evidence. http://bit.ly/awW1XV
19:17 Why stop at shutting down mosques? Close every church, synagogue, reading room & Dianetics center too! http://bit.ly/bFa77t
19:31 Star Wars' original producer explains why things went to crap after Empire Strikes Back. Blame it all on the toys. http://bit.ly/9pdbVm
22:07 GPS I use with my camera is dying. Time to replace; I need to know where I was when I got that incriminating shot.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:01 Newt Gingrich is more than a hypocrite. He's a certifiable loony and a creep. http://bit.ly/c9M2Sz
07:12 Racial stereotype Charlie Chan inspired by real Chinese detective in Hawaii. http://bit.ly/b6V753
10:07 White House tries to placate the Right, takes Left for granted. Bad idea on both counts.
12:43 Who is Killing The Great Chef of Europe? Looks like it's his girlfriend. http://bit.ly/chSe56
12:47 Candidate Angle believes jobs crisis is "only in Harry Reid's mind." At least he has one. http://bit.ly/9bAI93
14:00 Dan Quayle's son lies about his involvement with tacky website. Another do-what-I-say faux conservative. http://bit.ly/baYrGU
14:57 Awwww... (And I don't even *like* cats.) http://bit.ly/cJnwHW
16:07 RT @ebertchicago: A product name that was probably not run past a focus group. http://j.mp/dlB2FL [Best not to apply with a toothbrush.]
16:12 Bought & DLing How to Read the Bible. My kind of bible book, it ask questions & answers them in ways religious types don't like.
18:04 One Muslim's most eloquent reply to the American Family Association's demand that we ban all mosques everywhere. http://bit.ly/d6mCWT
20:27 @Dammit_Liz I flew in from San Jose for #w00tstockSD. Anywhere within a couple of hours' flight and I'm there!


Tuesday's Tweets

09:07 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:48 They're tearing up the concrete outside. Good day to be elsewhere.
18:31 Coarsegold, California. Why is that name so familiar? Definitely not for its tarantula population, I can tell you that.
18:52 Newt's 2nd ex reveals he's a creep & a total hypocrite. Is this really news to anyone? http://bit.ly/drjduM
18:53 Please RT & sign: Join @alfranken - add your name to save Net Neutrality from the corporate takeover of media: http://bit.ly/dup7fp
21:25 @paulandstorm @grantimahara Would that be 11 beers? Or 11 coconut custard pies? #sesamestreet


Monday's Tweets

09:37 Shorter @ggreenwald: Secular law is not and can not be about moral value judgments. http://bit.ly/abcTTt
15:12 Sarah Palin has nothing but contempt for teachers. Why is this not a surprise? http://bit.ly/b5WJEh
15:18 According to Son-of-Schlafly, John 4:46-54 trumps E=mc². Denying evolution's not enough, I guess. http://bit.ly/b5JBdm
15:27 Google/Verizon: We're from corporate America and we're here to help (ourselves to everything). http://huff.to/a3NVr0
15:40 Next time someone asks for your expertise for free, send them this: http://bit.ly/dinmUG
15:51 If you liked my last link, you'll *love* this one. The suggested logo alone make it a classic. http://bit.ly/4FvTYc
18:28 New MSFT PC vs. Mac ads promote choice of color as a big benefit. Are these guys straight from the B Ark? http://bit.ly/9upkCW
19:28 Every time I think I've found the limits to Repug repugnance, they prove me wrong. http://bit.ly/bmk0Vz
20:42 RT @JackieKessler: Rah, Alan Tudyk!!! http://bit.ly/aRXdFr (Thanks, Loving Husband!) [Brilliant!]


Sunday's Tweets

06:46 Spent most of yesterday taking a guest on a tour of the Bay Area. Don't think she was prepared for all the roller coaster roads.
10:18 Headed east in search of something to photograph.
20:45 @VictoriaDahl Yeah, but they're really good shit.


