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Monday's Tweets

08:02 @mustacherangers War and Pistachios #nutbooks
13:15 In Italy they jail scientists for being wrong. Here in the US we ignore them, the way God and the GOP intended. http://t.co/mbO3Q7Z8
13:18 RT @bnacker: did you hear Romney hates our kickstarter? http://t.co/U3ZkYzqn #DelaneyBait [And so he should.]
17:59 @paulandstorm [S] Ann Romney is the *real* supervillain behind the supervillain?
18:22 Watch comic book writer @Sonnova be funny and scattered as he attempts to praise @ThrillingAdv. No praise too extreme. http://t.co/OniuFnEY
18:26 Listening to @AustinTichenor memorialize his friend, Ambassador Chris Stevens on the @reduced podcast. Beautiful. http://t.co/BrI7y9Rt
18:30 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Here's the deal: whichever of them can sing the Animaniacs' "Nations of the World" fastest wins. #debate @yakkopinky
19:28 RT @foshjorbes: All this trade dispute talk must be giving George Lucas a raging boner. #2012debate [Hah!]
19:29 RT @Horsesbayonette: Mitt Romney: I can see Detroit from my front porch #debate #BocaDebate [Boy, that was quick!]
19:36 RT @JustaSunGod: We know, Geography "is" hard http://t.co/wydwmsvd [Oh, Mitt.]
19:44 Really? @RomneyResponse paid to promote a tweet to me about Obama not visiting Israel? Talk about your money well spent.


Sunday's Tweets

09:04 Got email from brother checking up on me. Seems my tweets haven't been showing up on my blog. Fixed now; Twitter broke their old API.
10:35 @alwayscoffee I've always used passersby. And my online dictionaries seem happy with it.
12:36 Kevin Bacon Knows Exactly How To Destroy The GOP's War On Women http://t.co/V1JyUPmo via @moveon
12:58 Scott Adams of "Dilbert" fame endorses Romney for dumbest reason. If that doesn't put Obama over the top, what will? http://t.co/mR1dws5k
18:32 Panic at Villa Montalvo. Power failed, so we may or may not have a concert. Quelle horreur!
18:50 Lights just went out at Montalvo. Wonder if Nellie McKay can do an acoustic set in the dark...
19:35 Gave up on Montalvo and went home. When I left, PG&E was hard at work on the power. Decided the lack of usable toilets was a bridge too far.


Saturday's Tweets

07:20 BTW, we used iOS Maps' turn by turn directions to navigate in DC this past week. Worked great. No #mapgate here.
11:21 Funny; three finger clicking on Romnesia brings up the Wikipedia definition. Just as it should. http://t.co/563rLujf
11:31 For George Wallace it was "Segregation now, segregation forever." For Paul Ryan, it's a promise to fight gay rights. http://t.co/Pq7Rj9hR
18:47 "The true Romney plan is to create an economic boom through the sheer power of Mr. Romney’s personal awesomeness." http://t.co/VLxQCkKJ


Friday's Tweets

04:15 Riding through early morning rain to Dulles. Flying home in a few hours.
07:09 Just boarded my flight and settled in, only to be told we're delayed two hour due to conditions in SF. I knew things were going too well...
08:54 2nd attempt to board my flight going better. Maybe we'll leave the gate this time.
10:07 Something Is truly screwed up at Amazon. (Deleting reviews.) http://t.co/3wmFDQsL
12:34 Just flew by Alliance, Nebraska, home of Carhenge. http://t.co/Zq9AJJAe


Thursday's Tweets

02:26 Third day in DC, and it's my first actual free time. Well, almost; I have some work-related stuff to do but may play tourist this morning.
05:00 "Claiming Romney’s policies will cause job growth equivalent to the rooster believing his crow causes the sun to rise." http://t.co/9HAvRcV8


Monday's Tweets

05:38 Up at 4:30, drove to BART, soon at SFO for my flight to DC. Gonna be a long day.
06:25 Line at SFO was crazy. Glad I got here my usual two hours early.
08:27 Some day I won't be thrilled with inflight wifi. But that day is not today.
08:44 @ThrillingAdv The only people who don't love you don't yet know you. And what the heck is that about? (Big fan, obviously.)


Saturday's Tweets

11:28 RT @DanaJGould: Today I took all the profits from my podcast and bought gum. [Wait, your podcast had *profits*?]
11:32 As an ex-Scout, I find their organizational homophobia appalling. Good kids deserve better. http://t.co/uvpVqJi9
11:34 My iPhone is randomly starting to play podcasts after some other audio event, like a timer going off. Anybody else?
12:30 @AnneWheaton I envy you. I'd love to see The Princess Bride for the first time again. And you still have the book to look forward to.
16:54 Finished a half gallon of OJ since yesterday. Back from Trader Joe's with another half gallon. I did tell you I was sick, didn't I?


