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Sunday's Tweets

06:27 Hotel WiFi all screwed up. Keeps bumping me off, but thinks I've been on all night. Argh!
06:27 Crap! It did it again!
09:03 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:22 I think hotels design junior suites to be incredibly difficult to photograph in. It's the only explanation for the way they're laid out.


Saturday's Tweets

09:02 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:39 Rough morning. External hard drive roached itself. Disk Utility gave up. Disk Warrior is trying, but not looking good. But all not lost!
11:40 Thanks to Time Machine and a new drive from Fry's, should be back in business in a few hours. Thank you, Apple. Time Machine's a lifesaver.
16:33 Another new hotel and another new model.


Friday's Tweets

09:02 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:22 @MythBusters Taking candy from a baby. Seeing different tactics at different levels of development was interesting, and also mean!


Thursday's Tweets

09:04 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:20 @billamend 10.6.5 went smoothly on both my Macs. Go ahead, be brave!


Wednesday's Tweets

05:49 I don't think he liked the book, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't like its subject. http://ind.pn/aecF9C
06:27 Going to see the Flying Karamazov Brothers at @SJRep tonight. Rather edit photos & get to bed early, but sometimes you have to sacrifice.
09:07 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:56 This week's challenge: not sneering when I use the word "propagation". So far, not so good.
13:43 @JustaSunGod Downloading 10.6.5 now. If you don't hear from me, it probably didn't go well!
14:08 @JustaSunGod Update's done. He's baaackk!
14:23 @JustaSunGod Dunno. I'm at work, and all my images are at home.
14:53 RT @Action_John: #BenBrowder Photo op with #MoreaBaccarin http://bit.ly/9XGxRq [Lucky doll!]


Tuesday's Tweets

03:36 At the airport. Car turned in, and I'm on the way to the terminal. Ominous word, terminal. Especially at this hour.
05:10 On the plane now, just a little bit closer to employment. Four hours to go...
05:12 Final count for the weekend: 2046 photos and one dead studio strobe. Luckily it was an eBay special and won't cost much to replace.
05:14 @TomTomUSA mine's Homer, after The Simpsons voice. Sure would like a Stewie Griffin voice, though.
08:21 @scapersuse Yep, today's the day. I'm in my car, waiting for the badge office to open. 40 minutes to go...
09:25 @scapersuse Sleep? What's that? Hope to start catching up tonight after work. Wow, that sounds weird. Haven't had an office since Jan '06!
11:15 @scapersuse I worked from home and traveled for my last job. No office, which make the commute really brief!
12:52 The hard part about starting a new job is being so useless. Of course, it would help if I had a computer. And email. But I have a nameplate!
14:16 @scapersuse Knock 'em dead, doll!
19:29 @Tim_Matheson Wouldn't that be "I vas jus givink orderz"?


Monday's Tweets

19:52 Shoot weekend in Phoenix at an end. All packed. Will be up in 7 hrs to catch flight home to 1st day on new job.


Sunday's Tweets

19:20 An interesting day. Helped a model friend deal with a missing phone meltdown. Still missing but the crisis has been contained.
19:21 Shootout in the desert is done, but two more hotel room shoots tomorrow. Sucks to be me, I know.


Saturday's Tweets

12:21 Overheard at Cowtown: "I have a Mohawk of fiery goodness."


Friday's Tweets

08:04 Beautiful day in Phoenix. Shooting this afternoon, meet & greet for the weekend event this evening. Goofing off this morning.
17:08 First shoot of the weekend: three hours with the incomparable Brenda.


