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Friday's Tweets

08:36 Via @reduced, the perfect #Shakespeare tee for Star Wars Day: http://t.co/dWq7fdgj #MayThe4thBeWithYou
09:16 Remember that iPhone that caught fire on a flight in Oz last year? Turns out a botched repair was likely at fault. http://t.co/b2inooH5
10:10 Listen, credit card robocaller. How can this be my final courtesy call when you WON'T STOP CALLING? You even lie about your lies.
20:11 At a Beatles tribute concert. How come they all have hair like Wolowitz?


Thursday's Tweets

07:50 Today's lesson: when the truck arrives to service the port-a-potties, run! Run like the wind!
12:05 @KimEtzel84 I follow @MythBusters and saw a tweet asking for volunteers. That's all it took.
15:37 Thanks to @jamienotweet & @donttrythis for an amazing couple of days. If @mythbusters asks for volunteers again, I'll be on line.
16:26 Have Kindle Fire & e-ink Kindle sales fallen apart? Sure looks that way. http://t.co/Xfybr02T


Wednesday's Tweets

08:31 Up at 5 to drive to Mare Island for @MythBusters experiment. Checked in & waiting for whatever's next.
18:03 I survived Day 1 of my @MythBusters adventure. Day 2 awaits...
18:06 New employer is putting my business card in. Guess it's official. Can paychecks (and Nikon D800 order) be far behind?
20:38 Caught up with latest Red Panda episode from @Decoder_Ring while waiting for @MythBusters experiment to get going. Best way to spend a day.


Tuesday's Tweets

12:04 8am start tomorrow for my @MythBusters experiment. And it's a 2 hour drive from here. What *have* I done?
15:06 RIM stages event at Sydney Apple Store in desperate grab for attention & relevance, fails at the latter. http://t.co/bcxvCLxx
15:09 Funny. Saw a tweet that said what I wanted to say, realized it was mine. Shouldn't change my avatar; it only confuses me.
17:17 @nprscottsimon Surely that's more elegant, brilliant, beautiful and cosmopolitan than asking "Who farted?", isn't it?
17:20 "The incompleteness of the (new BlackBerry) phone only becomes apparent when it is switched on." (It can't make calls.) http://t.co/FEKjKgO9
20:25 Thanks to @KevinPollak's Chat Show, need to reconsider the musical Wicked. Saw it in SF & wasn't thrilled. They rewrote it right after that.


Monday's Tweets

18:42 Huh. It appears I'm employable after all.
20:29 Has anyone ever made a pizza flavored snack food that actually tastes anything like pizza?


Sunday's Tweets

08:10 Google: Android is open source, except when we say it isn't. http://t.co/Pjla7ZRS
08:27 When the photographer becomes the photographee. Thanks, Craig! http://t.co/Itzqy8Oa
08:29 @HappyTinfoilCat Sorry, but open is open. You can't declare open source and then hold it back when it's convenient.
08:47 @HappyTinfoilCat It's more than config files. Google says differences between publicly available & what's on Nexus is nobody's business.
09:04 @IsobelCarr But how could even a lesbian resist such virile masculinity? Besides, she's just waiting for the right one to turn her straight.
09:04 @IsobelCarr And yes, I'm aware that that's total crap.
09:35 Scratch an extreme moralist & you'll likely find a perv. (Santorum asks to photograph Lindsay, then lamely denies it.) http://t.co/Mp3hJTLU


Saturday's Tweets

08:05 Portrait session last night. Photographers shooting photographers is way too funny. http://t.co/32NmQPUW
09:15 Today's lesson: never date a dentist. http://t.co/1MRnV6BN
17:33 The views from Treasure Island are generally better than the views of Treasure Island. http://t.co/WhCSpBSQ


Friday's Tweets

14:12 If Mitt wants to appeal to women, maybe hiring a misogynist asshole as his Constitutional advisor's not the best move. http://t.co/Z8JNUmZP


Thursday's Tweets

16:28 My uncle played his age in golf. He was 80 at the time. Newt's unpopularity nearly reaches his age: 64.4% at 68. He's working at it.
17:46 RT @pourmecoffee: Newt Gingrich's Secret Service ends tonight, Must hurt to lose someone you thought would be there for you. [*snort*]
17:59 Those 31 GOP Senators who voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act? Clearly they don't believe in a vengeful God.
23:06 RT @LittleLeaguelol: New strip, everyone! http://t.co/YnrE4Y8L [Yay! Also, about time.]


Wednesday's Tweets

09:18 With Newt finally admitting defeat, does this mean more press coverage for Ron Paul. No. No, it most certainly doesn't.
21:24 Enter to win your choice: a Nikon D800 or Canon 5D MK III from @viewbug & Scott Bourne. Please RT. Info at: http://t.co/SD84axen
21:28 RT @liberalease: Fox vs. Reality >> http://t.co/ys9k4iIr [Facts, not Fox.]


