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Wednesday's Tweets

14:22 In a battle between Christine O'Donnell and Karl Rove, who do you cheer for? http://bit.ly/aGORUp
15:04 Apt turned the water off five hours ago for maintenance. Supposed to be done two hours ago. Yeah, uh huh.
15:13 Apple invents the iPhone; Nokia gives us (well, me) the E62. How do they get smartphones so wrong? http://bit.ly/bWQkGa
16:36 This is absolutely geektacular in a LL&P kind of way. http://bit.ly/90cWXX
16:37 @Molly23 Come to think of it, money *can* buy me love. #rockretractions
17:05 @Molly23 Guitar George? He's been faking those chords for years. #rockretractions
17:09 This time tomorrow I'll be on my way to San Francisco for #w00tstock!
17:56 To the list of things Bill O'Reilly doesn't know shit about, add Andy Griffith Show trivia.
20:49 @thedaisyharris Pet his poodle? Really?
21:05 @StephenAtHome Apologize for klezmer music? You just haven't heard Oy To The World by The Klezmonauts! http://bit.ly/bkzvuh
22:46 Like the Osborne Effect, the razors & blades theory is pretty much a myth. http://bit.ly/cw9i6P


Tuesday's Tweets

09:36 Just dropped the car off for its regular service. Definitely autumn in the air. Will it last, or will we get a few more shots of summer?
10:39 @VictoriaDahl When I hear Starvin' Marvin, I think of a strip club on Yonge Street in Toronto. Ah, memories...
13:05 Steve Jobs is a ninja? That explains so much, except for Gates & Ballmer's continued existence. http://bit.ly/a6Lkdt
13:17 Bill Kristol: "[DE Tea Party Senate candidate] Christine O'Donnell is no Sarah Palin." How to feel about that? http://bit.ly/c1BsUp
15:43 What a story! Israel buys @Israel from a pornographer named Israel! http://bit.ly/aeyu8S
20:37 Just got talked into getting a ticket for Black Pearl Sings. @SJRep, you're good. And evil.
20:42 “The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. You can’t masturbate without lust!” Batshit, meet insane.


Monday's Tweets

10:18 Company fires employee for charging Segway at work. Court says they're way out of line. http://bit.ly/cMp48h
16:09 Best. Bumper. Stickers. Ever. http://dlvr.it/59vxB
16:17 RT @grantimahara: If you go to #w00tstock SF this week, you will see the world debut of my NEW #BeerBot. Just sayin'! http://bit.ly/w00tSF
16:20 Have a phone interview tomorrow morning. Keep a good thought.
17:30 @mariancall Animal. Gotta be.
18:03 Wired says the Web is dead. But what do they know? http://bit.ly/9TefKo
18:07 HS suspends student: red eyes = pothead. Uh, no; his dad had been murdered. http://bit.ly/aKgkbg
19:13 Something tells me there are some bitter @iStock artists out there. "You don't need money!" http://bit.ly/d0ghcf


Sunday's Tweets

09:05 Snow globes: souvenirs... of EVIL! http://twitpic.com/2nsguq (via @CarolynCrane)
09:36 @reduced Doesn't matter what happens on the Other Coast. Just have it all together when you finally bring it to the Bay Area!
12:03 RT @nprscottsimon: It's illogical, I know, but Hurricane Igor just sounds a lot more threatening than Hurricane Earl- [Just a hunch?]
12:04 @WendiDarlin Sedona's beautiful. May stop there on my Phoenix trip in Nov. Definitely going to Tucson.
13:56 @WendiDarlin I'd do even better with you in the picture to set off the surroundings!
17:19 RT @gruber: Imagine Fox News coverage if it were angry *black* men marching with signs like this: http://j.mp/d42shS [Bullets go both ways.]
21:32 Watched a 30s screwball comedy in Fremont tonight with an old friend from my Sun days. May, does he look old!


Saturday's Tweets

09:35 @MsCaliLogan What? You have wardrobe?
11:36 @sandrift I'm so glad to hear you made it through okay, aside from the stress bomb.
18:04 Sounds like the rally of Park51 haters couldn't even outnumber the counter-protesters. How sad is that? http://bit.ly/bEWVgr
20:53 Just got an email from PayPal. They want me to verify my account to make sure it's sequre. Yep, that's how they spelled it.
20:54 Now that Photoshop CS5 is out, I finally moved over from CS3 to CS4. Lazy much?