Friday's Tweets

14:54 Court rules Feds can't plant GPS tracker without a court order. Only surprise is that there's even a question here. http://bit.ly/aY2P4Z
17:45 @VictoriaDahl He may be innocent, but @barryeisler knows how to kill with one finger. If only he could remember which one...
18:41 @Molly23 I love the smell of Gilroy in the morning! It smells like scampi!


Thursday's Tweets

09:06 I got 12 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:40 Kagan isn't horrified by Sharia law. That's bad? Isn't it a virtue to tolerate & even learn from different cultures? http://is.gd/e4u0T
13:43 Shocker: BasilMarceaux.com not the craziest candidate for TN Gov. Yep, there's worse. http://bit.ly/aPEHUV
15:52 They're screwing with my childhood again. Maybe even literally this time! http://huff.to/aC8Amu
19:11 If social media were advertised by Mad Men: http://bit.ly/bQ2bA6
19:35 @barryeisler Therefore, Sharia = gay marriage. QED. (Queer Erat Demonstrandum?)
20:36 @JackieKessler I bought a "Smile Time" Angel when they first came out. Looking at mine now. They've gotten expensive! http://bit.ly/9OKrRo
22:41 Yep. @maddow makes an excellent point. Where's all the Repug public outrage over the Prop 8 decision? http://bit.ly/cigAXy
22:42 Mormon Church: "Marriage between a man and a woman is the bedrock of society." And a woman, and a woman, and a woman...


Wednesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:33 RT @paulandstorm: [S] A mosque near the WTC site? Outrageous! It's like letting Japanese Americans live in Hawaii! [That's irony, right?]
13:41 Judge overturns Prop 8, gives an implied "fuck you" to the Mormon Church. Okay, maybe that's just me. http://bit.ly/dmPnAd
16:28 "Together, we can make basilmarceaux.com, basilmarceaux.gov." - Stephen Colbert http://bit.ly/blV583
16:35 My heroes! @paulandstorm may influence copyright conversation with New Yorker/Kanye mashup. http://huff.to/d9pQl8


Tuesday's Tweets

08:28 MSFT kills planned privacy features in IE, reminding users that their needs are secondary to ad agencies. http://bit.ly/98SZvb
08:30 Wikipedia schools the FBI in the law. Hey, somebody has to. http://bit.ly/9rcpYE
09:03 Survey says women attracted to men who wear red. Sadly, so is phaser fire. http://bit.ly/d7NS6Y
09:10 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
18:32 Glad to see a giant like Howard Kurtz isn't wasting his journalistic credibility on the trivial. http://is.gd/e1jlx (via @ggreenwald)
20:40 Spent a nice afternoon shooting a foggy Montana de Oro State Park, followed by a pretty good Thai dinner. Now to edit some more photos.
20:48 Need a social media strategy? Neither do I. http://bit.ly/aUNntJ
20:53 I could almost feel sorry for Repugs, even if they brought this on themselves. He who sups with the devil and all that. http://bit.ly/9LjmfZ


Monday's Tweets

09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:33 Say a word of respect to the late Morrie Yohai, one of the inventors of the Cheez Doodle. My orange fingers thank you, Morrie.
18:08 That medical coverage I applied for a few days ago? Got lost in the ether. Back to square one. Damn Internets!
22:33 Packed & ready to go on a quick overnight to SLO. Maybe I'll find something to photograph on the Central Coast. Possible, right?


Sunday's Tweets

09:03 I got 29 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:07 Right wing nutbags in uproar over Mexican drug gang attack into US, despite fact it didn't actually happen. http://bit.ly/bSr2cp
10:26 Ballmer tells analysts the answer is Windows. Must be a damn funny question. http://bit.ly/a4bltV
11:32 Spirit Airlines charges for carry-on bags. Never flown 'em, never will. http://bit.ly/aMRhY9
18:13 Target discovers that free speech has consequences. Yeah, I'm shocked too. http://bit.ly/9aPqSq
18:21 Tom Shales is anti-Amanpour because right wingnuts hate her? She's my kind of newsperson! http://bit.ly/9pemBd
18:49 Some day I'll tweet something that somebody famous will retweet. Today won't be that day.
18:55 Been listening to @wilw's podcasts. That pushed me into buying two of his books on Lulu.com (1 audio & 1 PDF). Well played, sir.
22:32 RT @Molly23: "These Are Their Stories" is one of my favorite things on the internet, ever. http://bit.ly/aGhZoV [Seriously cool.]


