Posted Fri Feb 10 10:00:00 2006 - 57 comments
Eddie Fisher & The Next One Hundred Years / Eddie Fisher
57. Betty Sun Mar 6 06:19:53 2011 PDT
Nancy, I also noticed Eddie's name was not mentioned on the Academy Awards. Even in death, Eddie gets no respect. It blame his ex-wives for their hate campaign against Eddie that has been going on way too long. And his daughter, Carrie, has also been putting him down, even now. As a fan of Eddie's for many years, it makes me sad. He was a nice person, not the person potrayed in the tabloids or by his ex-wives and children. Now his fans know he is at peace, but is sadly missed.
56. Nancy Sun Feb 27 21:26:04 2011 PDT
I am sad that Eddie wasn't mentioned at the proper time in the Academy Award presentations tonight. I will listen to him on youtube and think of the serious injustice--not only to him but to his artistry. I wonder if I am the only one who noticed?
55. Betty Thu Sep 2 11:06:34 2010 PDT
Hi Nancy,
Sorry, if you want you can write me at
54. Betty Thu Sep 2 11:05:15 2010 PDT
Hi Nancy,
I still love Eddie too, if you want you can write to me.
53. Nancy Tue Aug 10 21:21:53 2010 PDT
Song of a Dreamer We have only met in dreams
52. Nancy Tue Aug 10 21:19:08 2010 PDT
It's his 82nd bd and I love him as much as I did when he returned from Korea. Elvis and Frank you are okay. But, Eddie had to give you a lesson or two.
51. robert Sat Feb 6 19:57:53 2010 PDT
I have an extensive collection of hand written musical scores by Mr. Fisher. I am forced to sell..Please respond if you can point me in the right direction.

Thank you
50. Betty Fri Jan 29 07:32:43 2010 PDT
Eddie recorded Tell Me Why in 1951. He never used another name other than his own throughout his career. It could have been that RCA put another performer on the flip side of Eddie's record. I never had the 45, I only heard Tell Me Why on an album of Eddie's hits.
49. jean rattray callaghan Mon Jan 11 15:05:05 2010 PDT
Many years ago I bought an Eddie Fisher record singing "Tell me why" on the "b"side was a chap called Johnny Parker singing "A kiss to build a dream" whom I've never heard again. Did Parker exist, or did Fisher record both songs using a different name for some reason?.
48. JAN HARVEY Fri Jul 10 21:00:53 2009 PDT
47. René Mon Jun 15 14:01:10 2009 PDT
Hi Betty,
Thanks for your answer. Al Martino recorded this song. I think the hit in Holland in 1953 was "Wish you were here", which was a hit in the U.S. in the spring of 1952. I think it sounds reasonable that, in that time, it became a hit in Holland a few months later. I'll change "Here in my heart" for "Wish you were here" and stop my research about this one.
46. Betty Mon Jun 1 04:08:44 2009 PDT
I don't think Eddie recorded Here In My Heart, I believe it was Al Martino.
I am sure you could find it on a CD of Al's. You could check on that.
45. René Mon May 25 14:11:21 2009 PDT
Hi there everybody. I'm a collector of hits from the dutch charts. According to the "official" listings Eddie Fisher had a hit in Holland with the song "Here in my heart" in 1953. I've been searching for this recording for many years now, but was never able to find it. Since the last year i'm doubting if Eddie ever recorded this song. Could anyone give me any information about this. Many thanks in advance for your help
44. Betty Thu Feb 5 05:24:05 2009 PDT
Hi Bruce,
I really enjoyed reading your story about Eddie. Write me at and we can talk. I can tell you some stories about Eddie too, if you would like.