Friday's Tweets

13:23 Remember when being sick meant you could lie around at home and ignore the world? I miss those days, at least as regards work.


Thursday's Tweets

13:29 Just paid the balance for #jococruisecrazy. C'mon, February!


Wednesday's Tweets

10:14 If you think being a customer at Red Lobster or Olive Garden sucks, try being an employee. http://t.co/lEUmhC7H
10:27 Mongo just pawn in game of life. Now Mongo pawn taken off board, join Sheriff Bart. *snif*
10:29 @alwayscoffee Is it really a spoiler if it doesn't actually explain anything? @trishaleighKC
15:16 Once again, Verizon makes me feel a little better about staying with AT&T. http://t.co/tPIr7njd
17:39 Win8: I've watched it evolve from nightmarish in the first developer preview to merely misery-inducing in the RTM. http://t.co/UwzgA7gB
19:34 Interesting discussion about social media & business at #SVtweetup.


Tuesday's Tweets

10:26 Evolutionary anthropologists say Ayn Rand was full of crap. http://t.co/Lpsinn7n


Monday's Tweets

12:48 I just backed Thrilling Adventure Hour: The Graphic Novel... and Beyond! on @Kickstarter http://t.co/lOS1PqHw
14:24 RT @paulandstorm: [P] The @ThrillingAdv Kickstarter campaign is the worthiest of worthy things. http://t.co/dUGpNgtf [I'm already in!]
14:27 @AnneWheaton I've had several models confirm our shoot and then not show up. Never a word afterward either. Do I win?
15:32 Perfect for Halloween: Arthur Dent as The Doctor! http://t.co/ca4su5DE


Sunday's Tweets

22:17 Anybody else find the latest Jeff Dunham special a wee bit disturbing? Man has some serious issues.


Saturday's Tweets

09:59 @billprady LTE is better/faster. 4G is AT&T's HSPA+; faster than 3G but nothing compared to LTE.
10:57 @ActuallyNPH Lost day 3 of Reno Balloon Race last month for the same reason. Frustrating, but day 2 was good.
11:22 @petersagal No, it's clearly not.
17:51 Two shoots today. Model #1 showed up right on time and was wonderfully photogenic. Off to pick up model #2 in a little bit.
23:47 Done with my second shoot of the day. Model delivered back to her lodging, gear all packed. Now I can sleep. I hope.


Friday's Tweets

10:13 How long before I stop trying to plug my headphones into the top of my iPhone?
10:34 GOP makes it obvious they only care about winning, no matter how many people suffer. No suffering, no victory. http://t.co/wLGK7t0W
11:48 A CAPTCHA That tests for empathy? Philip K. Dick would be so proud. http://t.co/2Ipa53ZY
12:02 Hmmm... IMDB says my episode of @MythBusters will air this Sunday, but http://t.co/Or98SOVN lists Titanic episode. Call me frustrated.
12:30 Doesn't matter what you think, Mitt Romney agrees with you. http://t.co/keeCDwHa
22:30 RT @thingxinc: It is time. It is here. The here is now and it is now here so you have to be there, too. Now. http://t.co/T9d6Huns [Zombo!]


Thursday's Tweets

10:46 Lesson from spending 3 days commuting to San Francisco for JavaOne: you do not want to commute to SF. Ever. Also, avoid mixing alcohol. Eep.
14:46 @VictoriaDahl At least Sununu didn't call him shiftless.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:11 Day 2 of JavaOne in SF. Long commute ahead of me.


Monday's Tweets

08:00 Ohio votes could be discarded because poll workers are idiots. Really. http://t.co/8h7xNlGn


Saturday's Tweets

07:34 Good shoot last night. Too bad I left my camera at the studio. Careless idiocy or accumulated lack of sleep? Maybe both.
16:02 I had another trade shoot arranged for this afternoon. Wanna guess how that went?


Friday's Tweets

10:14 Got home just before midnight to find a package at my door. Has my apt number, but not my name. Dropped at office; let them sort it out.