Friday's Tweets

09:06 I got 34 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:13 Howard Stern disses Carl Kasell of @waitwait over Radio Hall of Fame nomination, and Carl responds. http://tinyurl.com/3938e7u
15:39 @CraigColvin Yep. I've shot with @MsCaliLogan a bunch of times now, and it's always a blast.
15:55 How foolish do you have to be to leave the security area when you have an hour between planes? The outcome is obvious, n'est-ce pas?


Thursday's Tweets

09:07 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
17:17 @wilw Happy birthday, Wil. And thanks for all the laughs at #w00tstockSD.
17:24 Done shooting the adorable @MsCaliLogan for my friend Bill's documentary. Relaxing before my group shoot tonight with Kym.
21:38 No shooting tonight. We had model flakage.


Wednesday's Tweets

10:36 @VictoriaDahl Hamster storage?
10:38 RT @BreakingNews: Judge blocks portions of AZ immigration law, incl part that makes failing to carry papers a crime [Logic prevails.]
10:57 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Many Bothans died in compiling the data for the website. #wookieeleaks [Hee.]
11:32 Glenn Beck sponsor scams the idiots who watch his show. Yeah, and water's wet. http://bit.ly/912y3p
14:51 @Molly23 Rifftrax is its own plural.
19:50 Okay, that was tedious. My COBRA medical coverage ends in a few days, so I had to get online & buy new coverage. Glad it's done.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:16 Apple intros a battery charger for all those wireless peripherals. If only they could have put a USB socket on it. Two birds/one stone.
08:35 Paul Krugman catches Mort Zuckerman pulling a Breitbart on Obama's views on business & the environment. http://nyti.ms/bKeFzn
09:42 RT @BethCiotta: Note to self: Aim the nozzle at the bread and not your face when using butter spray. *sigh* [Oopsy!]
12:36 On my way to Sacramento for a meet & greet / photo shoot. Gonna be a fun day.


Monday's Tweets

08:32 Techi.com literally doesn't understand the meaning of the word literally. http://bit.ly/dlsA1v
13:40 That study that found 89-99% of BitTorrent files are pirated? Looks like it's a crock. http://bit.ly/bKu9J7
14:09 RT @wilw: Memories of #w00tstock 2.4 at #sdcc: http://bit.ly/9M4dda [Wil makes it sound almost as magical as it was.]
15:05 Webcomic weighs in on anti-Westboro Baptist Church counterprotest at Comic Con. http://bit.ly/bBcIia
19:53 RT @wilw: I'll be in my bunk. http://bit.ly/bOnrFp [Yeah, what he said.]
20:48 So. That free "sorry about that" iPhone bumper case Apple said would ship on September 1st? It went out today.
20:52 Jeb Bush on the campaign trail? I've got the slogan for his presidential run: "I'm NOT the idiot brother." http://bit.ly/cNOfHd


Sunday's Tweets

08:35 Road trip fever has me in its grip. Booked Arches & Canyonlands for next month. Maybe I'll take my camera...
18:18 Gonna head up to Mission Comics in SF next Saturday to hear @mariancall sing. She rocks! Well actually she's more folk. But you know.
19:06 I have a problem. #Farscape convention in LA same weekend in November as big photo event in Phoenix. What to do?
19:07 RT @senseibot: @disorderly Have a problem? JUDO FIX THAT! [Yeah, that was a big help.]