Friday's Tweets

07:17 How different companies deal with the death of a parent. AT&T is particularly schizo/entertaining. http://bit.ly/d3ydu0
15:03 RT @macosken: I heart this ad. http://bit.ly/bAhp4c [Hee!]
16:11 MSFT celebrates Windows Phone release with funeral for BlackBerry & iPhone. Tacky? Oui. Hubristic? But of course! http://bit.ly/bUva4o


Thursday's Tweets

09:49 Sad that @wilw will miss a bunch of upcoming #w00tstock concerts, but glad 9/16 in SF isn't among them. http://bit.ly/d8Djcs
11:05 Via @maddow, think it doesn't matter who you choose for President? They call it enlightened self-interest. http://bit.ly/cOpQVt
11:41 Pregnant woman wearing an Athletics tee. For a second I thought it said Uterus. Seriously.
11:42 RT @Shutterstock: Our own @jonoringer quoted today in a @CNet story: "Artists want to be treated with professionalism." http://shutr.bz/8s
11:52 Checking out the new iPods. The Nano is so teeny! And yes, got out without buying anything.
16:14 So Bush knew after all! I always had my doubts about them WMD thingies. http://j.mp/8X6ywN
16:59 Tony Blair described a scene in his memoir that only happened in the movies. Just like Reagan! http://bit.ly/8XnABL
19:18 By order of @wilw, @paulandstorm & @jasonfinn, I am obliged to say #drumnumnum. That is all.
19:19 BTW, @jasonfinn is a Little Drummer Boy. But not *the* Little Drummer Boy. Carry on. #drumnumnum
20:54 Salon writes about something called the Burger King Pizza Whopper. And I may never eat again. http://bit.ly/aojjx3


Wednesday's Tweets

08:04 Michigan Christians lose bid to overturn Hate Crime laws on grounds it blocks their God-given right to hate. http://bit.ly/bYR74F
11:08 MSFT cancels Xbox Live account for conduct violation, refuses to believe anybody lives in a place named Fort Gay. http://bit.ly/dqNVKb
15:21 I just got a free preview of The Android Assassin\'s - a Red Panda Pulp novel with Pay With A Tweet! http://bit.ly/cKWE21
17:59 Lots of fury over @iStock screwing suppliers like me. But some see humor in it. Gallows humor, you might say. http://bit.ly/d0YFXG


Tuesday's Tweets

09:03 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:23 Ryanair's CEO isn't just a cheap bastard; he's a moron who should never be allowed near an airline. http://bit.ly/aXRzXk
14:19 Big news for microstockers like me. @iStock rejiggers royalties, screws nearly everybody. I'm looking at 20% reduction for 2011. Bastards.
16:55 If you're a #tbbt fan, follow @simonhelberg. Rumour has it he's the real deal. Not like that @wolowizard fellow.
17:47 Bathroom instructions for men and women. Explains so much. http://bit.ly/b3P5Ni


Monday's Tweets

07:07 Off to Napa for a little Labor Day photo adventure.
17:37 Back from a long day photographically exploring Carneros part of Napa. Bottle of most excellent Chardonnay chilling.
17:41 Drive home involved listening to @wilw read his book Just a Geek. Not done yet, but loving what I've heard so far.


Sunday's Tweets

05:15 With insights so deep, I'm dying to spend money on his book. Why the iPhone will be a monumental flop: http://bit.ly/cBFzKY
07:49 Via @chrismarquardt, I question this spammer's sincerity: http://twitpic.com/2lja75
09:05 I got 3 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:39 Via @ggreenwald, James Fallows thinks the Julian Assange prosecution stinks of of govt manipulation. http://is.gd/eWpQ7
12:42 Groklaw points out law firm behind Google antitrust case happen to represent MSFT. But surely that's just coincidence. http://bit.ly/9vlZqe
15:22 A world without Photoshop? Noooooooo!!! http://bit.ly/axJFDN
15:26 Wanna throw up just a little? Nicholas Cage as just about everyone in movies & real life. http://bit.ly/7eNrTe
15:32 RT @wilw: ZOMG. Want. http://twitpic.com/2lneck [Hee!]
19:43 This chocolate bark I got at Cost Plus, they put the lime in the coconut...
19:55 Now *that's* comedy! Do they do stickers for cars? http://bit.ly/bmhbFg
21:49 Someone tried to get me to join a Help put Jesus back in EVERYTHING! group on FB. They are so fscked in the head if they think I'll agree.


