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Monday's Tweets

09:29 MacBook Pro died completely this morning. Won't even chime on startup. Lunchtime at the Apple Store.


Sunday's Tweets

16:53 @thinkgeek Thanks for making it happen. Hope mine arrives in time for #jococruisecrazy.
16:58 @thinkgeek *snif* back at ya. I take it I should leave some room in my bags for TG goodies...
17:48 RT @hellobuglers: Got a luminous ball? If so, either take it to New Orleans immediately. Or consult a doctor. Immediately. [Love The Bugle.]
18:37 @AnneWheaton I'm sure he'll show it to you when you get home. (Hundreds of times.)
19:24 @alwayscoffee No good way to reply to that one. Just imagine me wiggling my eyebrows.


Saturday's Tweets

08:03 @wilw Maybe not as much fun as you guys; you were clearly having a blast! But it was great from the audience too. See you on the boat.
10:27 What you missed at #w00tstock last night: http://t.co/VCRJh3n2 Also @paulandstorm's version of @jonathancoulton's Baby Got Back.
11:06 @dndgirl Or @paulandstorm's cover of @jonathancoulton's cover of @GLEEonFOX's cover of @jonathancoulton's cover. Same difference.
11:09 RT @ThatSusanBurke: Oh great, I watched one episode of Sons of Anarchy and now Netflix thinks I'm white trash. [That's all it takes.]
11:15 Before #w00tstock last night I saw someone in a Wesley Crushers bowling shirt. Didn't know @thinkgeek had them. Perfect for #jccc3! @wilw


Friday's Tweets

17:09 A little Italian dinner, and then #w00tstock. So excited!
17:32 RT @wilw: Working up something with @paulandstorm for tonight's #w00tstock that is incredibly amusing to us. [Oh boy!]
19:11 It has begun. http://t.co/OH2oqwnI
23:41 Just back from #w00tstock at @sfsketchfest. My throat hurts from laughing. Thanks to @wilw @paulandstorm @donttrythis @nerdist.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:48 BBC asks RIM's European MD, "Have you learned anything from the iPhone?" Hysterical and sad. http://t.co/mniCsUcK
07:49 RT @TPMLiveWire: RIM Renames Itself "BlackBerry" [Yeah, that's been their problem all along: naming.] http://t.co/mZVNvloe via @carlfranzen
18:44 RT @joshtpm: Why have drivers licenses when the criminals will just drive without them? #nralogic [Yeah!]


Tuesday's Tweets

07:21 Drake's rises again; Little Debbie to acquire Devil Dogs, Funny Bones & Yodels. http://t.co/P2mQ1a1B
11:50 They Might Be Giants have an app. An iPhone app made of felt. How adorable! https://t.co/DhwQHzb4


Monday's Tweets

16:32 Couples select for men 6" taller. Not exactly news; it's the story of my life. http://t.co/WkGEOflE
20:34 Want. http://t.co/ldInNU5S
20:59 @petersagal Regarding your last show's Not My Job, SMERSH was not fictional at all. You're probably thinking of SPECTRE. @waitwait


Sunday's Tweets

07:25 RT @hallublin: Thank you San Francisco for another great year for @ThrillingAdv at @SFSketchfest! [Thanks to Hal and the rest of the cast!]
07:29 2 @ThrillingAdv shows back to back was almost too much. But only almost. If you haven't heard the podcast, do it now. (Loved @autumnreeser.)
16:58 Back from @sfsketchfest show with @yakkopinky & @mauricelamarche. These two are warm, funny & infinitely approachable. Great time, guys.


Saturday's Tweets

11:01 Nothing else going on in SF, so I'm treating myself to a showing of Les Miserables. We will see if treating is the right word.
11:28 This theatre just ran a preview of an ad. A car ad. A Superbowl car ad. When did things get this weird?
14:24 I loved Les Miz so much. It helps that I love it as a play as well. Or maybe I just needed a good cry.
14:53 @HelloTheFuture I loved the whole thing. Helps that I'm such a fan of the stage version, but I thought it was brilliant.
16:03 @Lomara @rayhill @Agent_Akin I don't know that we've met. Ray, were you on #jccc2? (Yes, I'll be on #jccc3.)
16:13 @rayhill I'm sure you already know this, but be prepared to have an amazing time. Great people, both onstage and in the audience. #jccc3
16:24 @Lomara @rayhill Yes, both @mariancall and @Molly23 were part of the entertainment last year. http://t.co/tmIceEqz
18:41 In my seat for @ThrillingAdv at @sfsketchfest. Front row center. Yes, I am bragging.
18:44 @PFTompkins Is that a king hat? A King of Coffee hat? @ThrillingAdv
21:03 Back in the lobby after tonight's first @ThrillingAdv show. It was fantastic! Will the second show measure up?