Saturday's Tweets

04:09 The problem with crashing at 7pm is waking up at 3am. Not much of a revelation, but what do you expect at this hour?
15:03 Finally have #w00tstock pictures up at http://bit.ly/aDf6NT Apologies for the quality; best I could do with available light & slow lens.
15:08 RT @jonathancoulton: Huh. http://twitpic.com/28bz0q [See, Alanis? That's what they mean by ironic.]
17:53 Note to self: need to rip @paulandstorm, @molly23 & @mariancall CDs to iTunes. Lots of new music from #w00tstock for my iPhone.
17:55 Oh wow. Article by @barryeisler on NPR site has photo by me, complete with credit. http://n.pr/9PxyiF
21:11 Gee, turns out Dell's magical supply chain efficiencies were a fake to hide Intel kickbacks. Not so well run after all. http://bit.ly/9vOu9C
21:49 I love the RSC. Wish I'd been in DC for this @reduced performance. http://bit.ly/d6Pf7E


Friday's Tweets

01:01 Just got back from #w00tstock. Truly epic both for its length and its content. Hurt from laughing so much.
06:04 Five hours of sleep. Gonna be a zombie today, which is really more @jonathancoulton than @paulandstorm. #w00tstock
08:09 Politico admits they are attention whores and are part of the problem with journalism. http://bit.ly/dddd5J
08:32 John Gruber refuses to say Fake Steve Jobs is full of it. Sorta. http://tinyurl.com/23k97sd
09:11 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:14 Back to the airport. That was quick! But worth it.
09:50 At the gate. San Francisco & Sacramento flights delayed. San José still shows on time. We shall see.
13:29 Home. Seriously fried, but it was so worth it.


Thursday's Tweets

04:15 Why am I up this early? Flight doesn't leave for another four hours.
06:55 Waiting for the shuttle at SJC. Wait, wasn't I just here?
07:34 Waiting at the gate. Next stop, San Diego & #SDCC. Later #w00tstock. Gonna be a good day.
07:57 Panic moment when my phone wasn't in its case. Forgot to move it from my laptop bag after I went through Security. Calming down now.
09:09 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:27 On the rental car shuttle. Should I find food before hitting the convention center?
11:28 Made it! http://tweetphoto.com/34231054
14:35 @VictoriaDahl So did I! It was at Disneyland!
16:37 My favorite Comic Con moment: the God Hates Fags protester protesters & their inventive signs. http://tinyurl.com/2adxd57
19:09 We're all in our places, With bright shining faces. Let the w00t begin!
19:30 @lomara and he's here at w00tstock too!
22:06 Halftime at #w00tstock. Way too much fun.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:57 RT @Margoandhow: Whaddya bet Shirley Sharrod gets her job back? There is too much outrage, & Vilsack is feeling it. [She deserves a medal.]
09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:15 Gee, that was quick! Packing for San Diego took just a few minutes. Guess it helps I'm only there overnight. And I'm minimizing camera gear.
09:31 @alwayscoffee I've always thought it was pronounced like "tool".
19:45 RT @wilw: 24 hours until #w00tstock! 24 hours until #w00tstock! 24 hours until #w00tstock! 24 hours until #w00tstock! *SQUEE!* [Ditto.]
21:32 @counternotions I got two emails like that today. Both for AT&T Stores in Michigan. I'm in California.
21:51 RT @ebertchicago: Caught on tape! Fox News spinning lies to cover its ass on the Sherrod story. http://j.mp/9dcvxV [Fox beyond shameless.]


Tuesday's Tweets

09:16 Car's in for scheduled service. Gray and slightly chilly outside. Guess I'll edit some pictures while I wait for the call.
10:51 Oh, AT&T. Your voicemail arrived just an hour & ten minutes after the call I missed. That's what I call service. But not good service.
11:44 Why is anyone surprised to learn that Andrew Breitbart is a lying, manipulative sleaze? http://bit.ly/9ND1AS
14:31 @VictoriaDahl And how does the principal feel about that? Or did you by any chance mean principle?
16:51 NAACP screwed up. They thought Fox News & Andrew Brietbart weren't scheming spawns of Satan. http://bit.ly/agbjuX
17:46 Agree with @ggreenwald; rehire Sherrod. I'd go further and get rid of Vilsack. Talk about a lack of guts.
18:18 @lomara Oh noes, Kim. Gotta feel better for Thursday! Comic Con *and* #w00tstock!
21:43 A Bill Gates company commits fraud. No, not MSFT; this one got caught. http://bit.ly/cuB9XF