Saturday's Tweets

06:48 Assholes in the next room started playing the radio at 6:30 in the ayem. Whatever happened to consideration for others?
07:58 For everyone who fears the imposition of Shariah law, just what is it you fear? Seems pretty benign to me. http://huff.to/9kANvS
09:05 I got 54 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:15 For the record, dried peaches taste way too much like apricots for my liking.
20:26 RT @Decoder_Ring: Looks like we did, in fact, win a Parsec Award. http://bit.ly/cdQNUR - Cool! [Totally deserved. Congrats!]


Friday's Tweets

09:31 Cool websites for fictional evil corporations, modeled after real evil corporations. http://bit.ly/9ohfdg
09:34 Off to shoot agricultural scenes in the Central Valley. Oh, the glamorous life of the self-unemployed photographer!
12:51 Eating famous pea soup at Anderson's in Santa Nella. Not sure what the big deal is.
15:18 Just stopped at Sun-Maid World Headquarters. Which is funny, since I'm not much of a raisin fan. So I got some dried peaches instead.
16:28 RT @wilw: Best. Magic card. Ever. (made by @slipstream0) http://twitpic.com/2kx22z #PAX [WHEATON!] #tbbt
16:40 What really happened to AZ Gov Brewer during the debate: http://huff.to/ddU101
18:10 The 4 Levels of Social Entrapment. Explains everything I've failed to understand all these decades... http://bit.ly/9HmJFA
18:15 Facebook's latest security verification had me identify FB friends from their photos. Easy, except for people w/cartoons in their profiles.
18:16 Another reason, BTW, to reject friend requests from people you don't know in meatspace.
18:29 @paulandstorm And? Did you pass?
19:20 Empty restaurant with For Lease sign on a street called Prosperity. That's what they call irony.


Thursday's Tweets

07:53 Beautiful morning in Santa Rosa. Think I'll explore for a while.
13:19 “Governor [Christie], stick to the truth, there’s a videotape.” Oopsy. http://bit.ly/97GNWV
14:18 Most excellent point by point takedown of NOM's attack on Prop 8 verdict. http://bit.ly/9nnP7c
16:29 DE Tea Party Senate candidate is opposed to masturbation. But she still qualifies as a whack job, right? http://bit.ly/bEK2Vi
17:06 @scapersuse Knock 'em dead, Suse!


Wednesday's Tweets

09:43 Heading to the North Bay today to shoot with a new model. Gonna be fun.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:43 @JustaSunGod Was anyone not bad in Lost in Space? That movie sucked more than the suckiest of sucky things.
06:44 Deus ex machina! #fakeHarryPotterSpells
07:00 @JustaSunGod True enough. What I remember was how angry everyone acted. So unlike the TV series.
07:33 Unspeakably cool: a multimedia music video customized to your childhood. http://bit.ly/bO0311
07:58 RT @oatmeal This is how I feel about buying apps - The Oatmeal http://bit.ly/bDZ9Kq [It's funny because it's true.]
08:32 I wasn't a big Disney fan as a kid, and I can't imagine this would have changed my mind. Quite the reverse, actually. http://n.pr/9KdzCK
08:41 Advice From a Cartoon Princess: Belle on the pleasures of bestiality. http://bit.ly/cnwu8e!
10:49 Just spent an uncomfortable few minutes on the phone with my father. Age has caught up with him. Better than the alternative, though.
14:15 Wow! Flash on Android is real! (Really appalling.) http://bit.ly/aPvJEJ
15:09 Via @ggreenwald, how could anyone not have known or at least suspected that Iraq would be a quagmire? http://is.gd/eO3PZ
15:21 Restoring Honor? 55 hours later, Glenn Beck's already making the cash register ring. http://bit.ly/cF6jlt
15:36 RT @sanetv: Adorable "Chewie and Han" t-shirt by Chris Wahl: http://bit.ly/9azCHF [Must... Resist... Purchase...]
20:04 Tired of taking non-crappy pictures? Here's the answer: plastic optics! http://bit.ly/dnkY1W (Click the Do Not Pull handle for a laugh.)


Monday's Tweets

07:28 To fear shariah law's effect on the West is to misunderstand its non-application to non-Muslims. http://huff.to/cRMoF7
09:07 I got 8 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:27 What? Is it NPR pledge drive time again? http://tinyurl.com/24gecu8
12:04 RT @paulandstorm: The time is ripe, fellow Americans, to bring back a better era! Rally in Cupertino on 4/1/2011 #restoreWindows95 [Awesome]
14:34 It's not that Liberals suck; it's that the media identifies people who suck as Liberals. http://bit.ly/cXniNH via @barryeisler & @digby56
15:34 Tip: MacBook keyboard's a good place for drying soaked currency. (Forget to check one jeans pocket before throwing them in the washer.)
16:13 18 Places to Feel Dwarfed by Nature http://bit.ly/9AUce9 I've been to (or close to) 7 of the 18.
17:49 RT @iwatchTVshows: There was a time when underwear was a risky new startup. [It could be again, if we play our cards right.]