Friday's Tweets

06:14 My @sfsketchfest weekend starts! @PFTompkins tonight, @ThrillingAdv tomorrow (x2!), @yakkopinky on Sunday. So much fun!
10:48 There's a big difference between what's legal and what's right, and @GLEEonFOX went way over the line. http://t.co/KynjDz0a
14:01 Read about @GLEEonFOX, @JonathanCoulton, and Double Secret Exposure. #shhh! http://t.co/a1TQzeo8
19:01 In line for @PFTompkins at @sfsketchfest. Wonder if he brought a king hat.
22:39 Back from the @PFTompkins show. It was amazing as I expected. Now I can relax in my SF hotel before playing tourist tomorrow.


Thursday's Tweets

15:39 The plural of anecdote is not data - medical version. http://t.co/LIDbh3dM


Wednesday's Tweets

06:42 @alwayscoffee @maddarilke Take a look at Graphic Converter. I use it for catalogs, keywording & GPS settings, but it does most everything.
10:52 D'you think I should tell them about my Model Mayhem model profile? http://t.co/ENgOupkG


Tuesday's Tweets

10:24 Conflict! Sexy musical number! It's another episode of #LearningTown! http://t.co/xkbr8Nuy
10:41 A new #LearningTown and a new http://t.co/PwSdil89? Tuesday morning may just be my favorite weekday morning!
11:50 Three days until @sfsketchfest. Seventeen until I leave for Orlando and #JCCC3. Not that I'm getting excited or anything.
15:36 Is Oracle a scummy company? Well, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, It's probably a duck. http://t.co/p4M1aSqa
20:59 Another accepted truth that isn't: serif fonts are not more readable than sans serif. Crap facts from crap studies. http://t.co/4uVsYZT5
21:28 "Give your wife pleasance" I know it's spam, and I know I don't have a wife, but still...


Monday's Tweets

11:09 REM's "Losing My Religion" shifted into a major scale [Unrecognizable but cool.] http://t.co/tmJEtkko


Sunday's Tweets

08:42 RT @pagetpaget: Come see The Thrilling Adventure Hour LIVE in San Francisco next Saturday !! Please? http://t.co/yDJzoLJe [Be there!]
08:43 @EricIdle I miss Marty Feldman like crazy. Young Frankenstein? Last Remake of Beau Geste? Genius.


Saturday's Tweets

08:33 So @gleeonfox rips off @jonathancoulton and @nprmonkeysee reports on it. Thieving bastards. http://t.co/NXlJvB3A
17:35 RT @joshtpm: Five Injured In Accidental Gun Show Shootings On 'Gun Appreciation Day' http://t.co/HK5ABpk6 via @evanmc_s [How ironic!]
17:44 Will @jonathancoulton be @gleeonfox's Downfall? Love this! http://t.co/CPSpEwYG


Thursday's Tweets

20:38 Want irony? My jock of a CEO scheduled our Sales kickoff to start Feb 4th. Which means the salescritters travel on Superbowl Sunday. Oopsy.


Wednesday's Tweets

05:31 A cold wet day in NYC. Drowning my sorrows with a pastrami omelet at the Carnegie Deli. Fly home this afternoon.
05:38 Yum. http://t.co/ROrvyanq
07:45 Learning Town is awesome! @paulandstorm channel Meatloaf! I'm Twitter-shouting! http://t.co/kPI4ngnI
09:12 Took subway to AirTrain to JFK instead of kamikaze taxi. Slower, but much cheaper & lower stress.
10:29 @brettglass Depending on traffic, taxi isn't much faster. Trip by train wasn't bad at all.
10:34 I like Apple Maps a lot. But transit directions in Google Maps for iPhone are pretty fantastic for getting around NYC. Nice to have both.
11:13 Why does my gate list a flight to São Paulo, Brazil? Not that I would mind going, but my passport is back at home.
12:08 On my plane to SFO. Missed an upgrade by 2 slots. Sad.


Monday's Tweets

05:24 Google makes mockery of "Don't be evil" is scummy secret deal with @istockphoto. Read the comments. http://t.co/9kwBeJtq
05:32 Sitting in our booth at Javits Convention Center in NYC. Retail show begins in 30 minutes. Already tired.
05:34 Before the advancing hordes start advancing. http://t.co/pwI63d9d


Sunday's Tweets

05:45 The good things about a 7am Sunday flight: no traffic, short line through Security. Otherwise I'd rather still be in bed.
05:55 Today's surprise: I was precleared for Security. I got to keep my shoes & jacket through the metal detector. They got to not see me naked.
14:12 In my hotel in midtown Manhattan after a harrowing taxi ride. Stress begins the moment I leave the airport...
15:31 RT: @wilw: Holy crap. http://t.co/H93rSqlU is a thing and it is glorious. (via @scarlettjen) [I owe you, @wilw. I owe you big.]