Monday's Tweets

08:05 Chinese news media reports on iPhone 4 saga. With cartoons! You'll laugh, you'll cry. No, you'll just laugh. http://bit.ly/9ysmtc
08:58 Don't call him a racist. NH state candidate doesn't hate nonwhites; he just doesn't want to know they exist. http://bit.ly/dAnVdR
09:08 I got 39 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:10 One more reason to avoid United, as if I needed any more. http://bit.ly/cH6nEZ (I love Southwest, like Alaska & JetBlue, tolerate American.)
12:14 I really hope this is real. http://bit.ly/9ka8b2
12:20 It *is* real! But if not, I'm out six bucks. http://bit.ly/9ka8b2
12:21 @VictoriaDahl Yeah, what's up with that? You're usually so sweet & demure.
13:01 Just deposited a check using a leaky pen. Lucky I keep Wet Wipes in the car. My Scoutmaster would be so proud.
14:25 From Wired, the epic battle between Apple & AT&T, not that Verizon would be any better. http://bit.ly/azarm9
16:13 @renatojr_rj No fooling. Still better than the 117 degrees I experienced on Friday.
16:58 RT @reduced: "Do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass." #shakespalin [Good ole Dogberry.]


Sunday's Tweets

07:56 At Ontario Airport, headed home. Found it without Homer's help. So proud!
08:22 My mention of Ontario Airport just got retreated. By a twit in Ontario, Canada. Oopsy!
09:02 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:19 Smooth landing. The best kind.
11:26 Home. But not for long...
16:43 Mark Williams too much a racist shithead even for Tea Partiers. Yeah, I'm surprised too. http://j.mp/aw45v7
18:05 Refudiate? Where do I sign up to refudiate Sarah Palin? I assume it's an amalgamation of refuse and repudiate, both of which apply.
22:27 Consumer Reports, you got some 'splaining to do... http://bit.ly/dB2LjB


Saturday's Tweets

19:44 Just finished an epic seven hour shoot. It's almost 100 degrees here. I am wiped.
20:52 Listening to Sense & Sensibility. It's like a bad pastiche of Austen. Are these people really from the same pen as Emma and Lizzie?
20:58 @cabri The audiobook. And I can't believe how shallow and useless everyone is. Even the author seems to think little of them.
21:28 @cabri Guess I expected more of Austen. When she's good she's amazing. But this is tedium.


Friday's Tweets

04:53 Up way too early. Even more way too than usual. Flying this morning.
06:31 At the gate at SJC, enjoying free WiFi. Next stop: Ontario. (The one in California.)
06:34 Following @Tim_Matheson because he asked so pathetically.
07:07 Restroom at SJC has two handicapped stalls & 1 regular size. Which answera the question about use of handicapped stalls, don't you think?
07:09 BTW, been a while since I've been to SJC. Everything's changed, including Southwest's terminal move. I like it.
08:35 Making pretty backgrounds for my iPhone with the Magic Artist app. http://twitpic.com/25tdnu
09:09 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:55 On the road again with Homer the GPS. Headed to Joshua Tree to commit acts of photography. But first, steak & eggs @ Bob's Big Boy.
14:35 Holy shit! http://twitpic.com/25waob
18:54 For the record, Glenn Beck: this particular Jew didn't kill Jesus, nor does he know anyone who did. Never met the man, assuming he existed.
18:58 After rescuing photos for a friend, had to do the same for myself. oday's Joshua Tree shots vanished but are back. Thank you, PhotoRescue.
19:15 Everything's better with bacon, including movies. http://j.mp/9YOsUp (Via @ebertchicago)