43. Bruce Marchetta Mon Feb 2 14:34:44 2009 PDT
Hi Betty, every so often I hear Eddie Fishers recordings. I would like to write to him if possible. We met at a book signing program about 10 years ago. I walk into the location where Mr. Fisher was sitting and actually singing along to the recordings that were playing on a speaker system. He was alone and I said hello, and we talked for a while. I beleive that Eddie Fisher (the singer) was one of the very best vocalist (and darn goodlook'in too). I met personally some of the greatest male vocalist in the business including FAS. even through Eddie made recording I still wish we could see him perform live. His was a voice admired by as you know 1,0000 of folks like me 70 yrs young. I told Eddie when he was getting into a lemo in Manhattan, I asked for his autograph, and stupidity I burned his hand with my cigaretee. How dumb of me. He said how did I react, I said you don't, he laughed and appoligized after ten years had past. Really, I like the guy, as a person, and we was gifted with in my opinion a marvelous voice. I wish him well and he and his family well be in my prayers. sincerely, Bruce Marchetta.
42. Angy Tue Dec 30 04:34:15 2008 PDT
Hi there, anyone have any idea how I could get a message to Eddie Fisher? Sounds nuts but it isn't.
My next door neighbour recently told me he talked for hours to Eddie Fisher during war time over their radios during night shifts! Crazy but true!!! He would love to 'talk' with him again. These guys are getting older now, it would be a nice thought?
41. richard yager Mon Aug 11 11:16:55 2008 PDT
I have recently come into possession of a group of original Eddie Fisher recordings on 78 rpm shellac records, 45s and two 10-inch LP albums. If you are interested in these, please EMail me for details at There are 64 titles in all...which I intend to enter as an EBay auction in the near future, but first will be glad to correspond with Fan Club members first.
or send a list to your Email address, if you wish. Thank you, Richard Yager, Miami, Florida
40. Laurie Conrad Fri Aug 1 12:27:50 2008 PDT
I just discovered Eddie. realy, relaly like his voice and his music. When I'm not listening to Eddie I listen to Radiohead and Muse. Great music is timeless. and
39. Betty Mon Jul 7 14:20:55 2008 PDT
Hi Helen,
I don't know which e-mail address you used but you can try to e-mail me at It is possible that the spam blocker could be blocking your e-mail address. Hope to hear from you.
38. Betty Sat Jun 28 05:40:01 2008 PDT
Hi Helen,
Try writing to me at
37. helen Wed Jun 25 03:13:19 2008 PDT
Hi Betty....I have E-Mailed you at the adress you gave...but my mail was returned...thanks...Helen
36. robert Sun Mar 2 17:24:25 2008 PDT
Betty: I tried your e-mail address but it came back to me as "undeliverable". Can you write me at:

thanks, Rob
35. Betty Sun Mar 2 05:26:48 2008 PDT
Hi Robert,
Nice to know Eddie has so many fans. If you want to hear how Eddie is doing these days you can write me at
34. robert Sat Mar 1 18:13:09 2008 PDT
Hi all of you Eddie Fisher fans! I am too. I am 55 and didn't really listen to Eddie until I heard him sing on Youtube, singing a Jolson medley on the Dean Martin show. I have since read both his biographies and while it was fascinating reading about the fabulous wealth, famous people, and beautiful women, I couldn't help feeling sorry for Eddie. How does one prepare for such success at such an early age? Look at Mike Tyson and so many others. Anyway i was also sad to hear of Betty Lin's death. She seemed such a positive force at the end of "Been There, Done That". Has anyone in this group spoken or received any mail from Eddie on how he's doing these days?
33. Betty Fri Feb 1 04:52:32 2008 PDT
Hi Derrick,
Write me at and I can give you contact information.
32. derrick Wed Jan 30 04:55:29 2008 PDT
Hi Betty Could you let me know Mr Fisher's fan club address so that I might contact him Derrick
31. Betty Mon Jan 28 05:30:15 2008 PDT
Hi Derrick, That was nice that you spent some time with Eddie, when he needed someone. I am sure he would be happy to hear from you. The only way you could get his address is to write to his fan club president. She could pass a letter along to him. He still receives lots of mail from his fans, even though he is no longer singing. He does not have an e-mail, so the only way to write would be to his home address.