Tuesday's Tweets

07:52 Fox News' Steve Doocy lies about his earlier lies, clarifies nothing except that he's a partisan hack. http://t.co/76DRp2az
08:00 A sequel to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Sounds better than the original book. Wonder if I can get it on my iPhone... http://t.co/hMETPEES
09:22 Consistency is a virtue, right? Consistently wrong, not so much. Pundit fantasies on GOP nominees: http://t.co/lWxnOhEG (I blame the drugs.)
11:00 Just paid for my July cruise to Alaska. Guess that makes it real now, huh? State #50, I'm coming to see you.
14:35 http://t.co/kb9NPyRu So now you know.
14:53 Best product reviews EVER! http://t.co/u2Da0k4W
18:15 Had one of those experiences that remind me of how much I hate going into Fry's. Not exactly bait & switch, but not far off.
18:19 Installing a Wii has given me a headache. I blame Rachel and her Rock Band party.
23:10 A little excitement at my friend's studio tonight. Someone amused himself by setting a dumpster on fire. Many thanks to the Santa Clara FD.


Monday's Tweets

14:35 Minnesota GOP: not just intellectually bankrupt, but also bankrupt bankrupt. http://t.co/wi43PXDU
15:51 Dog: I could kill you but I don't want to. Cat: I want to kill you but I can't. http://t.co/8Z3pz1il via @ebertchicago
16:06 Fox's Steve Doocy to clarify Obama quote. What's to clarify? Doocy made it up. He lied. He's a lying liar. http://t.co/v2UhyGFL
16:14 Watching the latest episode of @KevinPollak's Chat Show. http://t.co/R2FY5Pa9 My Larry King game didn't win, but they read my email. Cool.
18:05 Wow. Email error sends termination notices to an entire company. Now that's comedy! http://t.co/RUIxEG6V
20:11 Highlights Magazine has been screwing with children's heads for decades. No wonder we're so completely fucked up! http://t.co/80os7MCA


Sunday's Tweets

18:45 After we're done with Texas, can we get Florida to secede next? WTF doesn't begin to cover it. http://t.co/gLOA6HOl


Saturday's Tweets

08:10 Funny Amazon. Customers who viewed http://t.co/fsE9tQqQ also viewed http://t.co/Vzg4iIb1
09:49 TiVo set to record new @PFTompkins special tonight on Comedy Central. Funny guy, and one of the nicest people I've ever met.
18:04 Today was a fine day to drive up to Napa. At least I assume it was, since everybody else had the same damn idea.


Friday's Tweets

07:29 A happy birthday to @GeorgeTakei. Thanks for the lessons both in dignity and in not taking yourself too seriously.
10:55 @VictoriaDahl Radiant? Do they glow in the dark or something?


Thursday's Tweets

09:11 RT @alwayscoffee: Guys, is a Magic 8 ball still an acceptable decision-making tool? I'm, uh, asking for a friend. [Reply hazy, ask again.]
09:12 In a haze this morning. Saw Spamalot with friends last night in SF, followed by late ice cream attack. Good judgment in short supply.
09:37 An interesting and distressing history of so-called truth drugs. Movies make this stuff seem so simple and true. http://t.co/FbpAJu1E
10:44 Call to my cell with no message turns out to be political survey/cruise deal. Found whole thread on this scam by Googling phone number.
20:30 @AnneWheaton Koalas are so unreal, aren't they? Cuter than any creature has a right to be.


Wednesday's Tweets

11:26 Just got my ticket for Weird @AlYankovic at Mountain Winery this August. Row B!
14:02 RT @SammLevine: CASEY KASEM WINS!! CASEY KASEM WINS!! #RIPDickClark [Too soon, Samm.]
16:35 Something Fierce by @mariancall is available on Amazon: http://t.co/zZmIAdxr Have it. Love it. (A lot.)
16:39 I remember hearing the Chipmunks on American Bandstand. When would that have been? 1959? Thanks, Mr. Clark.


Tuesday's Tweets

10:20 @VictoriaDahl Tell her being her first puts all kinds of pressure on a guy. And not just the good kind.
12:02 Ann Romney is delusional, which no doubt helps in her marriage to Mitt. http://t.co/61SZbkrQ


Monday's Tweets

08:43 @CarolynCrane Yes, it's bad. And whatever you do, don't use a spray bottle on your screen. (I'm assuming it's an LCD. If not, ignore me.)
10:38 @hellobuglers Your suffering for your art puns is nothing compared to ours. Truly execrable.


Sunday's Tweets

21:20 @wilw So envious. Gold Coast is one place in Oz I haven't been.