Thursday's Tweets

07:16 One more interesting stat: of 6 deceased candidates for office, 4 won. Effective, but not a great long term strategy. http://bit.ly/9YFyHX
14:57 On the plane. Next stop is Phoenix. There will be photography, oh yes there will.
15:26 I love you, $5 airborne WiFi. I'd marry you if we weren't headed to Arizona, where that's probably illegal.
16:45 Landed. Sadly, my left ear is still at 30,000 feet.
17:18 @cabri It's getting better...
18:53 @RaynaRamsay It was cheap. But it stopped working almost immediately. Anyway, it was a short enough flight that I entertained myself.
20:31 Plate spotted on N 7th St in Phoenix: MDLFCRS6. Too dark to see what kind of CRS6-mobile it was.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:40 Pretty satisfied with election in California, even if the rest of US not so positive. More Repug obstructionism, no doubt.
06:41 Nice to see Meg Whitman give so much to California for so little return. Wish it had been inspired by altruism, but still.
07:22 If not for the Tea Party, Repugs would likely have taken the Senate too. So have you thanked a Tea Partier for their support?
10:02 I may have to get an iPad just so I can put it in one of these cases. http://bit.ly/d8JUqi via @sandrift
14:13 Today's my last day of freedom. Off to Phoenix tomorrow for photo weekend. Tuesday morning I fly back and head to the new job. Feels odd.
15:27 RT @counternotions: If Richard Feynman applied for a job at Microsoft http://bit.ly/9sA5b8 via @hackernewsbot [Screw with the interviewer!]
15:30 Southwest just emailed to tell me my flight tomorrow has WiFi. Most excellent!
16:36 Kanye's remark was worst moment of Bush presidency? How about those 100,000 dead Iraqis? How about the nonexistent WMDs? The mind boggles.
16:40 16 House Dems voted against extending unemployment benefits. 13 of them are now unemployed. Ironic, huh? http://bit.ly/ar9SMy
16:53 It is 80 degrees right now in Mtn View, CA. In November. Maybe not Global Warming, but sure is Local Warming.
19:25 A friend of Joseph Finder's on the DC Police says #rally4sanity estimates are way off. Figure 500k or more. http://on.fb.me/b8n7CC


Tuesday's Tweets

09:06 I got 67 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:42 Done voting. Guess that means no more phone calls from pleasant young women until this time in 2012.
09:43 RT @JohnRossBowie: Cali: if you've got kids, do the right thing. No on 23. Please. [Or even if you don't.]
10:40 @JustaSunGod Did, did, did, did and did. Okay, only did it once. But that's enough, right?
11:56 Every time I read a #w00tstock account like this one from NYC, I'm glad I wasn't there. http://is.gd/gCWYL Okay, that's a complete lie.
17:24 Christine O'Donnell may indeed be a witch. She's just not a very good one.


Monday's Tweets

07:41 RT @JohnRossBowie: Sarah Palin said CBS stands for Corrupt Bastards Club. She's just ... great. http://fdl.me/cegQ9A [Spelling is elitist.]
07:41 Off to the dentist, one of my less favored activities. Then again, false teeth would be worse.
11:37 Scarf down some bacon. Yum! http://j.mp/bkaO9z
11:49 Stewart & Colbert offended that people think Fox & Friends are real 'Newspeople'. http://tpm.ly/dazqGo (See what I did there?)
12:03 @RaynaRamsay I retweeted, but I also reversed. Funnier that way.
13:28 O'Donnell calls TV stations biased for not running her ad. Stations accuse campaign of screwing up by not buying time. http://bit.ly/9r61s6
13:58 The Lost Prequel: Ben Kenobi - Private Jedeye http://bit.ly/cKQC3h Shoulda kept this & lost Episodes 1, 2 & 3.
20:35 RT @gruber: http://bit.ly/b8dpoy [Awesome.]
22:03 @crystaljsilk My pleasure. Already ordered mine! http://j.mp/bkaO9z


Sunday's Tweets

05:11 Still in a post-rally haze. A couple of hours before I have to leave for National Airport (refuse to call it Reagan) & the long trip home.
08:52 Back at National Airport. No WiFi here, free or otherwise.
09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:59 My best view of the stage, from the day before. #rally4sanity http://plixi.com/p/54137429
11:35 Funny moment leaving #rally4sanity: guy next to End Road Work sign, shouting "End road work! End road work now!"
11:45 TPM collects some wonderful images from #rally4sanity. I got bupkis. http://tpm.ly/9tVZv2
11:53 Travel lesson for today: after leaving Security, put your belt on *before* you put on your backpack!
15:05 Sitting at the gate in Dallas. Bored.
16:25 All American S80s not created equal. This one has less seat room, making laptop use challenging, and power to run but not charge. Argh!