30. derrick Sat Jan 26 17:05:24 2008 PDT
Hi Betty In the late 50's I was a Metro Police Constable in was at the time of Eddie's divorce from Debbie Renolds. He was having sleepless nights. He spent almost an entire night shift walking my beat with me. I was curious as to if he would remember. Have you an E-mail address so that I may ask him.Thanks Derrick
29. Betty Fri Jan 25 16:06:57 2008 PDT
Hi Rich,
Glad to hear there are still a lot of fans out there of Eddie's. I can suggest you get in touch with the fan club president, or if you would like to join the fan club, it may be possible to get Eddie's address and you can write him.
He is retired and he lives in San Francisco. If you would like her address, you can let me know and write me at my personal e-mail address, which I will give you.
28. RICH HANKEY Fri Jan 25 09:31:23 2008 PDT
This guy has long been a favourite of mine and enriched my life with his beautiful voice. I would dearly love to write and thank him personally if I could somehow find his address. This is not so easy when you live in the UK. We do have one thing in common - same age, but he sings better than I. Any help would be most appreciated.

27. John Millar Sun Jan 6 15:25:08 2008 PDT
Many thanks Betty, will look up the area of which you mention. Thank you for your reply..Best wishes and a happy new year..John
26. Betty Thu Jan 3 16:06:54 2008 PDT
Hi John,
I have been a fan of Eddie Fisher's for many years and do not remember him ever singing Every Day of My Life. The song only sounds vaguely familiar.There are a lot of CDs of Eddie that can be found at online stores.
25. John Millar Sun Dec 23 16:51:39 2007 PDT
Can you please inform me if Eddie Fisher sang the titled song "Every day of my life" if so where can I obtain a record/cd.. love his voice...Regards...John
24. John Tue Oct 16 19:28:54 2007 PDT
I would like to get an autograph photo of Mr Fisher for my mom's for her birthday. She grew up in South Philly at the same time as Eddie.

Any ideas how I can arrange this.


23. Betty Wed May 16 11:49:24 2007 PDT
Hi Norman,
I belong to Eddie's fan club. I have my e-mail address on one of these messages on this board. We may have seen Eddie at the same time. I saw him in Montreal in 1987, can't remember the name of the club. Anyway, he lives in San Francisco now. His last wife Betty died a few years ago. You can write me if you want any information on how to get in touch with Eddie. Eddie recently attended an open house in Los Angeles with his two children by Connie Stevens and spent some time with them and his grandchildren,
22. Norman Mon May 14 15:46:10 2007 PDT
I,ve always been a BIG Fan of Eddie Fisher, I remember listening to his remarkable voice back in the early 50's, and have many records by him. Recently I came across an old LP record, and was amazed at how wonderful that voice was and still is. I saw him in Montreal Que, Canada once at a Dinner Show, that was in the late 70's early 80's, I was about 6 feet from him, so I was glad about that. Is there any way I could possibly contact him and speak with him? so I can personally congratulate him on his Artistry! Does he live in New York? or Calif. I eagerly look forward to your reply. Thank you so much for this opportunity to speak about him. God Bless Eddie.
21. Betty Thu Apr 19 03:52:33 2007 PDT
Hi Jackie,
I have posted on this board about how to get in touch with Eddie. If you want to e-mail me at my e-mail address, we can talk about how you get find out more about Eddie. Glad to hear so many people still enjoy his singing. I am sure he would be happy to know that.
20. Jackie Wed Apr 18 17:20:51 2007 PDT
Eddie Fisher is one of the best singers of all time,no I play his cds as much as possible. I just wish that I had had the money in my younger days, living in England to buy the old records. The good thing I was able to listen to them on a "pirate radio station.I had heard Eddie had been ill so I sent letters to Connie Stevens, Joely Fisher and Carrie Fisher.. NO REPLY. I had heard that Eddie was living in Haiwaii, I'd love his address if anyone has it.I was wondering if we all could get together and call our local radio stations on his birthday and have a Eddie Fisher day.