Sunday's Tweets

07:28 Watch a building animate. Unspeakably cool. http://bit.ly/apysOo
09:05 I got 32 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Saturday's Tweets

09:04 I got 23 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:33 NPR, I weep for your lost balls. http://huff.to/aoyxm4
15:19 RT @ggreenwald: Fundamentalists give 39 lashes to a someone singing in front of women; guess the religion: http://is.gd/eIRse [Disgusting.]


Friday's Tweets

08:19 Same % of Americans oppose gays in military & believe Obama's a Muslim. Coincidence? I think not. http://bit.ly/cU5b7Q
09:08 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:31 Conde Nast tells Reddit it can't take pro-pot ads; Reddit finds a clever loophole. http://bit.ly/dwW2yS
14:02 This reminds me of how much I miss Calvin & Hobbes. http://bit.ly/adJRGb


Thursday's Tweets

11:35 Home from my shoot in Sacramento. You know what that means: days of editing and uploading.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:33 Time to get cleaned up and dressed. Then it's off to Capital City (yeah!) to shoot with the lovely Erin. #obligatorySimpsonsReference
08:34 If we're banning offensive things from Ground Zero, Glenn Beck should be first on the list. http://huff.to/bJW8oQ
12:17 Arrived on Sacramento. A little salad & pizza at CPK, then to the hotel to set up lights.
12:26 Convert an iPhone into a little pinball machine. Too cute! http://tinyurl.com/2atvczw
17:32 Done with my shoot with the lovely Erin. Now trying to cool off as I download my photos.
20:44 PhotoRescue may just be the most wonderful application ever written. Saved my photos from a corrupted card once again!


Tuesday's Tweets

08:22 Mass transit maps via @ClubTomTom: http://bit.ly/d8u0dV And suddenly I have the urge to travel. Then again, when do I not?
08:26 Report on quicksand's rise & fall as a movie threat, complete with graph. http://bit.ly/dyBWiF I say it reached a peak with Guido the Guide.
08:40 TDS debates explanations for Fox News. Are you on Team Stupid or Team Evil? (Why can't they be both?)
09:09 I got 3 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:35 Relentlessly cheerful indeed. Dare you to look and not smile. http://bit.ly/9J56pv (via @paulandstorm)
11:38 Repug Minority Leader Boehner plans to fix the economy with same policies that screwed it up in the first place. http://huff.to/doLyCV
14:28 RT @paulandstorm: Speaking of #w00tstock SF: Confirmed for both shows: @Molly23. (Big surprise, right?) http://bit.ly/w00tSF [Free Molly!]
15:15 How pathetic would you have to be for this to make you feel better? http://bit.ly/cmQe3k
15:28 RT @JustaSunGod: BTW Hank, you're AWESOME! ;) [Nope, no effect at all.]
16:18 Hate to say it, but Jon Stewart was wrong about Blago. If I'm on trial, acquittal more important than having my say, whatever I promised.
17:25 Time Magazine for adults? Tell me more! http://is.gd/eBIcW via @ggreenwald
17:44 RT @Molly23: Found my fisheye kaleidoscope. #mygoditsfullofBlagojeviches http://twitpic.com/2hw479 [The 2001 sequel nobody saw coming.]


Monday's Tweets

08:49 Planning a trip to New England for the fall. Planning almost as much fun as going! Okay, not really.
09:55 This is why we have a World Wide Web: Star Wars Yoga! http://bit.ly/byQ580
10:31 Philadelphia sets new assholiness record, demands $300 from bloggers who attempt to make money, whether or not they do. http://bit.ly/97vVRn


Sunday's Tweets

08:46 Rev. Graham and others need take note: one cannot be born Muslim, no matter who the parents are. http://bit.ly/aJD94i
09:05 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
19:04 Such memories. http://bit.ly/dw2980
21:27 Had a conversation just like this one a couple of weeks ago. Why is this so hard to understand? http://xkcd.com/783/


Saturday's Tweets

09:03 I got 7 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:43 Awesome! Who deserves a geek trading card more than @Molly23? http://j.mp/c862vZ
12:53 Listening to How to Read the Bible audiobook. First conclusion: people who take the Bible seriously are either insane or sheep. Maybe both.
13:00 Yogurt shop uses Verizon math, offers .38¢ per ounce. Innumeracy rules! http://bit.ly/9D8CK2
13:42 Man, I sure wouldn't want @ebertchicago pissed at me. Then again, it would surely be epic. http://j.mp/cFWDNF
17:56 @filmspotting Picnic at Hanging Rock. Walkabout. The Dish.
20:46 @Thanaz Got it from Audible via iTunes. It's a serious book, and long (36 hours). But fascinating for the knots scholars tie themselves in.