Saturday's Tweets

03:11 Up way too early, as if something important is coming up. #rally4sanity
04:25 @Leannarenee Enjoy the bus ride. I'll see you on the Mall. #Rally4Sanity
04:38 @devans00 I'll be onsite! Heading over to the Mall in a little while. #Rally4Sanity
04:39 @JustaSunGod I was afraid it would be crazy when I arrive at 9:30. Good thing I brought a long lens. #Rally4Sanity
05:24 @JustaSunGod Waiting for the shuttle to the Metro. Be there soon.
09:02 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:59 Completely fscking insane. #rally4sanity
13:00 Sorry I couldn't tweet the rally. AT&T had a network meltdown. But it was great. #rally4sanity
13:06 @reduced Sadly, no @paulandstorm. But it was epic even without them. #rally4sanity
13:08 Parks Service gave unofficial crowd estimate of 200k. #rally4sanity


Friday's Tweets

07:55 Where is everybody? Only 25 hours to go! http://plixi.com/p/53583009
08:24 In line at the Capitol. As long as I'm in town...
09:06 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:54 At the Air & Space Museum. Just got a book signed by a Tuskegee Airman. Talk about living history!
11:11 Eastern was my first airline. http://plixi.com/p/53619616
11:43 I was wrong. First flight was on National, not Eastern.
12:18 Enjoying a Häagen-Dazs smoothie. Probably really bad for me, but I don't care.
12:21 @JustaSunGod You never sounded better, Lee.
15:19 @gruber I'm here. For at least a few hours, I'll be sane. We're grading on a curve, right? #Rally4Sanity
15:47 Need sanity? There's an app for that. http://bit.ly/axFMPz #Rally4Sanity
16:29 @RaynaRamsay No app for fear. Or surprise. Or ruthless efficiency either. #obligatoryPythonReference
17:13 Score another one for Google Maps. It pointed me to a bunch of restaurants behind Pentagon Fashion Mall. Very nice Italian meal followed.
17:15 @jagwriter78 Thanks, Sammy. I don't get compliments like that nearly often enough.


Thursday's Tweets

03:14 Awake already. Couldn't sleep; could I be excited about flying to DC? Am I not the height of rationality? #Rally4Sanity #RhetoricalQuestion
07:03 Every time I think airport security can't get more tedious, TSA proves me wrong. Full body scanners are the latest indignity.
07:13 One positive: rows of seats with power outlets at the gate. Not as comfortable as Southwest's seats, but very welcome.
08:26 On the plane to DFW. Full flight.
09:02 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:08 Inflight WiFi used to seem miraculous. Now it's commonplace. But still pretty darn cool.
09:23 @JustaSunGod I'm on American. Had maybe 50% success getting WiFi on their flights. Looking forward to Southwest getting their act together.
09:38 If you ever doubted we need campaign finance oversight, here's a fine example from KY: http://bit.ly/beO8Be
11:23 Descending toward DFW. Big questions: 1) Will I have time for lunch before my next flight? 2) Is it worth buying WiFi again?
12:40 Guy next to me is reading Vince Flynn. Somehow I don't think we're destined to be best buds.
17:01 I don't get it. Why is WiFi $3 more on the short leg from Dallas to DC than the long one from San Jose to Dallas?
19:15 Hotel WiFi has FTP blocked. Too bad for them they didn't think to block Secure FTP!