Saturday's Tweets

08:42 Are there Game of Thrones fans who haven't discovered @paulandstorm? http://t.co/tVAts3i3
16:26 Manage to pack 3 days worth of stuff into my carryon for NYC trio, including my DSLR. Impressive, I'd say.
20:04 Loading up my iPad with reading material. I found enough free books for a whole bunch of trips. http://t.co/BmUHf93S


Friday's Tweets

17:53 Via @joshtpm, our White House responds to the "build a Death Star" petition. Totally amazing. https://t.co/D4N8kIGf
20:33 @VictoriaDahl If it's any consolation, I think you're even more beautiful when you're outraged.


Thursday's Tweets

06:29 @alwayscoffee Is it wrong that I love the sound of your voice, even when you're being hostile as hell? Because I do.
06:40 @alwayscoffee It was my first chance to hear you speak, Ali. Your voice is younger and sweeter than I anticipated. Just lovely.
06:42 A beautiful piece on extremist loon Robert Bork. To bork someone is to defeat them with their own awfulness. http://t.co/WyDa2oVe
15:23 Just sent in my Time Off request for next month. Seems I have this little cruise thing coming up. And yes, there will be pictures. #jccc3
20:18 Enjoying a concert by @Molly23 and @TheDoubleclicks. Comics shops make great music venues. Quelle surprise!
22:17 At her concert with @TheDoubleclicks, @Molly23 sang the Nations of the World. @yakkopinky would have been so proud.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:05 Headed to Boulder today to present at a Java user group. Somebody pray for my poor soon-to-be-frozen soul, okay?
09:37 Embarrassing. http://t.co/W4TXwu3I
11:30 On the plane to Denver, late departing as I expected. Seatmate taking more than his allotted space. Gonna be a long flight.


Monday's Tweets

06:04 Is it wrong of me to hope North Korea refuses to let Google's Eric Schmidt (my ex-boss at Sun) go? Not that I would hope that.
12:11 Think I'll use my iPhone for tomorrow's boarding pass on United. I mean, what could go wrong?
16:00 RT @AzulSystems: Hear Azul Product Manager Hank Shiffman 7:30 PM tomorrow at the Boulder JUG http://t.co/vJlRXZkM [Are you excited?]


Sunday's Tweets

11:53 Finished a morning shoot with two lovely young Renoites. Renoians? They have to head back through the storm. I'm thinking BBQ for lunch.


Saturday's Tweets

12:01 Stopped in Palo Alto for breakfust (yes, that's how they spell it) and to pick up my now repaired MacBook Pro. So far it's working great.
12:02 MBP panic moment. Photoshop still said GPU is broken. Looks like old state; I reenabled and it's working just fine. Fingers crossed.
20:58 Watching "You've Got Mail" and thinking it's the book superstore that'll be going out of business about now. Tom Hanks as Jeff Bezos?


Friday's Tweets

11:31 Didn't realize two @ThrillingAdv performances at @SFSketchfest are different. Just got ticket for late show. 4th row, but what can you do?
21:58 OMG, it's the greatest show ever! (Okay, only a preview but still!) http://t.co/mi0h88fP @paulandstorm
21:59 "You keep using that word. I do think it means what you think it means." #Farscape http://t.co/I6aXwPIR


Thursday's Tweets

09:38 Gosh, I hope these guys aren't *too* boring... http://t.co/3ZFveVSO
18:47 O'Reilly: "Asian People Are Not Liberal, You Know, By Nature. They're Usually More Industrious And Hard-Working" http://t.co/S0iY7zJ5
19:04 RT @paulandstorm: We've got a #w00tstock Founders' Night show at @SFSketchfest on Feb. 1. Tix & info: http://t.co/88hURnGG [Got my ticket!]
22:10 JoCoCruiseCrazy memories. Sweet, sweet memories. http://t.co/FdTD6ucB (Five more weeks!)
22:17 Bad idea: watching @paulandstorm vs. @wilw videos when I really need to get to bed. Arrrr! http://t.co/q49t3ORP


Wednesday's Tweets

09:30 What hack wrote this crap? (Plot holes in WW2.) http://t.co/QHNnfU7h
17:03 A wretched hive of scum and villainy. http://t.co/OMMm8E4a
18:22 Today's lesson: I can run Photoshop on 36 megapixel D800 images using my old 3 GB MacBook. I don't recommend it, but it can be done. Barely.