19. Betty Sat Apr 14 05:35:11 2007 PDT
Hi Pete,
Yes, Eddie still has a fan club, although many of Eddie's fans are up there in age. Not me, though, I am one of the younger only in my early 60's. Glad to hear you are playing Eddie's CDs every day. I listen to him a lot too, love to hear his voice. He seems to be doing well for his age, but he is no longer singing, sad to say.
18. peter.a elson Fri Apr 13 00:37:57 2007 PDT
is there now a fAN club seeing eddie is nearly 80, i listen to eddie nearly everyday im 76 meself and remember the 50s , how is the old fella,/ qould love to hear that he,s well, best wishes pete
17. BUDDY TOLAR Thu Mar 1 18:28:09 2007 PDT
16. Mary Anne Thu Dec 28 14:55:30 2006 PDT
Hi Fred, I would love to hear from you. You can email me at I have the song on a CD. I can write down the words for you if you wish. I may also have the sheet music for it. I will check and get back to you. It's always nice to know there are other Eddie Fisher fans. I have been a fan since 1953 when I was ten. Mary Anne
15. fred Sat Dec 9 11:57:32 2006 PDT
i have been a fan of Eddie since the first time i heared him.Iwas just a kid.
I have a collection of most of his 45s,lps, and now the cds. Never enough.
Every time they have a show on the etv with the old timers i look for him . He must know he still has fans that his music meant so much too. Is there ayway to write to him.
Tom, i think i know the words to "just. to be with you"\
14. tom martel Sat Dec 2 08:11:26 2006 PDT
I remember most of te lyrics of "Just to be with you", and wonder if anyone knows where I might find them.
13. Betty Wed Nov 29 07:29:39 2006 PDT
Hi Colin
If you write to me I can put in touch with Eddie Fisher's fan club president and maybe she could help you ge a letter to Eddie. There is also an Eddie Fisher group on Yahoo. Write me at
12. Colin Wyatt Wed Nov 29 03:52:39 2006 PDT
I have been a fan of Eddie Fisher's since 1954. Is it possible to get his address in San Francisco? I'd love to write to him.

11. Betty Sun Nov 26 04:14:04 2006 PDT
Hi Mary Anne,
I am sorry about the e-mail address. I do get my mail there. But write me at The other one is on Yahoo and maybe they are having some problems. Hope to hear from you soon.
10. Mary Anne Sun Nov 26 00:44:38 2006 PDT
Hi Betty, I tried again, but got the same message. I have just updated an old Yahoo email account so you can email me there. The address is Talk to you later. Mary Anne
9. Mary Anne Sun Nov 26 00:22:25 2006 PDT
Hi Betty, I am so glad to hear from you. I sent you an email at the above Yahoo address, but Yahoo sent it back as undeliverable. It said the address was disabled or discontinued. Please give me a correct address. I am anxious to talk to you, and I am so glad to hear about Eddie's health. You can reach me through Ebay. My user name on Ebay is "belrimusic". I sell musical instruments. If you do a search under my user name, click on any of my listings, and you can email me by clicking on "ask seller a question". Once we make contact I will give you my private email address. Hope to hear from you soon. I will check back here tomorrow to see if you have another email address for me. I will also keep trying this address in case it was just a fluke that I didn't get through the first time. Thanks, Mary Anne.
8. Betty Fri Nov 24 08:33:10 2006 PDT
Mary Anne,
I am sorry, the e-mail address is Hope to hear from you.
7. Betty Fri Nov 24 08:26:54 2006 PDT
Hi Mary Anne,
Please write me at eddie_fan2004, that is the Yahoo e-mail. There is a group for Eddie on Yahoo. I can clear up a lot of things for you. Hope to hear from you soon. I will keep checking the board. Mary Anne, I have tons of picture of Eddie, several of Eddie and myself. I could send them to you in an e-mail. I know what you mean about when he sang to you, he has done that many times, and I wish I had pictures of it, but I do have pictures of Eddie and I together. He has moved, but he still lives in San Francisco. He is NOT in a wheelchair. And his health is not bad considering his age. Hope to hear from you.