Saturday's Tweets

15:08 If there's a fate worse than death, who deserved it more? http://t.co/cmEdCfAX via @ebertchicago


Friday's Tweets

10:39 Truth in advertising. http://t.co/C4tCsVgP
10:42 RT @paulandstorm: [S] Norman Rockwell. Only better. Rockbetter. http://t.co/Obt0xgZO [Hee!]
12:41 I tweeted about Joe Versus the Volcano, but @Henning_Movies wrote a song about it. He wins. http://t.co/HuHTzQbI


Thursday's Tweets

08:03 If AZ can say pregnancy starts 2 weeks before conception, why can't GOP blame Obama for job losses before inauguration? http://t.co/E73prLMx
11:56 Newt calls out Fox News for bias? I for one am stunned. http://t.co/Foqd2Nau


Wednesday's Tweets

08:12 A film critic goes all rhapsodic for Joe Versus the Volcano, a movie I've always loved. http://t.co/zS0ojLgX
19:38 @wilw You knew the Westerdam had a lot of that stuff in the Vista Dining Room, right? All part of the English Breakfast.
21:26 You know that interview I had last week? Just got word they want round 2 tomorrow afternoon. Good; that means no time to sweat about it.
22:59 @mariancall I saw a theatrical version of Singing in the Rain in Melbourne. Saw an actor do the whole bouncing off walls thing & was amazed.


Tuesday's Tweets

10:53 #JoCoCruiseCrazy participant David Rees talks Artisanal Pencil Sharpening in GQ. Fer realz. http://t.co/25SJWFjV
11:05 Rick Santorum's ending his campaign? Part of me is sad. (The part that revels in absurdity.) Too late for Perry or Cain to get back in?
11:08 Santorum didn't even wait for home state Repugs to show their disdain? No guts, no gory.
11:12 With Santorum out, is this Ron Paul's moment? (Uh, no.)
11:23 @JustaSunGod How could you forget Ron Paul? I can't, no matter how hard I try.
11:28 RT @TheStevenWeber: Now Santorum can go back to restoring his good name. [*snort*]
15:51 @nprscottsimon It's not about free speech. It's about not pissing off your customer base.
15:55 RT @joshacagan: I'll miss you most of all, poop foam jokes. [So will we all.]
16:14 Does Gawker really have a spy at Fox News? I might have to forgive them their iPhone asshattery. (But not yet.) http://t.co/war1CpmI


Monday's Tweets

08:51 If George Lucas got his hands on Titanic. "It's better!" (It really is.) http://t.co/3zJYbBNa
08:59 Geek cred for Daniel Radcliffe for singing Tom Lehrer's The Elements. Not easy without a cheat sheet. http://t.co/PhRQqDTF
10:00 @thinkgeek That's not so impressive. Murray Leinster described the Internet in 1946! http://t.co/IuMT7Sy6
11:01 Foxconn's other customers aren't talking, and no one seems to care. Not even Mike Daisey? http://t.co/B64oxBPY
13:12 Mitt Romney says anyone who went to Harvard is out of touch. Guess it really does take one to know one.
15:33 @AnneWheaton Wait! You mean The Simpsons lied to us?
17:49 A new comic strip from @LittleLeagueLol? This day just got so much better. http://t.co/tP6PKSNx
18:48 Sunkist's web FAQ has a response to tuna complaints. "Perhaps you're referring to Starkist." Perhaps they are at that. (Jeeze.)
19:38 Having dealt with this one running a friend's forum, I want it to be a crime to misrepresent the 1st Amendment. http://t.co/UAb4sOnQ


Sunday's Tweets

08:45 @cbglacier Dunno about the other guys, but @mariancall puts on one hell of a show. Totally envious!
13:48 RT @alan_tudyk: Happy Easter y'all http://t.co/GXoahqcY [That's just wrong.]
21:58 Best email subject in a while: "Scam Compensation Alert, View Attachment For More Details And Better Understanding." What could go wrong?


Saturday's Tweets

13:34 RT @JohnRossBowie: Elijah's gone. So is my PS3, my Blade Runner Blu-Ray, and all my Sudafed. I'm not sure he really was Elijah... [Really?]
14:19 RT @TheStevenWeber: Easter Explained: Jesus dyed on the cross. [Eggs? Peeps? Both?]


Friday's Tweets

16:29 @mariancall I did notice the resemblance. http://t.co/xTKpIifR
16:31 @AnneWheaton I just keep all my travel needs in the bag, replenishing as needed after every trip. Easier than figuring it out every time.
18:01 @JohnRossBowie Offer him a drink?
20:45 So there are people more excited about #JoCoCruiseCrazy3 than me! (Than I?) http://t.co/HhIjtQWD


Thursday's Tweets

16:11 Visit to Sequoia Natl Park in early April not the best idea. Snow, hail, mountain roads and construction. But I survived it all!