Posted Wed Dec 7 10:00:00 2005 - 1 comment
Pride and Prejudice / Jean-Yves Thibaudet
1. Miriam Thu Sep 28 05:51:34 2006 PST
As if the acting and scenery weren't good enough, Jean Yves Thibaudet's music for this movie are absoloutly mind blowing!
The music (mostly piano solos) helps you grasp the 19th century feel for the movie. Its very expressive, as some parts really do need speacial touches, like in the final scene when Elizabeth and Darcy meet during the sunrise, the music couldn't have been more perfect. It just lifts your heart up, up up... and when its finished, leaves you soaring.
There are really very few things I can say that youd be sufficient enough for theis amazing movie, except that it is, beyond any doubt, my most favourite movie of all time.

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