Friday's Tweets

06:57 Getting ready to leave Moab for Salt Lake City and home. Jeans are still damp from yesterday.
09:08 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
16:33 Guess I'll be enjoying Salt Lake's hospitality (& free WiFi) a while longer. Flight's delayed 1:20.
18:47 Cardboard Warfare is brilliant! http://bit.ly/bbfDsw
20:05 Oh, goody. On the plane at last. Next stop: Oakland.


Thursday's Tweets

05:12 Hey, Fox News! Where's the million for the Dems? Fair and balanced my ass! http://bit.ly/cggMR7
06:08 Lots of political lessons here, like associating your business to Tea Party will repel sane, non-asshole Americans. http://bit.ly/c4HlOH
08:07 RT @Margoandhow: The commentariat isn't buying Dr. Laura's 1st amendment rationale. (& the photo of her is priceless.) http://tiny.cc/uct90
08:39 Just got a call from the Glendale, CA police. My friend Kevin just died and they're going through his cell trying to find next of kin. Sad.
09:11 I got 26 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:08 In a battle between Ann Coulter and World Net Daily, how can anyone sane take sides? http://bit.ly/aFK2wz
10:13 Olberman on Palin: "Even on Twitter, that woman is an idiot." http://bit.ly/cgR0vy
10:30 @scapersuse Thanks, Suse. He was the one who turned me on to Farscape. And we all know how that turned out. {;->
11:54 Tempting fate: no thunderstorms, so jetboat down the Colorado's a go!
14:42 Boat trip went rainless for almost an hour. Then it was epic: horizontal rain and hail. Back now and drying out. Still, it was exciting!
15:57 End of my jetboat adventure, some folks singing Gilligan's Island theme, I was doing The Unicorn.
16:18 Krauthammer compares Carmelite nuns at Auschwitz to Park51 project, lies about both. http://huff.to/cTXioG
16:37 RIAA & NAB want Congress to force every phone to have FM radio. For all that's holy, why? Who's the customer here anyway?
16:43 A fact-based response by @kradec to Right Wing Ground Zero demagoguery. http://bit.ly/aMA2sY I know: that's cheating.
18:12 Sarah Palin's a hypocrite? The universe no longer makes sense! http://bit.ly/aTysBh


Wednesday's Tweets

08:08 You can tell Moab's a tourist town. Lots of restaurants a short walk from my hotel, and many are open for breakfast. Most excellent.
08:14 Okay, fed and watered and ready to travel. Off to Dead Horse Point & Canyonlands NP's Islands in the Sky. Maybe a photo or two.
09:10 I got 27 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:34 @sheconsulting Some. And some nudes for which I finally got ID. Lots more Utah landscapes coming.
14:36 Weather report was right: donder und blitzen while I was shooting Canyonlands. No lightning pictures, but lots of dark clouds.
17:27 Argh! Weather report is more thunderstorms tomorrow. Guess that means no jetboat trip down the Colorado. *snif*
18:12 A former VP candidate who doesn't understand the Bill of Rights? Thank you, John McCain. http://twitpic.com/2g12ok


Tuesday's Tweets

08:14 About to enter Arches National Park. Sky is blue, rocks are red.
08:23 It's all Moab's Fault. (Yes, I'm ashamed of that one.) http://tweetphoto.com/39603775
09:02 Disappointed. Not much here but rocks. http://tweetphoto.com/39609725
11:48 Finally found an arch!
12:09 Supposed to be a picture with the last tweet. Darn National Park cell service! http://tweetphoto.com/39636884
15:30 No more @wilw at #w00tstock. *sad* The whole sordid, disgusting tale is here: http://w00tstock.net/2010/08/16/wil-quits-w00tstock/
16:44 There's a place near Moab called Poison Spider Mesa. I am so *not* going there.
19:18 Dr. Laura quits radio to get back her 1st Amendment rights. Dr. L, you still have the right, and we have the right to think you're scum.
21:34 My Twifficiency score is 50%. What's yours? http://twifficiency.com/
21:34 @ebertchicago My Twifficency score is 50%. Haven't the clue what I'm doing right, or even half right.