Wednesday's Tweets

09:04 I got 14 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:11 Trying a new parking place at SJC tomorrow. It's less than half the price of long term. We'll see if I'm making a big mistake.
10:16 @JustaSunGod I'll be there! Flying out tomorrow ayem! D'you still have the same mobile number? #Rally4Sanity
11:03 RT @markos: You know who else demand apologies from their victims? Domestic abusers. [Not such a big leap from abuser to terrorist.]
11:06 Conan's ready to go to court to defend Masturbating Bear's right to self-abuse on his new show. What a guy! http://aol.it/bzTmVu
22:00 Got to visit tonight with my manager from my last job. I suspected being let go was a blessing. Sure sounds like I was right.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:17 Rand Paul supporter who stomped MoveOn member wore Don't Tread on Me pin. Ironic, isn't it? http://bit.ly/dfHEem
09:08 @sandrift Which #w00tstock did you attend? I've been to two, and would do another in a heartbeat.
09:39 Yuma County AZ Repugs claim massive voter registration fraud, are determined to be massively full of shit. http://bit.ly/cVK0AY
10:31 Meg Whitman can't stop talking about how great California was under Jerry Brown. http://gaw.kr/bnJjn5
20:32 Don Imus tells Bill O'Reilly he's a pinhead. I find myself respecting Don Imus. Weird, huh? http://bit.ly/druvYR
20:36 My first studio shoot in a month. That's way too long. Good thing the Arizona Shootout's coming up real soon.


Monday's Tweets

08:13 Snow on the mountains outside Reno. Sun is out; it'll be a much nicer drive home than my drive in yesterday.
14:11 Heavy rains in the Sierras yesterday. Pretty dusting of snow on the mountains today.
14:26 New manager orders my laptop. PC or Mac, he asks. ♫ "I think I'm gonna like it here..." ♫
14:41 Google's Eric Schmidt paraphrases George Carlin's Al Sleet, the Hippy Dippy Weatherman: "If you don't like Google Street View, just move!"
15:15 Nielsen reports 1 in 3 iPad users have never downloaded an app. Nielsen now admits they were full of shit, it's more like 1 in 10.
15:24 @scapersuse I don't start for two more weeks. They just like to have everything ready, including my shiny new MacBook. ☺
15:32 Developer puts Apple's abandonment of Java in context. Desktop Java is dead, so let's get on with life. http://bit.ly/cBhcVC
16:26 As a vertically challenged American, I find these comments on the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tall policy painful. http://gaw.kr/akOIsh
16:50 Owner of Gold's Gym gives $2m to Rovian group hostile to gay rights. Now who could have predicted a problem with that? http://bit.ly/bZcAem


Sunday's Tweets

07:41 The Banana Jr. 9000, another obscure object of desire. I miss Bloom County. http://bit.ly/9bBAqn
08:40 @ebertchicago To be patient & reasonable is not to be one of us, so NPR must be one of them. QED.
09:38 Packed and ready to head off to Reno. Boomtown has all-you-can-eat lobster. But that's not why I'm going. Okay, that's a lie.
10:58 @VictoriaDahl I loved Bosconian. Once spent most of an evening at Disneyland pumping quarters into one.
14:52 Storms all the way from Sacramento to Reno. One car turned around, another flipped over. Separate incidents.


Saturday's Tweets

09:32 Happy birthday to @grantimahara & @alyankovic. Thanks for all the entertainment, guys!
11:33 Should not have gone into the Apple Store today. No, I didn't get a MacBook Air. But it's only a matter of time.