6. Mary Anne Thu Nov 23 19:55:40 2006 PDT
Betty, I want to talk to you very badly. I have heard Eddie is in a wheel chair and that his health is not good. I sure hope this is not true. I sent him a letter to see how he was doing but he has not answered yet. In the past, when I sent him letters, he always answered, so I am worried about him. I found a person that was a relative of Eddie's who is selling a lot of Eddies stuff, pictures, awards, and personal things, like a gold watch he gave his father that is inscribed by Eddie. I have already notified that family that I am interested. Perhaps you are too. I was never a fan club member but no one could have loved him more than I did. This sounds silly, but I still love him. I have all his CD's, and I play them constantly. They always make me smile. I remember that night in Atlantic City when he sang to me, I was about 40 or so, and he was about 57 or so, he stared deep into my eyes, never blinking through the whole song. I wish I could have had a picture of that. I live in California, and I had gone back to Atlantic City just to see him. I am amazed to hear that he still has a fan club and I would like to know more about that. I would like to give you my email address or phone number, but I don't want to give it to the world here. Have you got any ideas? Mary Anne
5. Betty Wed Nov 15 10:54:22 2006 PDT
I am a big fan of singer Eddie Fisher. I found this page by putting Eddie's name in Google. I loved reading Elsie and Mary Anne's comments about Eddie. But this is the singer Eddie Fisher they are talking about. I agree with them about Eddie. Elsie, I could give you Eddie's address so you could write and tell him about your admiration for him. Mary Anne, it would be nice to talk to you about Eddie. I have seen him numerous times and met him many times after his shows. Have several photos taken with him. I admire him too. I have all of his videos and CDs. And Mary Anne, I belong to Eddie's fan club, and I could tell you what he is doing these days. I wish there was a way to get in touch with you and Elsie. I am not familiar with this Eddie Fisher, but I do know about him since I keep getting information on him when I search for the singer Eddie Fisher.
4. Strainjah Thu Oct 19 21:56:18 2006 PDT
I'm not clarvoiant or anything, but something's telling me that Mary Anne and Elsie are talking about a different Eddie Fisher than Dutchess and I are thinking of.
3. Elsie Mon Oct 2 21:23:57 2006 PDT
I first met Eddie Fisher in Boston just before he went into the Army. It was at the radio station WMEX. He walked in as I was dedicating a song to some friends and I didn't scream just let out a little squeak. He was so handsome and was my dream. When he went to autographed his picture for me- he asked my name. I just stared into his eyes, and in the background one of my friends said-her name is Elsie- you know Moo Moo the cow. I was so embarressed and wanted to die. He signed my picture and later he case over to me, put his arm around my shoulder, hugging me closer and passed a folded piece of paper to me. He wrote me a poem. It said -Here's to Elsie who's not a cow- but moo moo anyhow. and signed his name. My friends wanted one too and he said no and hugged me again. Eddie Fisher knew how I felt and he had compassion for me. I have the greatest admiration for him and wish that one day I could tell him that ,not only was he the greatest singer - he was a great gentleman. I love Eddie Fisher.
2. Mary Anne Sat Aug 12 13:02:48 2006 PDT
I am sure I am one of, if not the biggest, Eddie Fisher fan ever. I still think he is one of the greatest singers ever. I also love Mario Lanza. I have all of Eddie's albums, have seen him perform 3 times, and at one of those performances, he picked me out of the audience to sing too. It was the thrill of my life. I understand he is no longer singing, which I find very sad. If there is anyone out there with any information about him these days, let's here from you.
1. Dutchess Fri Mar 3 13:45:00 2006 PDT
I First heard about this artist back in the early 7o's. I have followed his work over the years and find him to be one of the great guitarist of all times. I had the great honor of meeting him resently at a CD signing in St Louis. I was blown away at the amount of people that stood in line to get there CD signed
But It was worth the wait, Mr. Fisher stayed past the time of the signing to acommadate all that came.I love his work and was very happy to see the new Release on Verve Records on an old favorite, The Next One Hundred Years on CD.
I also have his 42nd Street CD on his label. Keep up the goog work.
a fan always

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