Thursday's Tweets

06:56 I don't care what the sign says, I'm going in. http://t.co/0Evp7CL2
09:04 Nice view. http://t.co/UDbkfhVn
09:50 @millhouseyiddo I fly home this evening. Should have stayed an extra night.
13:14 @joshtpm Next they'll have to blame the liberal voters.
13:20 @toywithme Got mine last Friday. Love it. Great upgrade from iPhone 4.
16:00 Back at O'Hare. Two hours until my flight, and not an outlet in sight.
19:03 Got my upgrade, WiFi is engaged, life is a little less unpleasant for the next few hours.
19:05 Funny thing: outbound flight was a beautiful new 737 with extra overhead space and standard AC power. Return is old & cramped. *sigh*


Wednesday's Tweets

08:52 At Denny's this morning, crazy lady gave me a piece of her mind about the medical profession. Not sure she can spare it.
12:10 At my gate at SFO, only two hours early for my flight. But I have power, and free WiFi. So life's pretty good.
12:10 First time I went through security using my phone as a boarding pass. Living in the future's pretty cool sometimes.
12:18 @nprscottsimon Did you mention Harper Valley PTA?
15:05 In case you wondered, my iPhone boarding pass worked perfectly at Security and the gate. I'm now in flight, Chicago-bound.
20:03 In my hotel at last and ready for a late dinner. Early start tomorrow, alas. Trips would be so pleasant if we didn't have to work


Tuesday's Tweets

10:03 Wow. Samsung smartphones have one feature no iPhone ever dreamed of! http://t.co/7vZsLfO9
15:41 It must be true! It was on Fox News! (iPhone 5 has lasers 'n stuff.) http://t.co/vwq0qCir


Monday's Tweets

09:23 Surprise: AT&T HSPA+ (what they call 4G) is amazingly fast on the iPhone 5. Not LTE speed but close enough for me.
10:29 Mr. Small Govt Romney grabbed $1.5 billion in Federal money for Salt Lake Olympics. Hypocrite much, Mitt? http://t.co/lZSjPEN0
13:18 I'm normally opposed to violence, but can't see this as anything but poetic justice. http://t.co/aNR8W5Cw


Sunday's Tweets

07:23 RT @counternotions: That ought to hurt. http://t.co/k8CHrGZP [Another comma-related tragedy.]
07:30 I always suspected God was an asshole. http://t.co/AfKObyxh
14:09 Model for this morning's shoot was a no-show. I'm mostly okay; there was no expense involved and I got to shoot scenery instead.
14:12 @alwayscoffee This was a trade shoot, so I'm less surprised. Much more annoying when I'm paying the model and she flakes.
14:26 @alwayscoffee I was going to suggest that I'm okay with you not wearing pants, but I don't really want to be that guy, y'know?


Saturday's Tweets

18:24 Went to the dry cleaner's to pick up shirts. Moved. New inconvenient location about to close, but couldn't find my shirts. That's service.


Friday's Tweets

10:46 All kinds of people standing by the roads on my way to work this morning. How'd they know I'd be bringing my iPhone 5 with me?
10:49 Everybody left the office to catch Endeavor's flyby. My new phone was only the second most exciting thing to happen this morning.
13:12 Restoring iPhone 5 from iPhone 4 backup. Bunches of stuff didn't transfer. Gonna take a while to get new phone configured like old one
13:44 Turns out my iPhone 5 restore problem was pilot error. It offered me a really old backup, and I didn't notice. Doing a proper restore now.


Thursday's Tweets

06:04 Finally got email from Apple that my iPhone 5 has shipped. Not exactly news, since I've been following its progress via UPS website.
07:42 @NikonUSA My GPS receiver. Makes reviewing after a road trip so much easier.
12:25 Anyone else notice the new pulldown animation in iOS 6 Mail? It's all wormy!


Wednesday's Tweets

06:21 @Brian_Cowie I like the D800 a lot. Still getting used to full frame, and the resolution is crazy. But I'm getting some great images.
10:18 Upgrading my iPad to iOS 6. Wish me luck!
12:36 iPad is now running iOS 6. Would have been sooner, but I was trapped in a meeting. Looks good so far.
13:48 Debated whether to upgrade my iPhone to iOS 6 with the new one on the way. Decided to go for it. Upgrade has begun...


Tuesday's Tweets

07:07 Suddenly this morning I'm getting tons of #FF tweets from Balinese bands. Weird, since it isn't Friday and I know nothing about Bali.
07:10 Bill Kristol demonstrates false equivalence. #RomneyGaffe2012 != #ObamaGaffe2008. Romney's is serious. http://t.co/mPIbmrQa
12:30 Huh. Last time I checked, my iPhone was in Alaska. Now it's in Louisville, Kentucky. Well traveled phone, I must say. (C'mon, Friday!)