Friday's Tweets

09:28 Just ordered a #Rally4Sanity scarf & paid as much for shipping as the scarf. Maybe not sane, but only way to know it'll arrive before I go.
09:57 This is why all the design awards go to Apple and not HP. Okay, it's one of the reasons. http://j.mp/d8NR1R
10:56 SF is getting its own #Rally4Sanity. Which I have to miss, 'cuz I'll be at the one in DC. Poor me. http://on.fb.me/95PJcM
10:59 Sears going after the zombie demographic? (I almost typed demongraphic, which isn't far off.) http://bit.ly/dzP0jI
12:32 RT @MySears: @disorderly It's about time someone did...braaaaiiiinsss!!! [Must... shop... Sears...]
13:43 Went to my local Apple Store a day early. MacBook Air goes on display & sale tomorrow. Sad, but think of the money I saved!
15:12 Which is worse: when airlines are incompetent, or when they're total assholes about it? http://bit.ly/dfK1me
16:05 Hey @TeamCoco! I just voted for #VladimirPutin to be #ConansFirstGuest on TBS November 8th! Vote @ http://bit.ly/9osqCh
16:38 RT @ebertchicago: Urgent to Juan Williams: Photos of Muslim garb. http://j.mp/9dh8cU [Gotta love King Abdullah in his Star Fleet uniform.]
16:59 Beware the weather penis! http://gaw.kr/9DLRir
17:18 RT @alwayscoffee: @disorderly Hank, that Tweet just made me spit out my drink. [Then my work here is done!]
19:23 Don't you hate it when people dial the wrong number, and then do it *again*? Guess she got it right the third time.


Thursday's Tweets

10:10 Yeah, Apple, what were you thinking? http://bit.ly/anKFOW
10:29 Business blogging for success, by my friend Tom: http://bit.ly/9BJGPV
10:40 Actor who played Tom Ballard dies at 87. Guess the Wait is over.
20:53 "Holy Moses, how much liquid can be in one tuchus?" I sure hope that was a rhetorical question. #tbbt


Wednesday's Tweets

06:21 If these crazy ideas worked, wouldn't businesses be crazy *not* to rely on them? http://xkcd.com/808/
06:25 What The Duck demonstrates irony: http://bit.ly/d100bn
06:38 4th grade text in VA claims lots of black soldiers fought for the South. Scholars say bull. http://bit.ly/bdUCMI
11:11 Hmmm... Monster.com giving me error when I try to delete job searches. Which I'm doing because I HAVE A JOB!
11:38 New high end MacBook Air looks amazing. Want one! Wonder what kind of Mac my new employer will be getting me. Did I mention my new job?
11:44 @ebertchicago I did! They had a special vacuum for chalk dust at PS 162, back in the early 60s.
12:05 Guess they don't have mirrors in Glenn Beck's world. http://bit.ly/cF71q8
14:11 I just tried Facetime between my MacBook and my iPhone 4. It worked, but I definitely have a face for voice chat.
17:43 @cabri No move. The new job is nine miles from here.
18:15 Off to @SJRep to the opening of Secret Order. Which I assume is not alphabetical or Dewey Decimal or ascending height. I hate that last one.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:39 Christine O'Donnell: "You're telling me that (separation of church & state)'s in the First Amendment? http://bit.ly/aHgXVj
09:15 I got it! ♪Hello income, my old friend... ♫
11:59 Shouldn't they call this an INaction figure? http://bit.ly/d7TlLg
14:10 Sarah Palin endorses senate candidate, gets the state wrong. Guess she couldn't see it from her house. http://bit.ly/d479Fp
15:36 Elvira does Christine O'Donnell: "I'm you, except with bigger tits." http://bit.ly/alAtdk


Monday's Tweets

09:05 I got 6 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:34 Last scheduled interview for this particular job. Ending on a high note. Now we wait...
15:09 Amazing. Who knew you could lose money from fleecing your flock? http://bit.ly/clFtIG
19:33 Rare a TV ad gets my attention. But this one did: http://bit.ly/bQxsyB


Sunday's Tweets

09:04 I got 7 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
17:12 Meghan McCain says Christine O'Donnell lacks experience. See, Alanis? That's what we mean by irony. http://bit.ly/9f0C7C
17:49 An inflatable photo studio? One that can be destroyed by hot strobes? Surely you jest! http://bit.ly/9NlNtn


Saturday's Tweets

08:11 Not every shithead is on Fox News, but everyone on Fox News is a shithead. http://is.gd/g4vds
09:05 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:51 @alwayscoffee @kylecassidy I'd try connecting to another computer. Or a program like http://bit.ly/aHEQi3 on Windows to recover files.
18:20 Just because we can, does that mean we should? http://bit.ly/aME5yD